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Issue #6

Well well well.  Guess who's back?  The WiR!  In what seemed forever, it has finally returned.  I'll be your narrator, SPxYXDxER™.  Alot of people still don't know what The WiR is.  Well, I'll tell you.  The WiR is a weekly magazine/newpaper type that reviews the week that was on the boards.  The WiR was started quite sometime ago with myself going solo, til about early summer I hired the boards most recognized members and the rest was history.  So far The WiR has had five issues with this being the sixth.  After the fifth issue The WiR went on a one months hiatus partly because of our busy schedule.  Enough chit chat.  Let's get down to business.


Ahhhhhh, it's great to do my rant again.  There's alot of things I need to discuss since there's been alot of things going on since the one month that we haven't had an issue.  First issue I'd like to discuss is the numerous WiR wannabes or as I like to call them ripoffs.  One in particular was this one guy named "SolidRaiden44".  I mean this guy ripped if off so bad it had to get attention.  From the same concept, to the same closing as I do.  Now I don't mind if you do something similar to the WiR, just don't go saying that you created it without any recognition to others that came before you.  "SolidRaiden44" The Week That Was never saw the light of day again.  Another wannabe/rip off that really hit me personally was Payne To The Max's GameFAQ's News Show.  First, he doesn't just rip the WiR off, he insults me personally on MSN.  He says that the WiR sucks and that the WiR is dead.  Well I got news for you Payne In The Ass, the WiR is not dead, nor was it ever.  I never had the intentions of disbanding the WiR nor will I ever.  Saying that you had more Karma than me?  Please.  Karma is shit.  Like I've always said to this day, karma is nothing, respect is everything.  Maybe you won the "Person Who's Been Here The Longest, Yet No One Notices Him" for a reason.  Maybe cause you're a hack.  Maybe because you're a nobody.  Maybe because no one wants to notice you.  You may have been here the quite a while, but you haven't done shit for this board.

Now to another thing, and yes, it has to do with CJayC.  Yes you're an ass and you always will be, next subject.

What is with all these rate me topics!  My God!  Do you people feel good about yourselves just cause someone else rates you on a message board!  What is wrong with you people!  Do you have a low self esteem!  Do you feel good just cause Austin P gave you a 10/10!  Do you feel good just cause someone thinks you're "hip" or "cool" or a "cool cat"?  Someone needs to set this board straight.  As Waffles just said,  this board is turning into crap and someone needs to give it a swift kick in the ass.  You don't see the Stampede board going "OOOOOOOOOO Rate Me!"  or "I'm Cool! Rate Me!".  Be your own self.  Do your own thing.

And to Mat1 2 3 4 5 or whatever you call yourself these days.  Fuck you and eat my balls bitch.

And that's the way it is...

"Mr. Alaska's Choice Words"
By: Mr. Alaska

Er…hello. The WiR is finally back, and I know you have been waiting for it for quite a while, so let us get going

There was a sprig of rate me topics. I don’t much care, I say ignore them. Most of them were jokes anyway, you can see because I made one. It was more of assmaster saying that he thought a rate me topic would be popping up. And you all know what happens next eh? Moving right along…

Derrick is a troll. He is a whiner and a complainer. Fuck him
Next stop, Desert Eagleville, where we get to shoot the hell out of him *shoots* *shoots* *shoots* Alright, that was enjoyable

There has also been a lot of n00bs around. Sadly, this is obviously because of vice cite, damnit to hell. When will this board get its own social board so they can go away and leave us alone. They annoy me. Probably why I’m currently residing a lot more at the music boards, much fun for everyone, no?

What about the mass intentional bannings? I completely consider these just for fun. I mean, you really think you are gonna insult cjayc, and he is gonna listen? You can’t do anything to really harm cjayc, he doesn’t care what another little gamefaqer thinks of him, he already knows everyone is sick of him making us not be able to say fuck. Do people really have a point to making fuck not a banned work? Does it really matter? GameFAQs is not the only source to communicate through, you can cuss outside of gamefaqs, but not inside. Some people don’t consider alternatives do they? Anyway, there is my view on the so-called “anarchy”

Next up, we have the word of the day, and the obvious choice is the almighty Wenis…behold the power of Wenis, one day he will all dominate your life and you will become obsolete next to its power and greatness…the king of the land, WENIS!

And as for song recommendations, you should download Walk Away by Epidemic, Amoeba by Adolescents, and Asshole by Guttermouth

More board news: We don’t wanna join your gay little internet groups. Fuck off from the boards if you think we have to cater to your group and do nothing but say “THIS GAME ROXOROZ!!1” Please go away, nobody wants that shit

Next up is the Habbo Hotel fad. I might as well chip in my two cents and say that I find it boring, seeing as how limited it is to do anything in the hotel really, besides pretend to have orgies (kinda lame) or make an account such as GayLordMan and harass all the innocents who don’t know how to call the hobbas. Great fun eh?

Finally, you must all go to a board called Civilization: Call to Power. This is the regulars at the GTA3SB’s secret board, come harass us, it will be fun.

That is it for now, and now I shall end the article with these words: Jamier Wet Fuzz. Words to live by.

And now, we have Bruce654 and his "State of The Board Address"

"The State of The Board Address"
By: Bruce654

Hello there, been awhile since we got one of these full-shindigs, and as you may have noticed, I've changed focus on my section of the WiR to the board's current state, rather then being repetitive in Remembering the Old Days. Anyway, my view on the board...

Pretty shitty, I must say. I was out most of the day today, sorry about the delay if I'm the last one to 'turn it in'. Ah well. The board is dead honestly. A bunch of people making "I'll rate you" "You rate me" topics, getting so damn annoying. Other news, a bunch of WiR copy-cats are out there, attempted by PttM and the such, who stand no chance against us. Anywho, a lot of new faces, as Captain Murphy mentioned in the week. I'd like to touch a bit on thelonewarrior. First, don't go early-phase Austin P on us, (no offense Austin), example, your 'rate me' topic. You ask us to rate, people give you average 5 or so scores, and you say you deserve more. It's our fucking opinion don't try to be liked all in the 3 days you've been here. Anyway, a lot of 'rebels' being banned, honestly in my opinion, there is no real purpose, it won't help much if you say a couple cuss words, though i'm not saying it's not fun to watch. ^_~

A lot of new people, not enough of the old. We got a visit from Minion this week, and a couple of user-tournaments by assmaster and Killer. It was an okay week, besides the fucking hacks, it was alright to me. Though the board truely needs help. We had nice topics, the award ceremonies were fun for me, hopefully for you people, and I also enjoyed another dandy from MD, the Gladitorium. Good ideas are springing up, unfortunately, bad trends like rate me topics are popping up, and once again n00bs demanding respect. Basically i'm saying it's doing alright, Mat came back in between our last WiR and this issue, other than that, and the Habbo Hotel, which is fun for me and some other SBers, i must say it is pretty lame. I'm not gonna go flat-dissing the board here, if I wasn't there i'd be lost, I'll tell ya, but it still needs improvements in topics, fads, and users. And well uh...Packing Heat's sort of back. *cheers* GTA3 boarders are still around, not as much as past weeks, but I haven't touched on it before, since I've never talked about the board's current state. I'll zip right to the point: EN181 MUST BE CASTRATED. At least the WiR is back, hopefully we can bring some excitement in with this issue. I'm done for now. Cya next time.

Now we have a try out by the boards very own 007 Bert Simpson/Enron Stock, if you guys like the article, post your thoughts and if they're positve, then he will be part of the staff

By: 007 Bert Simpson

Hi yo!  It's everyones favorite user (or not) from the GTA3 SB here.  Yeah its Bert.  Yawn!  So whats new?  Nothing really.  I got banned for making a "mr alaskas mangina" account (which was for Impersunation).  I knew I should have insulted Ceej again before going out.  So what should I do now?  What do you think.  Make a new account.  Maybe one day, Ceej will get the balls to KOS me.  But before he does that, he needs to get the tool that goes along with it so he can put me on the banned user list.  Does he think I am not good enough for that list?  Does he think that putting an account that says "mr alaskas mangina" do more harm than putting "CJ Stinks" up there?  Damn, CGayC does work in mysterious ways.  Oh well, enough about me and Ceejacualte.  I have more important things to talk about than that lowlife.  I want to talk about someone who is even lower.  I want to talk about the asshole who has been hacking into peoples accounts and trying to get them banned.  Yes, I am most likely talking about Vakama.  Does he really think that his social life will improve by trying to get GTA3SB regulars banned?  I can see it know.

Hacker: Hey baby!

Hot chick:  Eww, get out of my face, dickwad!

Hacker:  But I am the guy who hacked into Som1 and Tomacco Lover's accounts.

Hot chick:  Hmm, I got a very special hack for you.  *slips him phone number*

Riiiiiight.  Here is the way things should be.

Hacker: Hey baby!

Hot chick:  Eww, get out of my face, dickwad!

Hacker:  But I am the guy who hacked into Som1 and Tomacco Lover's accounts.

Hot chick:  Hmm, I got a very special hack for you.  *kicks hacker in the balls*

Now I wonder if my pathetic attempt at humor got over or not.  Probably not, but like I care.  Now, I have some advice for our little hacker friend.  I would suggest that you forget what you did and never tell us, because we will get payback.  Just ask shady what happened when he went up against Spidey.  We can sure do the same thing to you.  Bert signing off.  Bye yo!

"Inside The Topic"
By: Excalinox

In case you don’t know, my name is Excalinox, and my article is called "Inside the Topic". The purpose of my article is to find a hot topic on the board and give my thoughts on it. Sounds good, right? Well, it’s like communism; on paper, it’s a great idea. When executed, it leaves something to be desired. (Don’t worry, my article won’t establish a totalitarian government over your computer.) Perhaps the reason my article isn’t quite so popular is because of the lack of interesting posts coming into the GTA3SB.

::Capt. Obvious flies off into the night::

Since the GTA3SB has had a relative lack of quality posts coming in, I’ve decided to expand my horizons and write about something that doesn’t have anything at all to do with the GTA3SB. (If I did write about the GTA3SB, it would be just like the articles I’ve done before, which consist of me begging the board members to think of something cool, while I sit on my ass and do nothing to contribute.) Today, I’m going to discuss the upcoming one-year anniversary of September 11.
Surely you all have seen it on TV - how all your favorite stations are going to cancel, for a day or so, the IQ-lowering drivel that America’s population depends upon, and focus that day to the remembrance of those who died in the events of Sept. 11. Tear-jerking memorial programs will be shown for hours on end, and, for about two weeks, America will be patriotic again.

After that, we’ll return to our regularly scheduled existences - forgetting all about it.

Sad but true. Don’t even try to say that we’ve held a moment of silence every day; hell, I bet none of us have held one at all, except when required at school or work. Sure, the images on TV are emotional and such, but do they really affect us? In the weeks following this "new edition" of Sept. 11, are we going to take time every day (week? month? I doubt it) to remember those killed in the tragic events? I’ll answer for you: no, we’re not, because we’re an unfeeling, uncaring, over-worked, power-hungry bastard of a society. People will become oh-so busy with work and school, that we won’t have time to remember those who’ll never go to work or school again. Our obsession with earning the dollar or acing the test will override our feelings for those who lost someone on Sept. 11. And, by the time Sept. 11, 2002, comes and goes, no one will care. Including me. Including you.

That’s it for this week. See ya later.

"Top 5 Things That Will Never Happen"

This weeks participant?  You guessed it, CJayC.  Let's get started.

Thing That Will Never Happen #5: CJayC will never get the dick he has had lodged in his ass since '86!

Thing That Will Never Happen #4: CJayC will never surpass the age of 14.

Thing That Will Never Happen #3: Shadotak will never touch CJayC's wee wee.

Thing That Will Never Happen #2: There will not be one day where CJayC doesn't take his mods to Chuck E Cheese and "chill".

Thing That Will Never Happen #1: CJayC will never grow a penis and waddle his way over to the board to confront me.

"Lamer of The Week"

Well it's no surprise who is this weeks Lamer of The Week.  This week's Lamer of The Week is Payne To The Max4, or as I like to call him Payne In The Ass4.  This fucking dipshit comes to the board after hiding under a fucking rock for ages and thinks he can come here, insult me, and rip off the WiR.  You're a worthless piece of shit.  No one notices you cause you're too busy sucking dick.  I don't like you.  The board doesn't like you.  So fuck you and enjoy your Lamer of The Week award, you've fucking earned it.

"Topic of The Week"

This weeks winner of topic of the week was none other than MightyMD for his GLADIATORIUM topic where people could settle their scores with others without being banned.  Unlike many of the topics as of late, this was unique and original and I like seeing things like that on the GTA3S

"Member of The Week"

Who here deserves this award more than one of the originating users of the GTA3SB, the WiR and the quite controversial SPIDER.  Some of you may not know, but SPIDER has been around since I made the move, and although he  left and came back, the attitude we’ve had towards him has stayed the same.

Although he is a little irrational at some times, he has the best interest of the boards and users in mind.  Many of you know SPIDER to be a provocative fighter and a board patriot board patriot and nothing more.

He’s a great person when it boils down to it, and I wish some of you would be understanding of that.  Those reasons put together make him the easy pick of User Of The Week, and I congratulate you SPIDER, you’ve come through once again.

Well that's it for Issue # 6 of The WiR.  Just a friendly reminder, The WiR Awards are coming up, we'll be announcing the nominees soon.  Stay tuned next issue for more hijinks, comedy, and great writing from The WiR.  Accept no imitators.  This is SPxYXDxER along for the rest of the staff saying, til next time...