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Amazoness Decks

Amazoness Decks...I delayed, and I delayed, and I delayed some more in making this deck. Amazoness just doesn't appeal to me much. I'm looking at all the cards necessary and while it isn't hard to make, it requires such combining and micromanagement that I'm beginning to think that even the most skilled duelists would have a hard time winning with them.

Paladin and Tiger will be your two heavy hitters. Paladin gets powered up by 100 attack points for each card with "Amazoness" in its name on the field. That includes itself, so in actuality, Paladin is an 1800 attack monster with the ease of becoming a 1900 or 2000 attack monster. Not bad. Tiger gets powered up by 400 points for each monster with Amazoness in its name, and that ALSO includes itself. It also forces the opponent to attack itself before any other Amazoness monsters. Unlike Marauding Captain however, two Tigers cannot exist on the field at the same time, so a lock cannot be created. With Paladin and Tiger on the field, you have two 1900 attack monsters.

Amazoness Spellcaster is an interesting card. It switches the original attack of one monster on your opponent's side of the field with the original attack of one Amazoness monster on your side of the field. This is pretty nice in a format based around strong monsters. It's a fairly situational card, but it can lead to some fun and interesting combos.

The two traps in the deck, Dramatic Rescue and Amazoness Archers, are simply awesome. Dramtic Rescue allows you to swap an Amazoness for ANY monster, including a tribute or something like Giant Rat. It can save your monster from a targeted effect, and it can surprise your opponent and force them to rethink their strategy. It's one of the best support cards out there for a set. Archers is good for negating effects - those set Dekoichis and Magician of Faiths will have their effects negated and will be forced to attack one of your monsters on the field. Not bad, especially if your Tiger is getting LOTS of powerups.

Monsters - 19 (2 Tribute, 17 Non Sacrifice)

Magic/Spells - 13

Traps - 8

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This deck was last updated on 6/9/06.
