Half-Life Uplink Demo Walkthrough By juliean130@yahoo.com http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/9621/index.html Copyright 1999 April 6, 1999 Half-Life Uplink Demo Walkthrough: This is a walkthrough for the Half-Life Uplink demo from Sierra/Valve, http://www.sierrastudios.com and http://www.valvesoftware.com I guess you've figured out by now that even in easy mode the demo can be alittle hard. So, this walkthrough assumes you are in easy mode. Just a few quick points to remember: Go through the training first because there are tricky jumps to learn. You'll be more comfortable with how to play. Don't forget you have a flashlight. Try and break any crate you can, they usually contain health or batteries. And always run over the dead army guys for ammo. If you're having trouble aiming and moving at the same time, I found it's easier to forget about the mouse and just use your keyboard as much as possible. The AI in this game is very high, that means the monsters have some intelligence. They will hide on you and they are smart enough not to just jump out at you. They will actually wait and try to flush you out! When you first start a new game, just stand still a second till some of the debris falls, then hug the left wall and go straight ahead, hopefully not taking any damage from the debris. Go up the stairs and listen to the scientist and guard. You won't be able to take them with you through the elevator, so just go in by yourself. Press the button to go up. Go in the door to your left and get the crowbar. Go stand in front of the crates and SAVE. Break them with the crowbar. You should find a medikit, try and save it for later. Kill the headcrabs with the crowbar. Do NOT kill the guard. He makes a great friend. Walk up to him and press the use key (e) to get him to help you. Go in the left door and get a gun and some ammo. Look inside the door you can't open. It's a secret area. Come back out to the guard. Go back to the room you got the crowbar in. SAVE. Use the crowbar to break the soda machine, be really careful that it doesn't fall on you. Jump over it and turn off the steam valve. Crouch and go in. Arm the gun. Follow the duct till you fall into the armory room. It's full of headcrabs. Kill em off and get the guns and ammo. Go out to the guard, make sure he's still following you. (Note: You can break the soda machine when you first get the crowbar, but I found that the guard is dead by the time you come back to him. It's better to have him alive to kill stuff for you so you don't waste ammo.) Use the crowbar to break the crate (watch out for the headcrabs). At the end of the hall by the wall with the tripbombs there's a zombie hiding behind the big crate. You can let the guard kill him if you want to save ammo. There should be a batteryback in that crate back there. Okay, walk as far as you can away from the tripbombs, like almost around the corner from them. Shoot the bombs. That should free up the passageway for you. SAVE. There are army guys down there and they ain't your friends! Run down till the army guys start shooting at you and run back up. Try and get your guard friend to kill most of them that way. You'll be surprised how many he can get. When they're all dead (run over all of them to get ammo), you'll find that the gate won't open down there. Ooops, looks like someone shot the controls out. That's okay. Go up the ladder, powerup and get some health, only if needed, otherwise try and save some of it. Find the red button on the right that operates the crate. SAVE. What you want to do is move the crate, jump on it, and jump over the gate. You have to be fast. So save first and keep at it till you're over the gate. Once over, watch out for any stray army guys. Open the gate and let your guard buddy in. Your friend really can't help you much beyond this point, so you might as well make him stay here. SAVE. Crouch, go forward and find the two army guys in the crate. Stay couched or you get blown up by the gun on the other side of the crate opening. Kill these guys for a medikit, but save it if you can. Leave here and find the ladder. Go up, SAVE. You will get shot at as soon as you go in the crate and open the door in there. So this part is tricky. You have to run in, do a crouch jump across to the other side. This can take a few tries because you're being shot at. When you get to the other side, you get grenades. Throw a grenade over at the guy shooting at you (make sure you hit the big gun, too, so it stops firing at you). Now, look to the left and see the medikit all the way over there. You have to do another jump to get it and there should be another grenade in there. Only go over there if you need the items, otherwise, leave them for now. Just jump down CAREFULLY to where the big guns are. You can use them if you want, but I found it too hard to get the army guys to come out to me. Arm a grenade. SAVE. Walk alittle bit forward and throw the grenade at the guy on the left. Don't go that way! Go to the right and throw a grenade at the guy down the alley in there. You'll find a fenced in area in there, you can't get there from here. So go back to where you killed the first guy. SAVE. There are lots of army guys in there. You're going to have to use a mixture of grenades and gunshots to kill them. This is a tricky area. It takes a few tries. Try killing as many of them as you can with grenades. Watch out for the guy in the tower. When you finally do kill them all, you find about three medikits in there in a tent on the left. Okay, time to go through the open area. Looks like the army guys were burning something. Crouch to get all the way back there. SAVE. There are two army guys by a door. You can blow em up with the switch or just shoot em (way cooler to crouch and hit the switch). Go to the door, click the panel and the scientist will tell you he's opening it. Run across the radioactive stuff and press the panel, go in, go up the elevator. There's a medikit on the wall. Walk carefully around the walkway, find the control panel. The scientist should tell you to turn the thing. So, SAVE. Turn the dial till the panel light's red. Look at the button on the panel and hit the use key. RUN left all the way back to the elevator, there are army guys coming in the ceiling at you! Go down the elevator and don't move! SAVE. There are army guys in there. Arm the grenades and run up and start throwing. Once they're all dead, turn the valve on the left to turn the steam off. Go down the ladder in there quickly! The army guys are about to the blow the door and storm in on you. All the way down the ladder, to your right in the corner, there's a dying scientist. Go over to him and get all the ammo and stuff that's over there. SAVE. You're about to meet some zombies. Go down the hall, turn right and shoot the zombie. Do not back up as you do this, there's an opening in the floor. Jump over the opening. Shoot the zombie on the right. Go right and find the medikit. Turn around and go right. SAVE before you go near the rope dangling down. Guess what, it's not a rope it's a monster tentacle! So walk forward slowly, looking all the way up, shoot up there when your target light is red. When he's dead, go forward alittle and shoot the army guy who shows up. He was being pulled up by another of those tentacles, so being really careful, climb the ladder up near the tentacle. Shoot the zombie at the top in front of you and the headcrab. Becareful of the headcrabs up here. And turn around and shoot the tentacle monster in the ceiling. You have to jump left and then stay left as you make your way forward. You will come to headcrabs and I believe there's a battery or medikit in a dark alleyway. Then just keep going straight as you were till you can't go farther. Crouch under the pipe and you'll be at a doorway. SAVE. Go up the ladder. You'll recognize where you are. You're in that fenced-in area you saw earlier. You have to jump over the fence to get out. It can be alittle tricky. You have to be at the top of the ladder, face the fence and jump. Just keep at it till you're over it. SAVE. You've got real trouble now. Weird electrical aliens are waiting to fry you. There are still some army guys shooting at them and they will shoot at you too. So, it's another mixture of grenades and shooting to get through here. These monsters are smart! They will duck and hide when they see grenades. So this area takes a few tries. You want to make it back to the big gun area. When it's safe, go to the big gun area, go to the blue broken crate where you can climb over it. Another alien will try and fry you on the other side. So becareful. Kill anything that moves. (If you're out of grenades and you left some up top, now's the time to climb the ladder and get them.) Go toward the fence you jumped earlier. You'll hear the shots and the monsters. The army guys are having a party. You can throw a grenade in there. You have to kill anything that moves in there. Then run over the army guys for ammo. Run up toward the area you first came in here by, where you met your guard friend and found your first gun. See the grenades just waiting for you to pick them up? Get the grenades. Do NOT open the big metal door. There are lots of electrical aliens on the other side. So, throw grenades into the door opening and run back so you don't get hit. When you think they're all dead, walk up to the door and jump up alittle to see over there. If you don't see any of them moving, SAVE, open the door, and guess what, some of them are around the corner waiting for you. This area is tricky if you're low on health. You have to try and throw grenades at them without getting hit. When you finally do make it alive, go in the elevator. You're back with the scientist and guard. You can let the guard kill the headcrabs. Get the guard and scientist to follow you. Go down the stairs to the big metal door, open it. Shoot the headcrab. Ignore the hopping dog-like creature. Powerup and get some health if needed. SAVE. Arm the gun. Go around the corner. You will find two zombies in there. Kill them. Your friends can't go with you beyond this point. Watch out for the dog-like creatures on the left, kill em. The big door won't open. Turn your flashlight on. Crouch down and go in the opening on the left. Go right and you'll come to an open area with a medikit on the wall. Kill the tentacle creature in the ceiling by it. Start running toward the big door at the end of the room. You should see a huge monster through the wall crack on the left. All of a sudden there's debris behind you and there's a way to climb up to the air vents. It's the only way out, so go up and kill the headcrab in there. SAVE. (I don't know if there's an alternate ending, so SAVE here.) Follow the vent till you fall through. See the big monster, try to kill it. I couldn't, and that seemed to be the end of the demo. He get's you! I suspect there are secrets in this demo, so if I've missed anything, some secrets or another ending or anything, please email me at: juliean130@yahoo.com Visit my GameCheater's Clubhouse for more game walkthroughs, reviews, and cheatsite links at: http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/9621/clubhous.htm If you use this walkthrough at a website, please put a link back to me.