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Dihydrogen Monoxide - Water Dragon Deck

Ah, chemistry. It's the only class that you can set things on fire in and NOT get yelled at. This deck uses quite the opposite of Fire - in fact, this is probably the one deck that Fire decks don't want to face, as rare as it is.

Water Dragon uses the most commonly known chemical formula - H2O. Water Dragon itself is not a very good monster - while it's on the field, the attack of all Fire and Pyro monsters becomes 0. While that's a GREAT effect, I can think of MAYBE four Fire monsters that see any play - Cyber Phoenix, UFO Turtle, Thestalos the Fire Monarch, and Solar Flare Dragon. That' You can tech in a Lava Golem for some free removal and to take advantage of the effect. However, the second part of its effect is MUCH better, as if it's destroyed and sent to the graveyard (in ANY way), you can summon Oxygeddon and two Hydrogeddons from your graveyard, making up for the lost card advantage. Its stats are pretty nice though, being a 2800/2600 monster.

The elements that make up Water Dragon are also decent cards. Oxygeddon and Hydrogeddon are both GREAT support cards for Dinosaur decks - Oxygeddon is generally an 1800 beatstick, and Hydrogeddon is one of the best swarming cards in the game. When Oxygeddon is destroyed by a Pyro type monster, you get to deal 800 points of direct damage to both players. That's...a waste of an effect monster. However, it has stats of 1800/800, so it's not a bad beatstick, and it's decent support for Dinosaurs or Wind.

Hydrogeddon however, is seeing play outside of Dinosaur and Water decks, and is one of the greatest raw advantage cards in the game. Whenever Hydrogeddon destroys a monster through battle and sends it to the graveyard, you can special summon another one from your deck. Not only does this help out your theme (as you need two Hydrogeddons and one Oxygeddon on the field for Bonding H2O), you can pull off some insane combos with this card. By giving your opponent a searcher with Creature Swap, you can destroy it with Hydrogeddon, grab another from your deck, and special summon something with the searcher. At 1600 attack, Hydrogeddon can take down many cards, but it still dies to a lot, so you need to be careful with it. Don't really overextend unless you have Bonding H2O or just feel that you can finish the opponent off.

Bonding H2O is the card that summons Water Dragon. Note that you need to tribute Oxygeddon and two Hydrogeddons from the FIELD in order to summon Water Dragon, but also note that you can summon it from the graveyard as well. In theory, you only need one Water Dragon in a deck, since it CAN be summoned from the graveyard. If you're uncomfortable with just one (afraid of DD Warrior Lady or Kycoo or something), throw in another. This deck will only include one though.

The deck has a lot of fun twists to it, and summoning Water Dragon is really just for the fun of it.

Little Johnny took a drink, but now he drinks no more. For what he thought was H2O was H2SO4.

Monsters - 19 (4 Tribute, 15 Non-Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 15

Traps - 6

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This deck was last updated on 6/9/06.
