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.::Mentor Attacks::.
Attack Charges Description
Solar Flare 5 Blinds your opponent for 10 sec. Allowing you to do attack him. He is not able to block them.
Split Form 5 Creats 4 forms of the user, multiplying your Physical Attacks by 4 for the length of 1 fight. Can only be used once per fight.
Hyponosis 20 Causes your apponent to fall asleep in a battle for 10 seconds. Cannot block attacks while asleep.
Frieza's Death Ball 15 Must have to destroy a Planet. Does PL in DMG.
Spirit Bomb Adds 5,000 to it each time you say: ::charges the spirit bomb::..or something along those lines A super blast of energy, that can only be used by Good or Neutral people. Does not damage good people.
Regeneration 0 Gives the ability to grow back limbs, without going to the doctor.
Kaio-Ken 5 Doubles your HP & all of your attacks for 1 min. Learning this from King Kai another time will add to it's power, allowing you to use KaioKen x 2, quadrupling you HP and attacks for 30 seconds. You may only use this once per fight.
Veget's Final Flash 20 Does twice the users PL in damage.
Fly 0 Allows you to fly out of the attacks firing range or anywhere.
Simulated Moon Blast 5 Allows you to go Oozaru
Tail Growing 0 Allows you to go Oozaru. Only for Hybrids and Saiyans.
Bring Out Hidden Power 0 Can only do one time. You power up and scream a bit. This gives you a PL boost.
Fade 0 Allows you to not be seen. Lasts for up to 20 seconds.
Fist of the Demon King 20 A powerful punching attack that resembles the "Dragon Fist". Automatically kills people with Good Hearts, Otherwise cuts apponents HP in Half.
Inferno Mouth Blast 10 Allows you to melt through anything. Does 50,000 DMG.
Instant Transmission 0 Allows you to travel anywhere you have previously been. *cannot travel to the other world*
Absorbtion 0 Allows you to transfer energy from one being to another. Transfer Half of the users HP and PL to the user from the victim each time you RP drawing the energy. The energy only lasts for the remainder of the fight.
Mystic Control 0 Allows you to use the Mystic Saber.
Mystic Power Upgrade 0 Abilty to raise one's stats 75%.
Fusion Dance 0 You preform this before a fight with someone else who knows the dance to fuse together as one whole being. Your two powers are added together and doubled. Each dance only lasts for one fight.