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1.. This site is offered strictly for enjoyment and does not generate any profit or revenue. Therefore, I may have taken some liberties in the use of material content.

2. Some of the downloads are my own work, some are by other authors, and some are modifications of works originally by other persons. Should the original creator(s) object to my use of their content on this website, I will remove it upon request.

3. The DOS version of Panzer General which the scenario downloads require is no longer available for sale by SSI.  You can download the original DOS version here and on several of the sites on my links page. The windows version of PG is published by Softkey Software and is available for less than $10.00. I would advocate that you purchase this version if you intend to continue using the download version. 

I would like to thank Oliver, Tread, Rhino Bones, and Mario Kroll for allowing me to link to their pages.
