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Hints and Tips

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Pain Weed Pain Weed: When fighting the Pain Weed avoid using magic attacks, this monster will absorb the magic damage and heal itself with it. This can be a pain since Nina's only real attacks are from Magic.

Flower Jewel Falling Jewel
Flower Jewel: Following the arrow, enter the area once a question mark in brown appears over your head. Here is where you'll find the Flower Jewel that is needed later on to apprentice under Meryleap... In order to get the Jewel, you'll need Peco in your party, take Peco to one of the Tree's and have him bang his head against it, causing the crow to drop the Flower Jewel.

Finding Honey: If your having a bit of trouble finding Honey, take a look at the pictures, it kind of explains itself. Go to the basement of the Castle and try to talk to Honey, then go all the way back up to Nina's room and go outside and look at Honey again.

Helping Beyd Fight Zig: After being assigned the task to train Beyd, you'll probably want to spend at least 4 nights training with him. Every Night you train, will be basicly the same thing... training will consist of dealing as much damage to beyd without killing him, you will also want to heal beyd just enough so that you can attack him many times while he's defending himself. This will raise the # of defense points he will earn each night and his total HP. As for power, i think every night, it goes up +2 points no matter how much damage he deals.
After your training, theres not much you can or should do to help beyd, I do, although, suggest an occasional heal on Beyd once Zig has his head turn. (as seen in the picture)

Fighting the Vulcan: Figthing this guy is very helpful in many different ways. First off, you get a lot of xp for just killing him. Second, if you cast molotov on him, he'll start to use his magic powers. Once you cast molotov, use your characters to keep examaning him... you'll be able to learn his spell "Lava Burst" which is very powerfull. Also, and i suggest you do this, hunt around and keep figthing vulcans, they tend to drop "Magma Armor", this stuff will absorb fire based attacks, and heal you with it.

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