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Update: There arent any requests! But this site shall not die! Plz request as soon as you can. Btw check out the banner for this cool site,! It's an online anime role playing community!

Update: YES YES YES!!!!! Guess who's back. ME!!! I Light_Swordsman2004 am BACK! (notice the 2004) Anyway, good news is that the ROM REQUESTING SERVICE IS BACK UP!!!! HELL YEAH!!! ah.... Anyway, start sending your requests! And remember to limit your requests to NINTENDO ROMS ONLY. We specialize in GBA ROMS but we can still find those other ones and N64 ROMS are VERY troublesome for us now so plz try not to ask us for those.

Update: CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!!! The ROM Requesting service is down for good! the site we get the roms from has been shut DOWN For good!!! But do not worry, i will search for a new site to get our roms from..... It may take weeks, It may take MONTH'S!!!! But i will try............ :*(

Update: Club NES now has a theme song! It will play on this page if you wait for 2 minutes (if you have DSL and 5 if you have dial up...) you can download the song and listen to the cool remix anytime in our Downloads section.

Friend's and Club Members

Talk to Light_Swordsman2004

Worldwide Web Cam Locator

Gaia Online anime roleplaying community

<< Right click here and select play to get the song to load and play...


Linkz & Emulators

Nintendo's Official page
Gamecube News Section
Download Winzip 8.1 Here!
Download VBA Emulator Here!
Blasterball Wild 2 from:
***Club NES DOWNLOAD***:Club NES Wallpaper PAK (2.50MB)
***Club NES DOWNLOAD***:Mario's Kart with uncontrollably fast speed this download is a car for Midtown Madness 2
***Club NES DOWNLOAD***:Light_swordsmans Pokemon Ruby Saved game. REQUIRES GAME SHARK ADVANCE!!!
Download Windows Media Player 9.0
Nintendo's press conference download .TXT
This is our Group at MSN If you have an MSN account join us and receive exclusive abilities that i can't really list here.....
Club NES song.... not really a song its just music...
