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Processing Spell... - Cybernetic Magician

Cybernetic Magician has one of the coolest effects in the game. For the cost of one discard, you can make the attack of one face up monster on the field 2000 until the End Phase of that turn. You can use this on an opponent's monster to make something stronger, well, weaker. You can use this on your own weak monsters to make them 2000 atatck beatsticks. The most famous combo is Scapegoats + Cyber Mage. You can raise the attack of your Scapegoats to 2000. I personally like using Injection Fairy Lily - boost her attack to 2000, then pay 2000 and boost it to 5000 attack!

Note that Cybernetic Magician makes the attack 2000, NOT raises the attack by 2000. There's a huge difference, and it MUST be kept in mind - I constantly get it mixed up in my head. I shouldn't, but I do.

Cybernetic Magician's effect targets, meaning that you can kill off Reapers at the cost of a discard. Most of the cards in this deck have cool effects, but suffer from being weak monsters. Cybernetic Magician changes that, however, and these monsters can really take advantage of their effects. When Piranha Army is powered up by Cyber Mage, you deal 4000 damage to the opponent if it attacks directly. A Red Moon Baby powered up to 2000 attack can take care of most 4* monsters played today, and you can then resurrect those monsters on your side of the field. Imagine powering up a Red Moon Baby and destroying an Airknight or Kycoo - such plays can and usually will devastate your opponent.

Meanae the Thorn is used as discard material; with her effect, she can search for a copy of herself from the deck or graveyard, theoretically giving you infinite discard ammo. Don Zaloog is deadly as it is, but powered up it is even deadlier. If you're afraid of Dark World, then feel free to try Masked Sorceror instead - drawing opportunities should not be overlooked.

Monsters - 20 (4 Tribute, 16 Non Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 15

Traps - 5

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This deck was last updated on 6/8/06.
