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Name: Samus Aran
Bounty Hunter
A mysterious Space warrior that was hired by the Galatic Federation Police to help quell the Metroid Threat several times.She has a suit that gives unnatural and superhuman abillities that the Federation caught notice of.She never revealed herself to the police or anyone for that matter, her true identety is unkown.
Current Status: Unkown, she never returned after the destruction of Zebes to collect her payment.

Name: Mother Brain
Occupation: Space Pirate leader
Description: Not much is known about this creature, except it controls all Space Pirate movments throughout the galaxy.It had geneticaly constructed to cronies to help in It's control, there names were "Kraid and "Ridley".
Current Status: Belived to be deceased.

Name: Ridley
Occupation: Leader of Norfair
Description: This creature looks like a dragon from Earth tales, but is infact a geneticaly alterd creature that relays commands from the Mother Brain to Space Pirates in Norfair.
Current Status: Belived deceased.

Name: Kraid
Occupation: Leader of Brinstar
Description: A giant geneticaly alter lizard that controls Brinstar.He assists in control of Space Pirates in Brinstar.
Current Status: Belived deceased

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