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Sora-Main Character
    As a teenager he has his share of concerns,
but overall, he manages to keep an upbeat attitude.
He seems too simple-minded sometimes, but he has a strong sense of justice.
Riku-One of Sora's best friends
    He may seem cool and collected for his age, but he is far from the quiet type.  Always curious about the unknown, he begins to question the small, closed world in which he lives.
    Kairi moved to Sora and Riku's island a few years ago.  She may appear gentle and fragile, but she possesses a strong, unyielding will.
Donald-Court Wizard
    Court wizard and loyal servand to the king.  He embarks on a journey to carry out the missing king's orders.  A feisty, impatient magician whose antics are a real highlight of Sora's journey.
Goofy-Captain of the Royal Guard
    Captain of the Royal Knights, a soldier who despises weapons.  Under the king's orders, he accompanies Donal on the quest to find the key.  An easygoing, clumsy whose endearing charm evokes smiled even in the worst times.
    An innocent, carefree girl.  She is very outgoing.  She always wants to be the leader of the group, and gives Wakka a hard time.
A soft-hearted youth with a stubborn streak.  He plays the dependable, pleasant big brother, teaching the others many things.  He envies Riku because he is good at everything.
    A cheerful, strong-willed, excitable boy who gets carried away rather quickly.  He is confident in his athletic skills and often challenges Sora to practice duels.
Squall(as Leon, FFVIII)
    A swordsman in Travers Town who fights the Heartless. He is reticent and often seems aloof(distanced).
    A female ninja working with Squall. She's a free-spirit and somewhat self-centered.
    Owner of an accessory shop in Traverse Town.  He can be crass, but he is honest as well.  He also has uncanny dexterity for a simple shop owner...Cid has a reoccuring role in the Final Fantasy series.
Moogles(Many FF's)
    Works as a store clerk with Cid.  Moogles are well known for their roles in the Final Fantasy series, and make an appearance in this title as well.
    A mysterious warrior that wields an impressive sword.  He keeps very much to himself, which makes him something of an enigma.  What is he seeking?
The Heartless
    The Heartless, beings without hearts, appear out of nowwhere.  Their origin and purpose are shrouded in mystery.  The Heartless cast the world into darkness, stealing away people's hearts.  They attack Sora nad his world without mercy.  Supposedly, there are various types of Heartless.
    A sorceress of awesome power.  She leads villains who seek to harness the power of the darkness.
    A prince who was transformed into a hideous beast because of his selfish heart.  Belle is helping heal the loneliness he's suffered because of his exile.  To save Belle, Beast has made his way alone to an unknown world.
Chip n' Dale
    These brothers work together on the Gummi Ship utilized by Sora, Donald, and Goofy to transport from one world to another.  Although Chip and Dale may look alike at first glance, a deeper looks reveals that not only do they vary in physical appearance; their personalities are also drastically different.
Disney Castle
Queen Minnie
    Queen of Disney Castle.  She takes charge of Disney Castle during the king's absence.  Entrusting Donald and Goofy with the king's mission, she awaits their safe return.
Daisy Duck
    An aristocrat who resides at the castle.  She kindly encourages Donald and Goofy before their journey, and like the queen, pray for their safety---especially Donald's.
    The king's loyal pet dog, other than that, little is known, other than he finds Sora in Travers Time for the first time.
    A curious young girl who strays into a wonderland.
Queen of Hearts
    The arrogant ruler of Wonderland.  She is assaulted by someone and almost loses here heart.
White Rabbit
    A rabbit who is constantly hurrying somewhere with a large watch in hand.
Cheshire Cat
    A mysterious cat who keeps appearing and disappearing.  His wide grin runs from one ear to the other.
Deep Jungle
    A young man raised from infancy by gorillas.  His gorilla 'mother' is Kala.  Tarzan spoke only the language of the apes until he met Jane.
    A naturalist who's in Africa with Clayton, her guide, to study the gorillas.  She met Tarzan in the jungle and is gradually teaching him about human ways.
    A veteran hunter.  He acts as Jane's guide on her expedition to Africa.  He thinks of animals only as prey, and dreams of the money to be made selling gorillas to zoos in England.
    A young female gorilla, Tarzan's close friend.  She is protective of the other young gorillas and acts as their leader.
    Boss of the gorilla clan.  He was against letting Tarzan join the group, but Kala's resolve won him over.
    The gorilla who found Tarzan in the jungle.  She has always helped and defended him, even when he was scorned by the others.
Olympus Coliseum
    A legendary hero who's incredibly strong.  He's the son of the gods Zeus and Hera, but he's not a god himself.
    'Phil' is a satyr, veteran trainer of heroes, and Herc's mentor.  These days he's very busy running the Coliseum and choosing competitors suitable for the games.
    Lord of the Underworld.  He's using the Heartles to try and take over Olympus.
    Guardian of the entrance to the Underworld.  He's Hades' loyal 3-headed companion.  Herc defeated him once but Hades has brought him back to fight Sora and friends.
Halloween Town
Jack Skellington
    The pumpkin king.  He loves to scare people out of their wits.  Headstrong, confident, and vivacious.  Now he's working night and day to make this year's Halloween festival the greatest ever.
    Jack's ghost dog.  He comes out of his grave whenever Jack calls.  He's very loyal to his master and loves it when Jack plays with him.
    Dr. Finkelstein's creation.  Her limbs often come off and can move about on their own.  She loves Jacks and tries to steer him in the right direction, though it doesn't always work.
Dr. Finkelstein
    The mad scientist who created a "heart" to help Jack control the Heartless' dancing.  Sally is another of his creatures.  She helps him around the lab, but she'd much rather spend time with Jack.
Oogie Boogie
    This evil bag of bugs wants Jack out of town so he can take over.  To further his plot, he sends Lock, Shock, and Barrel to steal the heart Dr. Finkelstein created.
    Crafted by Geppetto and brought to life by the Blue Fairy.  Now he's living in Traverse Town with Geppetto and working hard to become a real boy.
    The kind, gentle clock maker.  All his skills went into making Pinocchio.  When the little puppet disappeared, Geppetto sets out to find him, but he and his boat were swallowed by Monstro, the whale.
Jiminy Cricket
    The cricket who keeps Pinocchio to the straight and narrow.  He's along on this quest as the royal chronicler.
    A young man living in the desert city of Agrabah.  He fell in love with the Princess Jasmine, but he's afraid to tell her about his humble background.
    The royal vizier of Agrabah.  Jafar is unprincipled and ruthless in pursuit of his aims.  Now he's using the Heartless to try to take over the city.
Never Land
Peter Pan
    He's the flying boy from Never Land, where no one ever grows up.  He can be stubborn, but he's also fearless and has a strong sense of justice.  He snuck on board Hook's ship to rescue Wendy, who was kidnapped.
Captain Hook
    The pirate captain with a grudge against Peter Pan, who caused him to lose his hand to the crocodile.  Hook is an overbearing bully except when he thinks the croc's around, then he's scared silly.
    The youngest daughter of Triton, king of Atlantica.  Outgoing and full of curiosity, Ariel longs to see the world outside of her ocean home.
    Triton's concert master, a musical genius.  The little crab is also responsible for keeping an eye on Ariel to ensure her safety.  Whenever she leaves the palace, he's on pins and needles.
    An evil sea witch living in a vast cave far from the palace.  Has the power to grant wishes, but in return demands a heavy sacrifice.  She's trying to oust Triton and take over Atlantica.
Hundred Acre Wood
    A little bear living in the Hundred Acre Wood.  His favorite food is honey.  Being a Bear of Very Little Brain, he's a bit absent-minded.  Sometimes he even forgets what it was he was trying to remember.
    Tigger loves to bounce more than anything.  Sometimes his bouncing gets out of hand, but he doesn't mean any harm.  Underneath that happy-go-lucky exterior beats a sensitive, gentle heart.
    Pooh's best friend in the Hundred Acre Wood.  Tiny, timid piglet is startled by just about anything, and when that happens he covers his eyes with his floppy ears.