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Another long-known contributor here, but he's made a fantastic break into the world of fanfics! yCrAsH13, the owner of Crash Place, has made a welcoming triumph in fanfic writing and these are his big hits - "Copy Rats" became the CrashCorner Fanfic of the Month in February as well as the 2000/2001 season's CC/Ezboard Fanfic of the Year and grew so popular there was a series from it, the third of the stories repeating its success! "Out Of Here, Scared Of There" was another big hit, but it closely missed the April 2001 CrashCorner Fanfic of the Month by the skin of the teeth! And "The Yuniverse"? Well, it wasn't really a favourite of his, but it won the Crash Place FFOTM in October 2001! Don't forget "Super Jerki", a classic from the Spring months of 2002, winning the March FFOTM and gaining a couple of sequels from it! :D And don't leave behind "Must Be The Grog", his sketch with Guybrush (from "Monkey Island") and the Copy Rats, from an immunity challenge in Crash Place Survivor 4! :p And we also have the classic "Dingo Mafia" too. :)

Let's hear it for the Rymaster!

UPDATE! 4/8/02 - Another FFOTM winner, and... hey, we see a trend here! :D "Copy Rats 4: Enter Stupid" is Ryan's latest offering, and he has brought a more gripping storyline than the last. That (only just) made it the Crash Place FFOTM winner in July 2002! Oh, and before you read this I suggest getting some tomatoes to throw at the Scarlet Banon... :p

yCrAsH13's stories

Copy Rats
Copy Rats 2: Re-runs Are On
Out Of Here, Scared Of There
Copy Rats 3: The Return - part 1
Copy Rats 3: The Return - part 2
The Yuniverse
Copy Rats Christmas
Super Jerki
Super Jerki 2: Saucy
Must Be The Grog
Super Jerki 3: The Jerki War
Dingo Mafia
NEW! Copy Rats 4: Enter Stupid - part 1
NEW! Copy Rats 4: Enter Stupid - part 2
NEW! Copy Rats 4: Enter Stupid - finale

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