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Final Fantasy VII Forbidden Memories





Welcome to "Final Fantasy VII Forbidden Memories!"

8-9-02 Finally I got the site up but theres nothing on it yet so keep checking in for new updates:)

8-10-02 Right now i'm version 2.8 alpha and i'm just about to finish the battle system just gota fix a few bugs:)

8-11-02 To all the familys that lost I feel for all of you but... There's gon' be some stuff you gon' see that's gon' make it hard to smile in the future. But through whatever you see, through all the rain and the pain, you gotta keep your sense of humor. You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit. Remember that. Mmm, yeah. Keep ya head up.Yeah. Tupac Shakur

9-13-02 Damn today is the day Tupac died kind of weird that it's on friday the thirteen but anyways I uploaded a new screenshoot that's about all.

9-21-02 Hey. Well I havn't really made any big updates and I probebly wont post much untill I get something big done so i'm out for now.