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Strength in Numbers – Skull Servants

Skull Servant – “A skeletal ghost that isn’t strong but can mean trouble in large numbers.” Finally, the greatest card in the game has support! Everyone knows that there’s a hidden effect on Skull Servant that only the most elite know of (yes, Skull Servant’s effect IS better than Dancing Elf’s effect).

All jokes aside, Skull Servant decks have become very popular with the release of King of the Skull Servants in TLM. King of the Skull Servants (KOTSS from this point out) has base stats of ?/0. It gains 1000 attack for each “Skull Servant” and “KOTSS” in the graveyard…this can become DANGEROUS. With three Skull Servants in the graveyard, KOTSS has 3000 attack. Combine the Zombie support with the low level support, and you have something to be afraid of.

KOTSS is 1*, which means you can use a little known card on it: Opti-Camouflage Armor can be equipped to a 1* monster and allows it to attack directly. Imagine a 3000 Attack KOTSS attacking directly! Along with that, you can Morph it into a Thousand Eyes Restrict.

The Zombie support is another plus; Pyramid Turtle can search out KOTSS, so we’ll add that, but we can also add Vampire Lord and Des Lacooda to take advantage of Zombies.

A quick way of getting the Skull Servants in the graveyard is to use Chain Destruction when you summon a Skull Servant. This will allow two to immediately go to the Graveyard, powering up a King by 2000.

This deck looks weird, but it really can be very effective.

Monsters – 17 (2 Tribute, 15 Non-Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 16

Traps - 7

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This deck was last updated on 5/23/06.
