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Sonic Adventure



Fans' Section


Sometimes, knowing too much about someone isn't a good thing.

Character Profiles

Sonic Tails Knuckles Amy Big E102

All profiles were made by AmyRoseyHedgehog
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"Sonikku" Takeshi the Hedgehog


14 going on 15

June 23,1986

Physical Appearance:
Stands 3'3" tall
79 lbs.
Blue fur, spines, legs, tail, and ears
Beige muzzle, chest, stomach, arms, and inside ears
Green eyes
Eight blue large quill-spines on his body
Six quills on back of his head
Two smaller quills on his back

White gloves
Aqua Blue Crystal Ring (large bracelet on his wrist)
White socks
Red Light Speed Dash Sneakers, white stripe across sneakers with a gold buckle
Silver underside heels

Usually South Island, Mobius-but he chooses
wherever he wants to stay or as he says'wherever my
legs carry me'

Martial Status:
Single, but thinking

Spin Dash attack
Light Speed Dash
Running at speeds up to Mach 2
Light Speed Dash Attack
Sonic Spin
Homing Attack
Able to transform into 'Super Sonic' with Chaos Emeralds
Able to transform into 'Hyper Sonic' with Super Emeralds

His Chao
His sports car, the Cyclone
Hangin' out with Tails
Having fun
His two snowboards-a light blue one and a
red,white,blue,and gold one
Any types of music, 'specially techno

Snow boarding in the IceCap zone
Chillin' out
Killing evil
Showing off around people sometimes
Getting far, far away from Amy-chan
Putting his Chao in Chao Races
Standing on top of the 'Tornado' while Tails flys it, nummi taste of adventure.

The word 'slow' and slowness itself
Eggman, of course >=P
Tears, crying actually afraid of it, also
Oppression he hates oppression

Short temper and impatience
Doesn't know how to swim..and hates deep water
Going into things without thinking-in other words, leaping before looking
Amy, sort of (gets nervous around her)
His spines bristle when he's nervous, scared or exited...hard to hide his emotions when he does so a lot

Saving Mobius from any fate of destruction-such as Perfect Chaos
Living his life without regrets

Computers...? Heck, he doesn't even know how to work them.

He's quick-footed, quick-minded and quick tempered, but always has a taste for adventure. He hates showing off his mushy side, as he know that Tails'd never let him live it down, but is very caring and trustworthy when he has to be. His temper is a little short, but not as short as Knuckles'. He pretty much knows what to do in a tough situtation, as instinct plays a large role in his dangerous life. He's the type that would leap before look in some certain situations, which stucks him in some problems, but it all comes good in the end. He's the hedgehog with an attitude, but with a steadfast heart of gold.

Personal Quote:
"I'll never look back, I've got no regrets. 'Cause
time doesn't wait for me...I choose to go my own way!"
--"Sonic" Takeshi Hedgehog

Theme Song:
'It Doesn't Matter'
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Miles 'Tails' Prower



November 23, 1989

Physical Appearance:
Gold-orange colored fur/tails/legs/ears/arms
White inside ears/chest/tummy/muzzle/tips of tails
Sky blue colored eyes
Three orange bangs in front of head, over eyes
Two big tails, white tipped

White gloves on each hand
Red and white sneakers;half white in the front and the back is red
Blue buckle on white socks
The Rhythm Badge is on him

South Island, Mobius and the Mystic Ruins in his workshop

Marital Status:
No way!

Flying with his twin tails
Using his tails to run, like a propeller
Rapid Tails Attack
Spin Dash
Tails Attack

Hangin' out with Sonic!
Woking in his workshop in the Mystic Ruins
Snowbaording and racing with Sonic in the IceCap Zone
Tinkering with machines and little stuff
Inventing little machinery
Mint Candy!

Welll, most of his likes!^.^()
Trying to be as fast as Sonic
Making fun of Sonic and Amy whenever they're together..

Thunder and thunderstorms
Being teased
Being small
Being cute..

Not very strong

To fly high amd reach the highest of all the spirit.
To start being on his own and believe in himself

One in his workshop
Another in the 'Tornado II'
And a whole lot more!

A high-sprited young fox, with an extremely high IQ! He's much more smarter than any of his other friends, but he's never braggy about it as he's conservative. He also a little shy, and hates being teased about his chibiness. But he rarely gets angry, and is really helpful in lots of situations! He hates romantic mushy stuff, as he's always teasing Sonic about Amy to drive him nuts. But, he's definetly a good friend to have, and he'll never let you down!

Personal Quote:
"I wanna fly high so I can reach the highest of
all the heavens. Somebody will be waiting for me,
so I have gotta fly higher!"
~Miles "Tails" Prower

Theme Song:
'Believe In Myself'
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Knuckles the Echidna


16 going on 17

February 2,1985

Angel Island, over Mobius

Physical Appearance:
Red fur & quills
Beige muzzle
White crescent mark on upper chest
9 long quills that hang down towards his back
Deep violet eyes

Large white mits with sharp knuckles attached to them
Red shoes with silver six-pegged buckles and yellow design
Green boot-socks
Occasional silver sun-screen glasess, purple lens

Extra Items:
Large silver shovel claws; for digging
Yellow fighting gloves for attack

Climbing certain types of terrain
Gliding far distances
Digging deep underground with Shovel Claws
Maximum Heat Knuckles Attack - a huge homing attack at anyone possible

Peace, even though he is agressive
Grapes. Nummi.

Bright lights
Loud noises
The outside world and outsiders

Bright light
Too easily tricked or convinced
Believes almost anything he hears
Quick temper

Guardian of the Master Emerald and Angel Island

A peace loving guy - like Tikal -, but with an odd and agressive attitude. He's a serious person, and doesn't like to play around. He's very possesive, and he will hurt anyone that messes with him or his stuff. But he has a major weakness, getting tricked pretty easily. He lives on his own, except with a few residents on his island, so he doesn't know what goes on down in Mobius. He is protector of the Master Emerald, and you'd better watch out - you don't wanna mess with him!!

Personal Quote:
"Born on an island in the heavens, the blood of my ancestors flow inside me.
My duty is to guard the Master Emerald!"
--Knuckles the Echidna
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Amy Rose the Hedgehog

13 going on 14

November 19, 1987

Pink Anthropormorphic Hedgehog

Physical Appearance:
Stands 2'11" tall
64 lbs.
Strawberry-Blonde colored fur, quill-spines, legs, tail, ears
Beige colored arms, muzzle and inside ears
Emerald green colored eyes, two big eyelashes on each of her eyes
Three to four bangs in front of head
5 Quills go downwards, shoulder length
2 quills on each side of her head, one large on the back

Red colored headband behind ears,holds hair-spines back
Red & White Warrior's Feather attached to left side of headband
Red sleeveless dress, white collar, white-edged skirt
White gloves on each hand
Golden bracelets on wrists
White socks
Red boots,center(going up and down)is one white stripe
Black underside and heels

An apartment in Downtown Station Square, Mobius

Extra Items:
A red and yellow extendable Piko-Piko Hammer
A blue and green extendable Long Hammer
Gold, White and Red Warrior Feather's Amulet
A box of Tarot Cards, for Little Planet's Furture.
A pair of Red (can turn into a hovercraft!) and Blue(The Breeze. Ain't he cute?) convertibles
A wide-ranged collection of Sonic mermorabilia! *cling*..and Sonic himself!
This old yelllow magic flying carpet from da Flying Carpet Zone..

Marital Status:
Sonie iz mine. Not yours. Go away!!

Predicting future events of 'Little Planet' with Tarot Cards
Being able to tell when Little Planet will reappear at Never Lake
Able to drive convertibles and hovercraft-car
Can speak japanese ... sore wa himitsu desu!
Hammer Spin Attack- used wif Warrior Feather...lil' hearts come out.
Hammer Jump Attack- aerial hammer attack, rilly high!
The Hammer Jump Catapult-even higher! And it hurts on contact!
Piko-Piko Hammer Attack-lil' pink hearts pop out of the mallet when she uses it.
Long Hammer Attack- same thing for the Piko-Piko, but longer attack raduis and has more vibration to the ground.

Sonic the Hedgehog *-*
Shopping. It's fun. If there's a sale, there I am.
Sonie!!!! ^____^ My hero!
Kawaii thingais....did I mention Sonie is kawaii??
Sonic the Hedgehog, duh!!
My Piko-Piko Hammer..used for hurting baddies!! And Tails too, he's annoying. @_@
Sonic, Sonic, Sonic!!
Flicky Birdies
Very passionate for Sonic...
Her two convertibles...vroom vroom!
Sonikku. o.o
E-102'y' Also known as Mr. Robot..
And Sonic!!
Seeing Sonic blush(THAT'S a rare oppurtunity..! e.x)
Oooh...Sonic... did I mention him? No I didn't.
Enjoying life!
Sonikku Takeshi Hedgehog. He is kawaii. ^-^
Anything that is cute ... and baddie smashing!
Sonic, Sonic, Sonic!!!!!

Following Sonic ded da deda daa...
Being there for Sonic, all the way!
Dreaming about Sonikku......*siigh*...
Chasin' after that blue hunk offa hedgehog!! ^o^
Destroying evil with my Piko-Piko Hammer!!
Playing with Tails. How .. cute. o.o
Shopping at the Station Square Mall! Out of my way!! @.@
Enjoying life!! What do you expect??!
Occasional drive-arounds in my two cute lil' convertibles!! Whee!
Being just plain ol' cute!(as Sonic says!! Whee!!)
Saving any of those cute and cuddly birdies or small animals!

Dr. Eggman! He's .. mean!
Mecha Sonic..definitely mecha Sonic!!
Harm to innocent ones..'specially birdies..
When people think I'm too 'little' or to be going on big adventures! 'Coz I can!
Being called a crybaby.
Evilness! And that mean, green, sentry robot, Zero!
Bugs; especially big hairy ones!!! AcK! X.x

Few battling abilities, well not really, but they work. e.e
Not that very running of course!! Only when I'm chasing Sonic around or attacking Zero! u.u
Sonic's appearance sometimes.
WAY too hooked on Sonic....

To win the blue hedgehog's heart and become his one true love!!
To enjoy and get the most out of life!
To be a wonderful girl!
The only cute hedgehog of pink hedgehog cuteness!! ^^ ::Seera Muun pose.::

Yes, a girl with a silly outward attitude, but a developed heart and a quick mind! Ever since she deafeated Zero on her own, she became less of the complaining one, but has grown more sure of herself. A girl who can control her mallet with one swift movement of her arm!! She can also be very pushy at times, but she's always bright and cheerful. She's always willing to help out anyone or anything in vain! She usually does whatever that comes to her naturally, but she's careful. She's very sweet and high-sprited, too! But she can get very angry when anyone hurts her any of her friends. She can really pack a whallop on you with her mallets! She's also a girl that doesn't give up so easily! But all in all, she just a soft, self-centered girl who has the heart just for Sonic, and only the one and only Sonic. She has a large mallet and knows how to use it!

Personal Quote
" Sweet, sweet, you're so sweet! There's nowhere to hide, come on, let's settle
our lives, I'll always be there for you in the best and worst times,
you can be my sweetest honey for all of eternity!"
~Amy Rose

Theme Song
'My Sweet Passion'
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Big The Cat


August 17, 1983

16 going on 17

DarkPurpleBlueish Striped Anthropormorphic Cat

Physical Appearance:
Stands 6'0" tall
518 lbs.
Deep-Purple Fur - Dark Blue Striped
White fur on muzzle, belly, and inside ears
Yellow eyes, black pupils
Long split-end tail, dark-blue ringed
Big round body
Large extended ears going sideways

Khaki colored gloves
Big halfway buckled darker-khaki belt around waist
Darkblue boots with a khaki buckle
And his trusty fishing rod that he holds in his hand. Oh gosh.

A little exposed hut in the Mystic Ruins near water, of course!

Uhh .. fishing o.o;
Can float in water, inresting, huh?
Has great strength, can lift up things Sonic, Tails, Amy, and Knuckles put together can't lift over their heads

Fishing, no duh
Playing fun games with Froggy

Line snaps
Eggman and evil

Barely any battle abilities
Jumps kind of ... I dunno

Extra Items:
Upgraded fishing rod
About 3-4 lures
A life belt
And his companion, rather, Froggy

To be a free, fun, and wild guy
Adn get the excitingness out of life!

He's Big by name and big by nature. He's a happy-go-lucky kinda cat. He likes the fun things of life, and enjoys every bit of it. He is a bit slow and ponderous, but when he takes his time to do things, it's done right. He has a companion named Froggy which is his lifetime partner. He is also energetic, despite his large patina. Let's get up and go, go, go!

Personal Quote:
"Keep striving for a new tommorrow, I've got
nothing to worry me, come on let's get up and go, go, go!"
--Big the Cat