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This (the official site for the film trilogy) is
good if you want to watch the trailers for any of
the films, look at picture galleries from the films,

or do anything directly related to the films they
don't really have much else there.


This is a good site if you want to find out anything
in advance for any of the films.
For eaxample, it has
reviews of people who have already seen ROTK, soooo


A good weblog site. It's knida difficult to do
anything with the HTML
there, but good if you
just want to do your blogging and move on. I

have my own little site there, look up fadhater.


Another weblog site, more feminine looking at the
start, but this site lets you access and edit your
site's HTML right there on the web. I have one, but
I don't use it much. Once again fadhater.


This is the website that is hosting my site. They
make it pretty easy to upload files and such onto
your webpage.
