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This was wrote with the "first date" theme, not for anybody in specific, just felt like writing -- enjoy
As I was sitting there
waiting for you to answer the door
I felt so nervous,
but all in the same,
I was so alive
I rang the doorbell
and knocked once or twice
When you opened the door,
my jaw just droped -- You looked so nice
I have to admit,
my first intentions were "I hope I get to score"
But you've made me realize,
that theres so much more

All through the night,
I couldnt stop looking at you
I felt so sad,
when I realized we were through
I kissed you goodnight,
after walking you to the door
I drove home quick,
ran up to the second floor
But before I went to bed,
I said my prayer, followed by "Amen"
"Tomorrow we get to do it, all over again"

For those who think that drugs are "fun"
you manage to stay the same
yet drastically change
when you take the needle
into your veins
your body's the same
but your mind is just lost
its like you just willingly
let your life get tossed
its out of the window,
no longer in your grasp...
i hope you see now,
that drugs arent such a rush.
"they dont hurt nobody but me"
but thats what im worried about,
but your so blind to see
your only hurting yourself, right?
wrong, your not only hurting you
but destroying your kid's life.
I hope your happy now...
Maybe now you'll put down the drugs.

All things written here are property of: Brannon J. Causey. Taking them as you're own is both unlawful and unconstitutional, thank you and have a nice day.