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~~~~Calla's Story~~~~

Born to DarkMistress and Shyno, Lord of DK. Calla and her three siblings; Shaniah,Druid, and Talorian. Were hours from DM's womb when in the night a darkened figure stole into DM's chamber stealing into the knight with the Dark Kingdoms lastest heirs to the Dk clan. Rune, a trusted member of the family took the infants in hopes the four would flourish out from under the constant struggles and day to day battles of the Dk clan. Feeling that he could do a better job of raising them, he took them into another realm. Where time seemed to move 10 times faster then in Tyran. The four children grew and trained under Runes care. Each child developing and maturing at an excellerated rate. Although carrying a special link. Each one developed their own lives...and is Callas.

During the time with Rune in the other realm, Calla developed a deep love for animals. She spent most of her time with them when her studies and training was usually found in the company of one or many of her animal friends.

One day upon one of Calla's many trips to the forest surrounding their home. The training particulily hard, RUNE seemingly aging by the hour, in his frustration and confusion. He was harsh and impatient. The deeper she walked into the forest the more the tensions of the day subsided. She came upon a small gave and being an inquisitive child she made her way up the small incline to the mouth of the gave. Her wide eyes taking in everything of her surroundings her senses piquied, the realm a beautiful one yet deadly for those not prepared. Within the depths of the cave Calla heard soft whining. Tilting her head straining to listen...sniffing the air she catches the scent of blood...a fresh kill..her eyes lower to the floor of the cave droplets of blood scattered trailing into the darkness of the cave. Withdrawing her sling and placing a rock with in its pouch her arm poised. Calla carefully enters the cave. The stench of death enveloping her drawing a grimace to her face her nose wrinkling slightly. The whining grew louder as she walked further into the cave. Her vampiric eyes quickly growing accustomed to the lack of light in the cave. After a little bit she came upon the source of the noise. Huddled in the back of the cave a young wolf cub. It's mother laying still and lifeless on her side, a large arrow shaft coming from her side. Calla could feel the cubs confusion and fear, it's hunger. PLacing the sling into her pouch, she kneels slowly pulling out a piece of dried meat, one of the staples she chose to bring on her wonderings not knowing how long she will stay gone and liking to be prepared. LIfting the meat to her lips and ting a bite she chews the meat slowly purposely..softening the meat fot the cubs milk teeth. She holds the prepared meat out to the cub, speaking softly soothing the scared cub. The words not undrstandable by any creature upon two legs but the cub seemed to understand and timidly with her tail between her legs walks to Calla, on stubby little legs. Callas face brightens as she feels the tiny cubs tongue lap at her fingers hungerily. "Oh little one,' she whispers "I will be your mother now' the wolf cub sniffs around Calla looking for more. Suddenly a scream of anger and rage echos through the cave. Calla starts and without thought scoops the little ball of fur into her hands and in a crouch makes her way along the wall of the cave. Peering out about a 100 yards from the lip of the cave two trolls stand looking for the wolf that escaped them. Their grunts and gutteral speech chilling calla to the bone. The cub squirms in her arms, 'shhhh' she whispers and the cub settles. Calla knowing the Trolls would just as well eat her as the wolf, their craving of homosapien flesh far greater. She whispers thanks to the Gods that she was down wind of them. With the stealth of the shadows she moves from the cave and slips quietly into the dense grove of trees. With agile feet and spped she runs down the path leading back to the familar wood surrounding her home.

Well needless to say, Rune nor her siblings were to pleased at the new addtion, but Calla was steadfast in her want to keep the tiny cub. In time the cub becoming part of the family and drawing the name Tia.

As Calla grew older things started happening to her that she could not explain. Certain abilities came more and more apparent in her. Of course the normal vampire skills. But she heard whispers no one else could and found things with in her room, no one would claim to have placed there. She found quiet by accident an extraordinary ability to heal. Animals mostly. The First time Tia came upon a bird its wing broken. "Tia, NO" Calla called as the wolf prepared to have a mid afternoon treat. Calla came to the wolfs side, scooping the bird in her hands. Suddenly her skin began to tingle and something seemingly gathered about her. Callas hand began to grow warm and she watched in amazement as the birds wing mended. The bird took flight and left Calla delighted and deeply confused. The presense stayed with her, little whispers filling her head. As she walked back to the Tree house with Tia. She wonders if she should tell her family of what happened. Deciding not too. Already getting teased about her way with animals. NOt wishing to add fuel to her brothers teasing.

As time drew on, Rune came more and more aged. Falling ill, Calla stayed more and more around the home to help care for her ailing Uncle. Asking him questions about her mother and father, and the clan far far away. Gaining a little knowledge. ONly able to ask a few questions before RUNE would tire or become cranky. Well it came to be that a small group of Dk came to their little home. The realm literally riping apart around them. The brave members of the pary saving all fo the children and bringing them to Tyran, and finally their family.

The four children at the age of 13, met their father and mother finally the people of the stories finally having faces. The going was tough each of the four holding a bit of resentment and confusion. Not knowing how to bridge the distance. Expectations falling short, each child envisioning a perfect family upon reuniting. But of course nothing is perfect. and as time wears on the ties slowly form.

~Twas a lonely time, after coming to Tyran. The four siblings watched on as the man they had known as father die before their eyes. RUNE having been gone just a little to long. The resue proving to much for his frail frame to take. Calla and her blings scattered to the four winds. Echo took up lodgings with our father, Talorain vanished, Shaniah and Calla found a makeshift shed. Shaniahs stubborn streak flaring to new heights towards the parents she felt left us to the hands of RUNE. Calla was placed in the care of a couple differnant trainers. Both skilled in the arts of battle. But had a tendacy to be a bit discomforting to the small princess. She turned to the teachings of Kubira, and is now seeking hand to hand training with her friend Billy.

One day, Angel, Lady of Dk, brought in a tall lanky youth. Dark hair with shockingly vivid green eyes. Calla thought she would die, her heart pounded so hard. The boy offered her a smile and she melted. His quiet solemn manner intrigued the princess. and the smile seemed a rare gift. Calla heard Angel call the young lad "Prince of Terra, Zebulan" Calla approached the lady of Dk, and offered to show her nephew around. The lady agreed, and the two youths begain done a path of close friendship that grew into a love so exquiste.

Withdrawing into herself Calla spent long hours exploring the Dk grounds, then evidentually the surrounding holds of Dk. She spent time with Zebulan and dargo as well but evidentually that stopped. Odd feelings coming to her like...she was being followed yet no one was around. Voices would ring in her ears, no voice there to speak them. In the day as she slept, visons would come to her. A mighty battle wizard, Tyr, would share with her dreams of gruesome battles. The base to callas battle magic. But at the time a scary unwanted ghost that haunted her. Nuadhu, another ancient spirit that came to the girl,..she was gentle, and infinately kind. She showed Calla visions of healing, of wounds mending,...the almost dead walking with the briefest of touch from an unknown source. The spirit she calls upon to heal, the time. Another source for fears for the little princess. The last Spirit to come to her, was Kupala. The oldest of all three. Bestowing to Calla understand of her gifts if she chose to ask. plus the key to far better and stronger spells when she was ready.

Calla was visited often by the trio never understanding what they tried to tell her. Of the birthright she was born onto. Something beyond her Dk claim. Calla was the chosen one of an ancient spirital line of witches one born every three generations. The Trio of Spirits following the soul line for eons. The stars must have been aligned all wrong on the night i was born, Calla often thought after she came into her powers. But i wonder off the story, let me continue. Calla was frantic feeling as thou she was going mad. After losing her Wolf Tia,. to poachers, was best she could figure out. She had no one to confide in...not having been around the Castle long enough, she had thought, to form ties. Finding a long dagger she dropped to her knees within the inner chamber of her rooms. The dagger poised above her head swinging down into to bury it's self deep into her belly. A large hand caught her wrists holding her arms firm. She looks up into the concerned face of Billy the Orc. She hears a commotion at the door and sees Zebulan stumbble into the room. Blood tears streak down Callas cheeks as she tells the slowly growing group of Dk of the voices and visions. Angel,...having heard the story before from countless youths in Terra. She gave young Calla a book...a large leather bound history of witchcraft and spirits.
What the future holds.....only time will tell.

~Calla's Infomation~