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Hello Mr. President

I just added aServer Stats Page
Here is that annoying sound that I always play in the game....

1.unzip both of the files:
2.Put the voice_impute.wav in your HL directory(NOT TFC)
3.Put the in you tfc folder.
4.In Your config.cfg in ur tfc folder:make binds to turn on/off the music, for example bind 9 voicewavon" and bind 0 "voicewavoff"
5.In Your autoexec.cfg, in tfc folder type this at the bottom: exec voicewav.cfg.
6.Go and annoy the |-|è|| out of ppl and get kicked off servers alot(maybe banned NOT MY FAULT). Also dont email me asking for help cause your too stupid but do email me saying how smart I am.!