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The Last Samurai – Ben Kei

Armed Samurai – Ben Kei is a 4* Warrior with 500 Attack that gains an extra attack each turn for each card Equipped to him. This means that like the Gearfried the Swordmaster deck, you will be abusing Equip cards.

This deck will use some different equip cards though. Since you gain an extra attack for each equip card equipped, you’ll want to take advantage of this effect. Just a note before we get into the Equips used: Flashing Twin Swords – Tryce does NOT add two extra attacks onto Ben Kei. Power up equips are of course a necessity, so United We Stand, Mage Power, and Axe of Despair are all necessities.

However, you’ll want some added effects besides just your generic power ups. Though I normally prefer Fairy Meteor Crush over Big Bang Shot, BBS is better here because Ben Kei is so weak. A Ben Kei equipped with an Axe and a Big Bang shot can attack three times with 1900 attack and trample. Normally a Ben Kei deck can deal MASSIVE damage in one turn, so the drawback of Big Bang Shot removing the equipped monster isn’t as big a deal.

Another way to deal massive damage is to use Shooting Star Bow – Ceal. Yes, you lose 1000 Attack points, but you can attack directly. Give Ben Kei a few equips and the Bow, and you’ll easily be able to get four attacks in while Ben Kei remains over 2000 attack. Four direct attacks of 2000 attack each will defeat most opponents.

Another option is Wicked Breaking Flamberge – Baou. You can add 500 attack AND negate effects while attacking again. Iron Blacksmith Kotetsu is a necessity in this deck as well, as you can search for any equip in the deck.

Most of these decks go for a OTK type strategy. They get Ben Kei out, power it up a bunch, and then attack directly multiple times for 8000+ damage. This type of deck recently won a SJC Tournament, so they’ve become abused to no end.

Monsters – 16 (0 Tribute, 16 Non-Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 20

Traps - 4

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This deck was last updated on 6/8/06.
