
Harvester Cheat Codes



Cheat Codes: Try typing these cheat codes in during the game. You don't have to be in a conversation to type them. Just type them while standing in a room. You should hear a sound like a shotgun when you have typed the code in successfully.

These are quick and dirty cheat codes which give your character "special" abilities. If you want to do something silly such as...oh..say....killing your mom with a shotgun!, this is the place to get it!

NICK - maximum hit points

MURDERER - vital important weapons

SON OF SAM - many very useful items

BRUCE - "God mode" invincible during combat!

DUSTIN - jump from the town to the Lodge

BOSTON STRANGLER - jump to level 2 of the Lodge

HELTER SKELTER - jump to level 3 of the Lodge

CHARLES MANSON - jump to end of level 3 of the Lodge (Big Finish!)

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Copyright Note: These cheats came from the DigiFX website, I did not write them.

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