Black Hawk Down - Movie Review

Black Hawk Down


Blackhawk down is based on real events that happened in Somalia SSgt. Matt Eversmann (Josh Hartnett) is a new member to the rangers that hasn't seen battle yet. Capt. Mike Steele (Jason Isaacs) is a tough ranger captain that doesn't like Eversman that much. Spec. John Grimes (Ewan McGregor) has been at a desk his hole carrier, but this time goes into battle as a replacement. Lt. Col. Danny McKnight (Tom Sizemore) this tough colonel was with the armour that brought the prisoners back and he went back for the others. SFC. Jeff Sanderson (William Fichtner) was told to stay back and protect the rear, he was temporarily deafend by a machine gun. SFC 'Hoot' Gibson (Eric Bana) a very tough Delta Force member that had seen alot of action and did covert ops. Maj. Gen William F. Garrison (Sam Shepard) was the officer in charge of the mission.

The U.S. army rangers were sent into the capital of Somilia, the "Mog" to capture some key local officials. As the mission got under way Pfc. Todd Blackburn (Orlando Bloom) fell from a black hawk while it was evading an rpg. After taking out some resistance they captured the officials and Colonel McKight took them back to the Ranger HQ. As the armour was leaving a Blackhawk was hit and it went down. The squads on the ground went to save the captain and crew. They received heavy resistance and couldn't get there. A helicopter dropped of two snipers at the scene who stayed to help hold off the overwhelming forces. By the time the men on the ground got to the helicopter all of them were dead,b ut one which was taken prisoner. The rangers took there bodies and exited the area by running the "Mog" mile.

This was a very good war movie. It is based on a book about real events that happened in Mogadishu, Somalia. There is also a very good documentry on the same topic. I thought it was a really good movie. The sound effects, filmography and acting are all amazing. You really identify with the characters and the setting. Some of my favourite characters from the movie are Eric Bana as the tough ranger, Tom Sizemore as the super tough Colonel and the helicopter pilot who held of like 500 "skinnies" by himself. Its pretty amazing to see a whole city go crazy with rage and aim all their hate at American Soldiers.

Black Hawks Grimes and Rangers Maj. Gen William F. Garrison
In the Mog McKnight Hoot Gibson
Air support All around defense at Black Hawk Rocket

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