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Updated: March 20, 2002 11:21:54 EST



Something interesting...

Surrealism Project Done! A Miracle!

Portal Page:

Basically just redesigning your homepage. I don't really understand the purpose here.... =/

I been going to this site just looking at there skillfully drawn images on computer or paper. Very impressive, you can even add comments to the picture. Here is the link

Kinda stupid - Effortless (Stupid) project. I didn't find much fun on this one.... <*(((>< (Fishie!)

Click to enlarge

Background Project

Filter Project

Text Background? I don't think it is an actual project... Unless you somehow change the text in any way... well, another Effortless project. STUPID

Click to enlarge

I thought this project was a very good one, simple, but educational in a way. Maybe you can show off a bit too ;) This project showed what kind of filters (Effects) you can play around with, on your pictures.

Here is one that I did at home, using Photoshop 6.0 (Instead of that crappy old 5.5) This filter was called "Lighting effects" One of my favorite filters:

         Original             Lighting Effect


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