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Descent of the Dragon - Blue Eyes

Even in it's primitive form, BEWD decks can be powerful. And once you finalize the deck, they're almost unstoppable. Blue Eyes White Dragon is the strongest monster in the game that doesn't have any special summoning requirements, and this deck focuses on getting it out quickly.

The deck consists of cards that get out BEWD easily; Paladin of White Dragon and Kaibaman both aid this strategy. By turn three, you should have gotten at least one BEWD out. Even though this is the easiest deck to make, it doesn't mean it's the easiest deck to use. This deck requires strategy, moreso than most basic decks out there. Whether it be correctly timing a Kaibaman, using Paladin the right way, or sacrificing some life points to get Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands on the field, you need to know how to use these cards correctly.

Paladin of White Dragon, right next to Blue Eyes itself, is your main card. But just because it's great doesn't mean you need three. In fact, you should keep only two Paladins in your deck, because it does require a ritual to get out. Most people simply sacrifice Paladin once it hits the field to summon BEWD; but that's the wrong way to use it. In that tiny tiny print that gives you the effect of Paladin, you will notice that it has a Mystic Swordsman effect. It automatically destroys face down monsters. No damage calculation, no flip effects, nothing. So if they have a face down monster, why would you take the chance with Blue Eyes? Along with that, BEWD can't attack the turn you special summon it with Paladin's effect. So get an attack in from Paladin, go into Main Phase 2, and THEN sacrifice it for BEWD. And always ALWAYS take the BEWD from your deck. Thinning out your deck is a key element in Yu-Gi-Oh; it allows you to draw the right cards when you need them.

Don't be afraid to summon Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands. You need to get that Ritual; it's the easiest and IMO best way to get BEWD out. Notice that Manju is 4 stars. Paladin of White Dragon needs a 4* monster to be sacrificed. Don't want to lose life points? Sacrifice the Manju that you just summoned!

Kaibaman rounds out the BEWD summoning support. Kaibaman allows you to summon a BEWD from your hand by sacrificing itself, but it has very weak stats, so be sure to summon it only when you can get a BEWD out. Note that it special summons a BEWD, so you can summon it and then special summon BEWD.

Burst Stream of Destruction is the only real support card for BEWD in terms of Magic and Trap cards, but it's really all you need. You can use Burst Stream whenever you have a BEWD on your side of the field, and using it doesn't allow any BEWD to attack that turn - however, Burst Stream destroys all monsters on the opponent's side of the field. When facing an Aggro deck, this acts as another mass field clearer. You will also have BEWD on your side of the field a LOT, so it won't be too hard to use.

Those cards are the backbone of this deck. It has a LOT of speed and the power mainly comes from BEWD itself or Paladin. It can also be a very cheap deck to build - the Kaiba Evolution deck contained most of these cards, and you can find them as commons.

Monsters - 16 (3 Tribute, 13 Non-Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 19

Traps - 5

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This deck was last updated on 6/8/06.
