Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Game Review

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault


Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is the third in a series of games by EAGAMES. Other MOH games are Medal of Honor, MOH Underground, MOHAA Spearhead and MOH Breakthrough. The last two are expansions of the original MOHAA. In MOHAA you start off as Lt. Mike Powel in boot camp. You work you way through Anzio and northern Africa. You then land with the rest of the troops on the Normandy invasion and help free France from the Nazi's. You parachute in other various missions to fight more Germans. The last level of the game is a big poisonous gas production factory that you have to take out, and escape from while it explodes.

In this game you can collect medals along the way for various things such as keeping your troops alive, saving prisoners of war and just surving. There are two levels when you get to drive around a german King Tiger tank. You get to use various American and German weapons such as the Tompson, BAR and the German equivalents for the American smgs and lmgs. There are also; shotguns, bazookas, grenades, rocket launchers, silenced pistols, sniper rifles and a plethora of other deadly weapons at your disposal. If you liked Saving Private Ryan, or Band of Brothers, the same military correspondant that worked on them worked for MOHAA. You can tell that you are playing through scenes of the movie and television series.

I first played this game when there was a downloadable multiplayer demo available online. I thoroughly enjoyed myself in Stalingrad, so I decide to buy the game and play it. Besides the 1 player levels, there are many multiplayer, online games such as team matches, when its the Germans vs the Americans, or Free for Alls or Objective Matches when you have to work as a team to carry out certain objectives. The 1 player levels are fun and I recomend you play them first along with the bootcamp, but what really makes this game is the excellent online multiplayer play.

The actual game itself seems a little blocky compared to graphics now adays but the settings are very good. The music and sound effects are awesome. The ai is very good. The things that your enemies and team members say are funny to listen to. In multiplayer you can say different things to your team and you can taunt your enemies, or your own team members if they mess up! Overall this is a really good game, if you like action games. Even if you don't like first person shooters that much, the setup for online play with GameSpy is so good that people find it hard not to like. Go buy it and play and I'll be watching out for ya at Stalingrad!

Destroyed Village D-Day Sniping
Disguised Winter village Southern France

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A MOHAA sound clip!