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GM R.J. Fischer - GM M. Taimanov

Candidates Match

 (Quarter-finals); Game FOUR (# 4.) 

Vancouver, Canada. (North America);  1971.

This is a game that is mainly just (in) text-score -  with a few diagrams. 
     You will probably want (or need) a chessboard. (!)     

  Click  HERE  to see this game in a Java-Script replay format. (No annotations.)  

  ***  Click  HERE  to see an explanation of some of the symbols that I use in annotating chess games.  ***  

R. Fischer (2860) - M. Taimanov (2666)
(1/4 - final) Candidates Match 
Vancouver, CAN  (1.4), 25.05.1971
 [A.J. Goldsby I] 

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GAME NUMBER FOUR (# 4.) 1/4-final; Candidates Match.

Quite simply one of the greatest games of chess ever played.

I have been over this game literally hundreds of times. 
(I have taught it to dozens of my students.) 
It is a truly grand game of chess that even GM's of today do NOT fully understand!
(Virtually everything {negative} that has been written about this game is wrong.)

  Perhaps the greatest ending ever to demonstrate the superiority of a Bishop  
  over a Knight ... with an open (or semi-open) position; and pawns spread on   
  BOTH sides of the chessboard!    

Bobby Fischer won this match, 6-0 ... SIX WINS, NO LOSSES, NO DRAWS!!!


The ratings here are exact and were taken from Jeff Sonas's web site.
{The April 30th, 1971 -  Rating List.}

Fischer was Number ONE in the World at that time, and I think that 
GM Mark Taimanov was like number thirteen. (# 13.) 
[ By comparison - the # 13 player in the world currently, {FIDE, July 2003}; 
  is  GM Vassily Ivanchuk  of the  Ukraine at 2710. ]  


1.e4 c5;  2.Nf3 Nc6;  3.d4 cxd4;  4.Nxd4 Qc7;   
A normal Sicilian.

But already there are signs that something is wrong ... 
Taimanov is NOT using the variation that is named after him!  (4...e6)

Perhaps the Soviet team has not yet figured out an antidote to the 
gambit that Fischer used in the second game of this match?


     [ Why not play:  4...e6!?;  which is named ... "The TAIMANOV Variation?" ]   


Taimanov figures a way to get back to one of his more favorite lines, 
if not his # 1 set-up.
5.Nc3 e6;  6.g3, ('!')   
This is the variation that Fischer prefers to use against the type of 
formation Black has chosen. 
(See his game versus M. Tal from Bled, 1961. And his game {ct} vs.
 T. Petrosian in 1962.) 

     [ With the moves: 6.Be2 a67.0-0 Nf68.Be3 d6;  {Diagram?}  
        play transposes to a more 'conventional'  line of the Sicilian. 
        (White probably has a small edge in this position.)  ]  


Play proceeds relatively normally, with both sides developing their pieces.
6...a6;  7.Bg2 Nf6;  8.0-0 Nxd4;   
One of the main lines here.

     [ Instead, the continuation in a well-trusted opening's reference, 
       is the following continuation: 

       8...Be79.Re1! Nxd4!?10.Qxd4 Bc511.Qd1 d612.Na4 Ba7;  
       13.c4! Bd7;  {Diagram?}  
       The end of the column. 
       14.Be3 Bxe315.Rxe3 0-016.Nc3 Qxc417.Qxd6, "+/="  {Diag?}  
       White has a small, but solid edge in this position.

       Djuric' - Gostisa;  Yugoslavia, 1991.  

       [ See MCO-14;  page # 302; column # 1, and all applicable notes - 
         especially note # (f.). ]  ]   


9.Qxd4 Bc5!?;   
An attempt to develop the Black dark-squared Bishop to an active 
post, rather than shut it in behind its own pawns.

     [  After the moves:  9...d610.h3 Be711.Be3 0-0;  
, "+/="  {Diagram?}  
        White has a fairly small, but secure edge in this position. ]  


Easily the best move for White ... and it leads to a clear advantage for 
the first player here. (But this was all known to theory at that time, I believe. 
Even Taimanov himself had once used this move.) 

  ('!' - GM Andrew Soltis.)  

     [ White could also play:  
       10.Qd3 d611.Bf4 Nd712.Na4 e513.Bd2, "+/="  {Diag?}  
       with a slight edge for White. 
       (This continuation gives White a much smaller edge than 
         in the actual game.)  

       GM R. Huebner - GM K. BischoffMunich, (GER)1988]   


10...d6;  {See the diagram just below.} 
This could be forced.

     [  After:  </=  10...Bxd4?!11.Bxc7,  {Diagram?} 
         Black has difficulty in the ending, due to his weaknesses 
         and the fact that he is so far behind in his development.
         (I.e.,  ...Bxc3?!; bxc3, "+/="  and White is better. 
          but definitely not now ...b5??; d5! winning.);


         Definitely not: 10...Qxf4?11.Qxc5 Qb812.e5! Ng4;  
'±' {Diagram?}
         ("+/")  and Black is in BIG trouble. (Maybe "+/-")  ]  


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The position just after  10...d6.



11.Qd2 h6;  
This is probably the best ... and the most accurate.

     [ Inferior is:  </=  11...Nd7!?; ('?!')  12.Rad1 Ne513.Na4 0-0; 
       14.Qc3!,  '±'  {Diagram?}  ... "with a big edge"  to White.  
        - GM Andrew Soltis. ]   


12.Rad1 e5!?;   
This creates a hole on d5 ... which Fischer promptly begins to exploit. 
(But Black had almost no choice here, he had to defend his attacked d-pawn.)


     [ If  12...Ke7!?;  then 13.Na4!, "+/="  with an advantage. ]  


GM Andrew Soltis also awards an exclam to White's (up-coming) 
fourteenth move in this game.  
13.Be3 Bg4;  14.Bxc5! dxc5;   
This is forced.

     [  Of course not: </= 14...Bxd1?15.Bxd6 Qb616.Rxd1, "+/-"  {Diag?}  
        and White should be winning.  ( - GM Yuri S. Balashov.)  ]  


This move is obviously best.

A curious note:  I did a position search, and according to CB's on-line 
database ... this actual position has occurred 29 times!! 

     [ 15.Qd6!? Qxd616.Rxd6 Rd8; "~" ]   


15...Be6;  16.f4 Rd8!?;   
Taimanov felt this was best, and this whole line may have been 
prepared in advance by the Soviet team.  

     [ Or  16...0-017.Nd5, "+/="  {Diagram?}  
        and White maintains an edge. ]  


17.Nd5! Bxd5;  18.exd5 e4;   
At this point, it was obvious from the looks on the faces of the Soviet 
contingent that they felt their player had done well out of the opening. 

('!' - GM Andrew Soltis.)     
{Soltis likes Black's last move so much, he gives it an exclam.} 


 Many GM's - like R. Byrne - give White's next move an exclamation point. 
(The move is so refined ... it may deserve two!) 
This is probably the best move here, although some have looked 
at other tries here for White. 

Fischer explained later that he did NOT want to play c4 - although this
move looked good - as the Bishop was ultimately blocked in. 

     [ Another author prefers the move c4 in this position, and gives 
       the following variation:   
       19.c4!? 0-020.Rfe1 Rfe821.Re2 b5!?22.b3 Rd6?{Diag?}  
       Why this ugly move? 

       23.Rde1 Qe7?!24.Bxe4!?{Diagram?}   
       Soltis likes this so much he gives it an exclam.  

            ( Better was:  >/= 24.Qc2!, '±'  {White is better.} )       

       24...Nxe425.Rxe4 Qxe426.Rxe4 Rxe427.Qa5, '±'  {Diagram?}   
       White is clearly better from here, but a win is NOT an absolute 
        certainty.  - Analysis by GM Andy Soltis]   


19...Rxd5;  20.Rxe4+ Kd8!?;   
Taimanov felt this was forced.  

     [ Less attractive was:  
        </=  20...Kf8?!21.Re8+!("+/=")  {White is definitely better.} ]   


Soltis likes Fischer's next move so much that he awards this move 
an exclam in his annotation's of this game. (See the bibliography.) 
21.Qe2 Rxd1+;  22.Qxd1+ Qd7;   
Most annotators have said that this was forced for Black.

     [ Or  22...Kc8; 23.Re5, "+/=" ]  


23.Qxd7+ Kxd7;  24.Re5, ('!')  {See the diagram just below.}  
This forces Black's reply. 

(A noted author also likes this move. {For White.} '!' - GM Andrew Soltis.) 



 The position just after White plays  24.Re5. 


Now Fischer begins a clinic on the correct way to play these types
of positions.

     [ 24.c3!? ]  


 Notice how Fischer will now:   
A.)  Attack Black's a-pawn and force it to advance; 
B.)  Tie the Black Rook down to the defence of the f-pawn; 
C.)  Begin a King-side pawn advance, that Taimanov feels obliged to stop.
       (Thus fixing his pawns on the same color of the White Bishop.)


I am not sure this is forced, but it is very hard to find anything that 
is distinctly better.  

     [ One author offers the following continuation:  
        This is definitely best. 

           ( Not  25.Bxb7!?,  when  25...Rb8; "<=>" {Diag?}      
              gives Black a measure of counterplay. )     

        25...b526.a5, "+/="  {Diagram?}  
        ... and ...  "Black's Queen-side becomes highly vulnerable." 
         - GM Andrew Soltis. ]   


25.Bf1! a5;   
GM Andy Soltis provides the following very illuminating comment:  
"This weakness proves fatal 30-plus moves later, (57.Ka6!). 
  But otherwise Black loses a Pawn immediately. 
  (25...Ra8;  26.Bc4, Ng4;  27.Re2.)"  


26.Bc4 Rf8;  27.Kg2! Kd6;  28.Kf3, ('!')   
Of course Fischer is well aware that the King is a fighting piece in the ending.

     [ 28.Re1!?, "+/=" ]  


28...Nd7;  29.Re3! Nb8;  30.Rd3+ Kc7;   
GM Yuri Balashov - a member of the Russian Team for this match - later 
wrote in a Soviet magazine, that this move was forced.  

     [ Probably even worse for Black was the continuation:  
        </= 30...Ke7!?; ('?!')  31.Bb5!, "+/="  {Diagram?}   
        and the Black Knight has no moves. (piece domination)  

        Now if ...Rd8??; White simply exchanges Rooks, and then 
        plays the move Ke4, winning easily.  ]   


Several authors have praised the scope and depth of White's play ... 
with the plan initiated by Fischer's next move. 
31.c3, ('!')  {See the diagram just below.}      
One could almost give every move that Fischer plays an exclam in this 
wonderful ending. Note now that a Knight on c6 is denied the use of 
both the b4 and d4 squares. ('!' - GM Andrew Soltis.)    


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 The actual game position following White's (last) move,  31.c3. 


     [ 31.h4!? ]  


31...Nc6;  32.Re3 Kd6;  33.a4!,   
This is extremely important ...  the Black Q-side pawn skeleton is now fixed. 
 Watch how White will later exploit the infiltration route of e2-d3-c4-b5, etc.   

     [ 33.g4!? ]  


33...Ne7;  34.h3! Nc6;  35.h4!, "+/="  {See the diagram just below.}  
With the idea of: (pawns) h4-h5, g3-g4, King-g3-h4, 
and then (pawn) from-g4-to-g5!

     [ GM M. Taimanov felt the plan of simply playing  (pawn/g3) to g4 
        and then g5 would yield White a tangible advantage. ]  


Fischer himself - at a New York chess club, shortly after the match - 
demonstrated that his plan now is to expand on the King-side with his 
pawns ... gain space, and perhaps open more lines.


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 The exact game position immediately following White's move,  35.h4! 



The only question now is will Taimanov allow Fischer to fulfill his plans ... 
or try to somehow prevent White from accomplishing the ideas outlined 

     [ 35.b3; or 35.Re1!? ]  


35...h5!?; {Box?}   
Taimanov felt this was forced.


(Keep the positions as closed as possible. Fischer, at least in his youth, had not 
 displayed the mastery and command of closed and semi-closed positions that he 
 had clearly shown in wide open positions!)  

The authors of the book:
"The Games of Robert J. Fischer," 
by Robert G. Wade and Kevin J. O'Connell; give this move a question mark ...  
but offer no analysis to back up their assertion.  

     [ </= 35...Kc7?!36.h5!, "+/=" ]  


Now a seemingly harmless check is offered ... but poor Taimanov 
pondered quite some time on his reply.  
(The Black Monarch will be forced to remain on one side of the board, 
 {or the other}; for some time.)

36.Rd3+! Kc7;  37.Rd5 f5;   
Black had to defend his h-pawn somehow ... he also had to try and liberate 
his poor Rook from guard-duty at f8!  


     [ Not  37...f6??38.Rxh5,  '±'  {Diagram?} 
        (White is clearly better. "+/")  


       Maybe  37...g6!?;  {Diagram?}  
       but White could be tempted into f4-f5! ]  


38.Rd2! Rf6;  39.Re2 Kd7;  40.Re3! g6!?;   
Right around here, the game was adjourned. 

The Russians ALL ... FELT CERTAIN!! - that Black could draw ...  without too much difficulty.    


Grand-Master Andrew Soltis (also) likes Whites (up-coming) forty-second move 
enough to award it an exclam. (Pointing out that Rd3 was not as precise.) 
41.Bb5 Rd6;  42.Ke2! Kd8!?;  {See the diagram just below.}     
Condemned by some authors, ......... 
(see the Wade & O'Connell book again); 
Taimanov felt that this was FORCED to prevent a Rook intrusion into e8. 

I have analyzed this ending very deeply ... sooner or later, Black will be 
forced into trading Rooks, so I feel it does not matter. 
(Besides, the team of Ruskies working here, felt this B vs. N ending was 
 DRAWN anyway!)  


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  The position in the game, immediately following Black's 42nd move. (...Kd8.)  


     [ Or 42...Kc7!?; ('?!')  43.Re8, "+/=" 
        and White is slightly better. 

        Also unattractive was:  </= 42...Rf6!?43.Kd3 Kd8;  
        44.Kc4 Kc7?!45.Re8, "+/="  {D?}  (White is better.)  
         - GM Andy Soltis ]    


Now Fischer dumps the Rooks. 
 (At the time, several GM's felt this was NOT the correct approach 
  and that Fischer would be UNABLE to win a pure  ... 
  "Bishop-vs.-Knight"  ending!)  

GM Andy Soltis also likes White's 43rd move enough to award it an exclam.

43.Rd3! Kc7;  44.Rxd6 Kxd6;  45.Kd3 Ne7;  46.Be8!,   
This ties down Black's Knight.  ('!' - GM Andrew Soltis.)     

     [ 46.b3!? ]  


46...Kd5;  47.Bf7+ Kd6;   
This is forced.  

Now here comes the White King invasion I warned you about earlier 
in the game.
48.Kc4 Kc6;  49.Be8+ Kb7;  50.Kb5 Nc8;   
"With a cute threat of 51...Nd6 mate."   - GM A. Soltis. 

('!' - GM Andrew Soltis.)  


Now GM Andy Soltis likes White's fifty-second move enough 
to award it an exclamation point.  
51.Bc6+! Kc7; 52.Bd5, ('!')  52...Ne7;   
According to Geller, the Soviet team of analysts had already (deeply) analyzed 
this position, prior to the 2nd playing session. 

      [ Much worse for Black was:  
        </=  52...Nd6+!?53.Ka6 Ne454.Bf7 Nxg355.Bxg6 Ne2;  
        56.Bxh5! Nxf457.Bf7! Kc658.h5, '±'  (Maybe  "+/-")  {Diag?}  
        and White's h-pawn will cause Black significant problems.  
         - Line by GM Andrew Soltis. ]


   Now White maneuvers slowly ... almost imperceptibly ... and uses a highly    
   skillful series of zugzwang positions, to eventually force Black into the exact   
   set-up that he wants.    


(GM Andy Soltis also awards an exclam to White's 53rd move in this fabulous game.)  
53.Bf7! Kb7;  54.Bb3! Ka7;   
<< Black can only shift back and forth to avoid the (impending) zugzwangs. 
    Taimanov later confessed he "felt like Dr. Watson, who could only play 
    along - and admire the resourcefulness and imagination of the great 
    Sherlock Holmes!" >>  - GM Andrew Soltis. (page # 249}  
    (In his book on Bobby Fischer.)  


55.Bd1, ('!')   
According to the report in the newspaper, Black looked a little surprised 
at White's 55th move.

     [ 55.Be6!? ]  


55...Kb7;  56.Bf3+ Kc7;   
This is completely forced.
(Black cannot allow White to invade with his King. Then Bobby would simply 
  march over to the Kingside and eat all of Black's Pawns on that wing.) 

     [ </=  56...Ka7?!;  (Maybe - '?')  {Diag?}  
       This is an error.
        57.Bg2 Ng858.Kc6,  '±'  {Diagram?}  
        and White could be winning.  ]   


Now White continues to (try) and tie Black up.  
57.Ka6 Nc8;   
Some sources have the Knight going to g8 here ... but I do not think it really 
matters. (We transpose back to the game in just one move.) 

 {Another example of taking a game from a database ... and the score turning out to be incorrect!!??!?}       

     [ Was the move:   57...Ng8!?{Diagram?}  
        the one actually played in this historic game?

        Now GM Andrew Soltis gives the possible variation of:  
        58.Bd5 Nf659.Bf7 Ne460.Bxg6 Nxg361.c4! Kc6;  
        62.Ka7 Kc763.Bf7! Ne264.Bxh5 Nxf465.Bf7!, '±'  {Diag?}  
        followed by h5, when White is definitely better here. ]    


58.Bd5! Ne7;   
This could also be forced. 

     [ </= 58...Nd6?!59.Bg8! Ne460.Bf7! Nxg3;  
       61.Bxg6 Ne262.Bxh5!, '±' {White is clearly better.} ]  


59.Bc4! Nc6;  60.Bf7 Ne7;  61.Be8!  
This is definitely the best move in this position ... 
many masters (also) award this move an exclam. 

('!' - GM Andrew Soltis.) 

     [ 61.b3, "+/=" ]  


61...Kd8;  {See the diagram just below.}  
This was forced ... but White seems unable to make any progress.  


  3kB3/4n3/Kp4p1/p1p2p1p/P4P1P/2P3P1/1P6/8 white-to-move  (bish_eg3_pos6.gif, 08 KB)

 The position in the game just after Black played the  <forced>  move,  61...Kd8


(in this position) ...  If the Bishop (now) retreats to f7, Black plays Kc7, and 
a draw by repetition of position looms on the horizon.

     [ 61...Nd5??62.Bxg6, "+/-" ]  


White to move ... what move would YOU make in this position?
62.Bxg6!!,  (Maybe - '!!!!')   {Diagram?}  
This beautiful move is the culmination of White's entire end-game strategy.

Now White's King gobbles pawns on the Queen-side ... and then starts 
shoving his passers. Black is very strangely helpless to do anything to 
prevent this.

     [ 62.Bf7 Kc763.Be8 Kd8; "=" ]  


62...Nxg6;  63.Kxb6 Kd7;  64.Kxc5 Ne7;  65.b4!,  (Maybe - '!!')  {Diag?}   
Apparently Taimanov confessed after the game that he thought he still 
might have drawing chances  ...  until Fischer played this stellar move. 

('!' - GM Andrew Soltis.) 

White has won enough material. 

  Now the key to winning is based on two salient points:    
# 1.)  SPEED!  White must not give Black a chance to organize a defence ... or 
         time to clip White's King-side pawns and start a pawn race of his own;  
# 2.)  ROOK-PAWN!  Knights have GREAT difficulty with pawns on or near the 
         edge of the board. Therefore White must activate a passed RP ... 
         and shove it up the board.    

     [ 65.Kb5!?, "+/=" ]  


Fischer's technique is probably perfect and borders on being both 
heavenly and sublime. No further comment is needed. 

(GM Andrew Soltis also awards White's 70th move with an exclamation point.) 
65...axb4;  66.cxb4 Nc8;  67.a5 Nd6;  68.b5 Ne4+;  69.Kb6! Kc8;  
70.Kc6! Kb8;  71.b6,  ("+/-")   Black resigns. 
(His position is hopeless.) 


     [ White wins easily, for example:  71.b6 Nxg372.a6 Ne2!?;  {Diag?} 
        Perhaps an error, but you can't blame a guy for trying. (Nxf4)

           (After the moves:  >/=  72...Ne4; 73.a7+! Ka8; 74.b7+!! Kxa7;     
            75.Kc7!, "+/-"  {Diagram?}  Black is clearly lost.)    

        73.a7+ Ka874.Kc7 Nxf4 75.b7+ Kxa776.b8Q+ Ka677.Qb6#. 
        Q.E.D. ]  


Fischer's play in this game is so good, that this game should be studied 
REPEATEDLY  ...  until the very essence is absorbed into your own 

One of the best endings of this type that was ever played. The play here 
more resembles a composed ending or a problem;  than the hurly-burly
world of 'real' chess.



I consulted the following books in an attempt to annotate this game: 

# 1.)  "Both Sides of The ChessBoard," 
          by  GM Robert Byrne  and  IM Ivo Nei.
          (One of the finest match books ever written.) 

# 2.)  "The Golden Dozen," 
         (The twelve greatest players who ever lived ... plus a small 
          selection of annotated games for each player.); 
          by  Irving Chernev.
          (Easily one of the 25 best chess books of all time!!!) 

# 3.)  "The (complete - collected) Games of Robert J. Fischer,"  
          edited by  Robert G. Wade  and  Kevin J. O'Connell.
          (Required reading ... for any aspiring master!) 

# 4.)   The FISCHER CD-ROM  ... (ChessBase);  by  GM Robert Huebner.
          (Brand - new ... but  VERY good stuff!  Every Fischer fan will 
           enjoy this.) 

# 5.)   The excellent new book:  "Bobby Fischer - rediscovered,"   
          by  GM Andrew Soltis.  (Copyright © 2003.) 
          {A good book, which contains a re-examination of Fischer's games. 
           It includes two games he played in 1992 - against Boris Spassky. 
           It is the only really new or noteworthy Fischer book in the last 
           15-20 years. Just ignore most of the question marks ... many of 
           these could have been '!?' or even '?!' In fact Soltis seems to have 
           converted to the "Modern School" of annotating. What this means 
           is that if someone - perhaps using a computer - 25 years later has 
           discovered a '!' move ... then the original move is given a full 
           question mark. I must state for the record that this is stupid.} 


  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby I.   Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 1975 - 2002.  
Copyright (c) A.J.G;  2003. 


  1 - 0  

    (All games ... HTML code initially)  Generated with  ChessBase 8.0    

This is not the "long" version of this game, but a job of annotation I did specifically for my 
web pages. If you would like a printed copy of this game, I would be glad to mail it to you. 
(For a very modest fee, mainly to cover the costs of paper, printing and mailing/postage fees.) 

December 08-09, 2003:  I received so many e-mails about this game ... perhaps dozens, really more than I care to count. At first I thought, "I think I have covered all the bases in this game, there is really no need for me to update it." But it seemed more e-mails came in all the time about this game. Then GM Soltis came out with his new book, and then I felt that I really had no choice. Anyway, I took about a week and reviewed Soltis's analysis with a computer. Rather than concentrate on possible errors, (and there were a few - I don't think Soltis uses a computer);  I decided instead to focus on the analytical and stylistic issues raised by Soltis. So after spending over a week with Soltis's book - I took several days to add comments and re-work the analysis of this game. This was NOT a small job, the task of transferring the notes from my CB copy of this game to the HTML copy took over two days! In the long run, I feel you should find most or all of the issues raised by Soltis's work have been addressed here. 

I still want this to be considered the definitive analysis of this game ... at least on the web. 

 If you would like to e-mail me, then click  here

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  (Page first posted on this web-site:  March, 2002.) 
(Last  up-dated:  Monday;  June 26th, 2007.)  Last edit or save on: 06/26/2007 00:54 hrs. 

 Copyright, (c) A.J. Goldsby I 

  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 1995 - 2004. © A.J. Goldsby, 2005. All rights reserved.  
