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Flatmates - The gamer's online comic

Hello, and welcome to the flatmates website! This is basicly a little online comic about three flatmates, only diffrence is that the flatmates just happen to be Leon S kennady, Link and Master Chief. so Join them in their crappy flat with there crappy lives. p.s, im hoping to pop out 2 comics a week, but don't hold me to that, I have to kind of do it all my self, Well not all my self. I get the ideas from my dudes, Dannyo and Duo. anyway, there will be a Latest comic page, history, bio's, and the weekly blurrbs from myself, Dannyo and Duo. well thats it, I hope I finish the website soon. p.p.s this is a parody, the characters are not ours they belong to Nintentdo, microsoft etc, so don't sue, it's just a bit of fun, we make no money from this and have none to give you. Cat Out.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also feel free to leave some comments ---
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