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Know Your Stars - Macro Cosmos

Macro Cosmos was THE card to get in EOJ. People have been waiting for this decktype to break open in the American metagame, and with it's release, people scrambled to make decks. Those people have been scrubbing out of most major tournaments. Macro Cosmos was supposed to be a gamebreaking card, something that EVERYONE would want to build - but it hasn't done well at major tournaments.

The deck functions much like a Soul Control deck - summon the Monarchs by using cards that don't lose too much, if any, advantage. With Macro Cosmos, this is possible. MC is basically Banisher of the Light in continuous Trap form. Any monster destroyed is removed from play instead of being sent to the graveyard. With cards like DD Survivor and DD Scout Plane, you can get those monsters back each turn, no matter HOW they're destroyed. The opponent will waste their resources to destroy monsters that keep coming back.

Due to this recursion, tribute monsters see a lot of play in the deck. It's not uncommon to have two monsters come back each turn, and you can tribute one or both of them off to gain advantage over your opponent. Yamata Dragon, Dark Dust Spirit, and the Monarchs all have GREAT synergy with this deck.

And...that's the basic strategy. DD Survivor and DD Scout Plane come back, you tribute them off for bigger monsters. Yay.

Dimensional Fissure is like Macro Cosmos in that it removes monsters from the game. It's a Continuous Magic card, so most people would wonder why Macro Cosmos would be used over Fissure. It's because of Grand Convergence. Grand Convergence is a Quick-Play Magic card that destroys all monsters on the field and deals 300 damage to the opponent, but it can only be activated while Macro Cosmos is on the field. Grand Convergence is like Dark Hole, and it's unrestricted. Only two are maindecked though, simply because Macro Cosmos will not ALWAYS be on the field.

Monsters – 17 (5 Tribute, 12 Non-Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 13

Traps - 10

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This deck was last updated on 6/30/06.
