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Bud Weis Er - Des Frog

Aw, it's so cute! It's like...a little froggy! A...Death Frog.'s still cute, dammit.

This theme is pretty interesting. CRV brought the release of all the main cards in this deck - T.A.D.P.O.L.E., Des Frog, and Des Croaking are all in CRV, and they're all commons, so this deck is pretty cheap to make.

The idea of this deck is a basic OTK (or, at the very least, to deal a LOT of damage in one turn). T.A.D.P.O.L.E. has an effect that allows you to special summon another one whenever one is destroyed. However, it's a 0/0 1* monster, so you're not gonna be dealing any damage with it. The point of T.A.D.P.O.L.E. is Des Frog. Des Frog is a 5* 1900/0 monster that allows you to special summon other Des Frogs from your hand or deck depending on how many T.A.D.P.O.L.E.s are in your graveyard when it's tribute summoned.

Didn't understand that? If you have two T.A.D.P.O.L.E.s in your graveyard and you tribute summon a Des Frog, you can summon the other two from your hand or deck. That's pretty sweet.

The card Des Croaking takes advantage of this situation - it's a Normal Spell Card that can only be activated when three "Des Frogs" are on the field, and it destroys everything on the opponent's side of the field.

So how do we get T.A.D.P.O.L.E.s in the graveyard quickly? Mother Grizzly allows you to quickly summon T.A.D.P.O.L.E.s from the deck, which can then be destroyed as needed. To take advantage of Mother Grizzly, there are other Water support cards such as Yomi Ship and Poison Draw Frog.

The Spells should help out the deck immensely. You should have a lot of graveyard recursion - the Mother Grizzlies, Yomi Ships, and Poison Draw Frogs can all be fetched with Salvage, which is a great 2 for 1 for Waters. Pot of Avarice can help drawing power along with recycling those Des Frogs when and if they die. Note that you should ALWAYS keep the T.A.D.P.O.L.E.s in the graveyard once they're there. Their entire existence is simply to go to the graveyard for a Des Frog swarm.

The Brain Control and Snatch Steal will help when you want to summon a Des Frog/Mobius. Take something of the opponent's to summon. There's no point in using Soul Exchange, because Des Frogs need to attack once they get out. The rest of the Magics are pretty much standard. There is only one Des Croaking because it's an awful topdeck and is fairly situational, even though it's the only "support" the Des Frogs have.

Note that you should NOT use A Legendary Ocean in this deck, since Des Frog only gets its effect when it's TRIBUTE Summoned.

Monsters - 19 (4 Tribute, 15 Non-Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 15

Traps - 6

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This deck was last updated on 6/6/06.
