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House Of Sim

All About the Sims

Hey! Welcome to House Of Sim!!! This stie is under construction on acount of we're moving from expage to here at anglefire, but your welcome to see what we have already moved.

Creating a sim

Their are many things to keep in mind when your creating a sim. If your sim has a family it's personallity has to be compatable with the other sims n it's family, and if you havc career in ind for your sim some personality traits could help your sim to do well in that career. Their are 5 personality traits to choose from and 25 personality points to use. I'll esce the effects of each trit on your sim's personality by dividing each skill into three catigories, low(1-3), medium(4-7),and high(8-10).


Low=These sims won't pick up their dishes, wash their hands, or take quick showers without being told. They usually need a maid or highly clean up after them.

Medium=Thes sims will genrally pick up after them selves, but not for others.

High- I highly neat sim will generally pick up any mess on the floor or clean all the dishes without being told. They an make up for 1 or 2 slobs.


Low=Shy sims have a hard time pursuing relationships and keeping their guests attetion. They dvery much social interacton.

Medium=This type of sim will join in group activities, but won't lead the crowd.

High=These sims crave social interaction all the time.They love to be the life of the party and they easily entrtain their guests.


Low=They quickly tire out and hate physical activitles like dancing, working out, swiming, or playing basketball/volleyball. They take a long time to get out of bed in the morning.

Medium= They like to dance and swim, but don't enjoy working out.

High= These sims love to be active and don't tire easily. They jumpout oe morning without complaint.


Low=These sims like painting, reading, playing chess, or studying art

Medium= These sims partisipate in group activities and don't mind jokes and tickleing

High= Thses sims love all games, they dance, play pinball, play on the computer, like cartoons, and love to be tickled and told good jokes.


Low=A grouchy sim likes to tease, insult, brag, and watch the horror channel. They hardly eve make friends.

Medium=These sims ge allong with most other sims.

High=Extreamly nice sims get along with everyone and are always ready to complement others and comfort them.

At the bottem of the personality points chart it will say what zodiac sign your sim is. Most sims get along well but their are some grat matches. Aries like Gemini/Taurus. Gemini like Pisces/Virgo. Cancer like Taurus/Scorpio. Virgo likes Aquarius/Sagittarius. Libra likes Virgo/Cancer. Scorpio likes Pisces/Leo. Sagittarius likes Pisces/Capricorn. Leo likes Sagittarius/Cancer. Capricorn likes Aquarious/Taurus. Aquarious likes Capricorn/Sagittarius. Pisces likes Scorpio/Gemini.

Some traits will help your sims to gain skils faster and progress in their jobs. Playful sims gain creativity faster. Active sims gain body faster. Outgoing sims gain charisma faster.

Extra Site Pages

The Sims Online
The Simsfor PS2, XBOX, and GameCube
