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Love Letter

Could this be considered a love letter?
I’m telling you that no other love could be better,
Than the love that you give me.
Could I be truly in love?
There’s no better love than the one above,
Don’t you agree?
Could I be creating a fantasy?
Or do you truly love me,
For the faulty creation I am?
Could this be an unconditional love?
I certainly feel light and free as a dove,
And this love’s as sweet as a Christmas ham.
Could someone actually love me like that?
I thought that no one could love pimples and fat,
But you showed me it’s possible.
Could I say that I love you?
I hope that I can and you believe it’s true,
Cause I feel it’s extremely plausible.
Could a child so young as me have a love so strong?
And will it last as long,
As the love you show for me?
Could I be hiding from your full affection?
Is it true that I’m afraid of perfection?
It could just possibly be.
Could you love me even as a mess?
I think that you would say yes,
Even if I’m a bumbling clod.
Could this be a love letter?
Yes, cause there’s no one better,
Than you, God.

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