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Other News
John Carmack's Doom, the revolutionary first-person shooter game, changed the way people played video games. Now, Carmack's working on the second sequel. He even tapped pal Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails to compose the creepy soundtrack that brings the game to life. (more)
Our News

(Sept. 21/02: 6:50PM)

The next LAN Party is going to be Oct. 5/02 if you want to come just IM me and tell me your coming and I'll put you down. Right now I'm the only one coming.. Haha. The LAN Started about, 2 hours ago and I'm the only one who showed up, I guess that proves our future eh? Well I stand firm that the large amount of money I spent on things was well wasted, as of now. I'm going to Mt. Olive (I hope) this coming Saturday. If not I guess I'm going to be in my basement for all those who care to join me. Anyway, we have our switch, 10/100Mb 16-Port SMC switch so, yay. Gonna go rest my eyes now. Bye.


LAN Attendees:

(C) Copyright 2002 Kewanee Campgrounds LAN Parties