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Justice League - Elemental Heroes

Elemental Heroes are still, IMO, very unstable to work with. That, and the fact that there's still only a few non-fusion ones worth using makes them very hard to work with.

You'll want to go a Miracle Fusion build, maybe teching a Polymerization. Miracle Fusion allows you to bring out the E-Fusions without losing any major card advantage, unlike Polymerization, which is at minimum a 2 for 1. However, Polymerization can be searched with King of the Swamp, so tech one on the off chance that you can make a fusion by searching it out.

Don't bother with any E-Heroes besides 3x Sparkman, 3x Wildheart, and 2x Clayman. 3x King of the Swamp is a necessity, and the teched Poly will allow you to use it's second effect. With those four monsters, you can create:

Thunder Giant
Rampart Blaster
Shining Flare Wingman

which are by far the best of the E-Hero Fusions. If you want, you can tech a Bubbleman on the off chance that you'll be able to use it in topdecking and to be able to fuse Tempest and Steam Healer...but only if you find yourself topdecking a lot.

Let's tech in a Giant Rat, as that can search for Wildheart, Clayman, and Exiled Force. Either that or Magician of Faith to reuse the Miracle Fusions. Since we'll be using a Warrior build with Reinforcement of the Army, we can use Zombyra the Dark or Goblin Attack Force for some raw power, which E-Heros lack. We're up to 16 cards...we could add Injection Fairy Lily for some more power and use with Giant Rat, along with bluffs like Big Shield Guardna, or we could go for a more offensive route using things like Blade Knight to take care of Flips (I can see Blade Knight being used well here, actually, since Fusions also tend to run the hand dry).

Or, you can use things like Cyber Dragon and Mobius the Frost Monarch to make things a little more CC. I'd say that we add a lone Mobius to help with m/t removal, and a Big Shield Guardna, which can help negate things like Nobleman of Crossout, Dark World Lightning, Zaborg, etc. Negating one of those can be gamebreaking for the opponent.

Now, for Magics...use a standard build with extras like Reinforcement of the Army (x2!), Miracle Fusion (x2!), and a lone Polymerization. This means that our Trap count will need to be low, unfortunately...however, we can try to go with a Royal Decree build if that's the case. Avoid Pot of Avarice...I know your monsters will be killed fairly easily, but you'll want to keep them in the GY for removal with Miracle Fusion.

The only thing strange in the Trap lineup is the Solemn Judgments...after all that hard work to get out those Fusions, I imagine that you'll want to keep them out. Learning how to use Solemn Judgment takes a LOT of practice, and I myself am not that great with it, but theoretically it works VERY don't give up on it if you get discouraged. It takes some practice, so try some different strategies with it.

Monsters - 18 (1 Tribute, 17 Non-Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 14

Traps - 8

Fusion Deck - 12

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This deck was last updated on 4/13/06.
