We Were Born in a Flame - Sam Roberts

We Were Born in A Flame - Sam Roberts Review

Sam Roberts is a really cool Canadian artist that I came across in London. My roomate at Western always listened to a radio station that plays new rock, and that suits me just fine. Often on the station they would play this song, Don't Walk Away Eileen, that I very much enjoyed. Eventually I saw the video for the song Where Have All the Good People Gone, and I really liked that song too. I thought the band had a cool 60's kind of vibe, reminding me of Cream or the Beatles in their later years. So I went out and bought their CD.

The CD is quite good. When I put it in my computer, media player got it messed up. I don't know if it is the American Track Listing or what so here is the real track listing.

1 Hard Road
2 Where Have All the Good People Gone
3 Brother Down
4 Higher Learning
5 Dead End
6 Taj Mahal
7 Every Part of Me
8 The Canadian Dream
9 Rarefied
10 On the Run
11 Don't Walk Away Eileen
12 No Sleep
13 This Wreck of A Life
14 Paranoia

Sam playing guitar Sam singing
Sam and Band on stage

I saw Sam Roberts live in concert a little while ago. The show was pretty good. The opener was a guy named Peter Elkas he wasn't that bad, but his mike was not loud enough. The crowd didn't know him so they kind of made fun of him, I felt bad for him especially because his band didn't show up. Sam Roberts didn't take the stage until after 9 o clock. In the local newspaper we found out his band was lost and got help from some fans on where to go.

Sam is really good live. The music was excellent. His whole band was drinking throughout the show. There was some crowd surfing, but nothing really got out of hand. I did manage to get kicked in the face and pushed to the ground though! I was surprised that the place we were at wasn't really packed, but I guess people have other things to do in November. Overall good concert good cd, if you get a chance to see Sam Roberts live, I would recomend it.

Here are some pics from the show

Sweaty singing Playing guitar Jamming
Sam Roberts sweat stains S-O-C-I-A sam with the fans

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