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Armed and Ready - XYZ Dragon Cannon Deck

I hadn't updated the explination for this deck since AST, when Night Assailant was at three per deck. Ouch. Since then, XYZ has gotten considerably worse. Discard effects have been all but killed off, now that Sinister Serpent is banned and Night Assailant is restricted. XYZ users have also been tempted to try something bigger (though not necessarily better). VWXYZ has been released, and XYZ users worldwide realized how incredibly unstable it is. Five pieces on the field at once? If that ever happens, the opponent should be dead anyway. Don't bother with VWXYZ...with RFADD growing in popularity, RFG probably isn't a great idea anyway.

Even though the XYZ Fusions are considered "Fusions," you will notice that there are no Polymerizations or Fusion Gates in this deck. The reason for this is because the XYZ Fusions can only be "Fusion Summoned" by removing the correct monsters from the game when they're on your side of the field. That means you need to summon all three pieces somehow. Shining Angel helps with that, as it can search for Y or Z...but X still needs to be summoned. Frontline Base seems out of place, but Y and Z are both 4* Unions, so you can Special Summon Y or Z with its effect.

All of the Fusions have similar effects, but they aren't all the same. They all focus on discarding cards to destroy cards on the field, but only XYZ can destroy ANYTHING. XY can only destroy face up spell/trap cards, which makes it next to worthless. XZ can only destroy face down spell/trap cards, and it has the highest attack out of the 3 minor fusions, so it's pretty useable. YZ has the lowest attack, but it can destroy face down monsters. That still leaves you vulnerable to face up monsters however.

Note that since these monsters are removed from play when you fuse them, they can't be returned with De-Fusion. You can, however, use Limiter Removal on them, attack for a load of damage, then fuse them and the new fusion will remain alive. There are some pretty nasty combos with Limiter Removal...too bad it's restricted. Thanks Konami!

Another fun thing that you can do with the Fusions is remove for one, summon the final part, RFADD the other two and fuse them for XYZ. You now have two Fusion monsters which will clear the field and can be Limiter Removaled for 5600-8400 damage in the one shot. Very nice.

Monsters - 20 (3 Tribute, 17 Non-Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 13

Traps - 7

Fusion Deck - 12

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This deck was last updated on 5/23/06.
