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Return of the Undead - Zombie

Zombie decks are cool. There's just no way around it. They focus on reviving monsters from the graveyard; you know, like real zombies coming back from the dead. Lots of fun.

Even though Vampire Lord may be the most famous card in this deck(and the hardest to get rid of), Pyramid Turtle is by far the best monster in the deck. Pyramid Turtle allows you to take a Zombie from your deck with 2000 or less defense. Which is great, since every Zombie has less than 2000 defense. Suicide the Turtle into a stronger monster, summon Vampire Lord, then attack the monster with Vampire Lord. A very fast deck, and very hard to beat.

Giant Rat is slightly "controversial." Some people like to use it in the deck, while others don't...generally, Zombie decks are faster with Giant Rat, as it can search out Pyramid Turtle if necessary. Injection Fairy Lily and Exiled Force are in so that you have other options with the Rat, but it's usually a faster way of getting Pyramid Turtle out.

Yes, this deck uses lots of sacrifice monsters, but you won't be sacrificing monsters to get them out (for the most part). There are MUCH easier ways of getting these monsters out than sacrificing. Discard+Book of Life, Pyramid Turtle...make sure you use these options before sacrificing that Spirit Reaper for Vampire Lord. However, Treeborn Frog is in there solely for the purpose of sacrificing.

Monsters - 19 (5 Tribute, 14 Non-Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 15

Traps - 6

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This deck was last updated on 5/23/06.
