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The Organized Chaos Clan

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Most wanted










Welcome to the Organized Chaos Clan. If you want to join, you'll have to ask Utter about it, i think we are only going to a maximum of 20 or so people. We might be recruiting other people, if other people leave for some odd reason.

Remember: Tell someone when you want to leave, so we can take you off the members listing.


July, 29, 2002

New members update: Please welcome Mega man and Fantasy king to our great clan! Please add them to your PlayerSpy list if you can. 


Special leave: This coming Sunday,  Utter will be leaving to  New Mexico for a week to.  Also, during this week, he wont be here. Don't worry though, you can all look after yourselves.


Promotions: Lazy and I have recently been informed that we will be Paladins. aka Second in command. All the rest of you will have to fight for a rank in the pack.


Out of Service: We have lost a member: Mat Motor has left the clan to go form a clan with 'Operation T' and the clan is called 'Tactical Soldiers' So, watch out for them, and kick their n00bish asses! We have also lost our Paladin, Lazy. I don't know why he left, but he did.


Remember: To check on this site at least every week or so for updates. This is a main source of communication, and we need to be kept updated.


Utter has been fighting some great battles alongside us in the Clan wars. Who ever has been fighting along side him in any battle, knows how great it is to fight along side him. You are all great members, and remember...We have a n0 n00b policy in this clan. 



Updated by:


July 27, 2002

If you have any suggestions for the site, just talk to me on GSA, or email me here

The forums are up! Finally.....Now, we need a mod besides me. How about i ask Utter, and if he doesn't wanna do it, then he can pick someone. Sound good? Good.


Guys, i recon we should all colour our names. like this: {O-C}_Cr_vVolf And stuff. It looks more professional in the game, but it looks big in GSA. I'll just let you decide.



Updated By:


July 23, 2002

Ok, i have organized our own forum that you need a password to enter, so there isn't any morons posting crap in there, like the Khans :). Also, i have organized our own chat room to go to for anything. They will both need moderators, especially the Forum, Maybe we could get a system that every clan member in the chat is the mod.


We will need to get another domain for the 'Downloads' because we might need allot more than 15mb. e.g. it might be at

Don't click there, its just an example. :)


Also, i will  need to see each of you in GSA to get a screenshot of your icon thingy for the members pages. Like the one i have down there    \/    .Utter, if you can try and get a screenshot of them, that'll be good as well.


The Rankings Tournament is going to be on this week. But, i am at school all this week. And yes, i do live in Sydney. So i might have to do something...I'll try and be on as much as i can, considering that i do have all that homework and assignments to do. Grrrrrr.


I trust that everyone knows the room password. If you don't, just ask Utter, or anyone else in our clan. I will also post it in the Form.



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