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  The ninth KAC is organized into four divisions, the assault division, the fighting forces of the KAC, 
the Diplomatic division, the Personnel division, in charge of recruitment and training, and the command 
division. Each division is headed by a fleet admiral, who the rest of the division reports to. The four fleet 
admirals, and the grand admiral, to handle important issues in the fleet, form a council to decide the next
course of action.
Personnel division
  The personell division is devided into two subdivisions, recruitment and training, each headed by 
an admiral. The recruitment subdivision is in charge of recruitment, and the admiral is in charge of 
assigning members to a unit or position. Training is performed by that subdivision, with the admiral
tasked with maintaining the tactical database and other things. The instructors themselves do the 
training, and report to the admiral.
 Diplomatic division
In charge of forming alliances and negotiating with other clans.
Assault division
The backbone of the fleet, the Assault division is divided into battle groups, each containing several 
task forces, which consist of several members. Each task force and battle group is referred to by a 
number, and most functions, including rank advancement, etc. are handled by the battlegroup or 
task force, with only very important issues brought to the attention of the fleet admiral.
Command division
All other divisions report to the 2nd in command, sometimes the only member, who takes care of most
issues, only very important ones are handled by the council.
The chain of command is very important to the fleet, the ranks are listed below, with the associated 
screenname tags, starting at the highest=
Grand Admiral ****
Fleet Admiral ***
Admiral **
Senior fleet commander *
Fleet commander, 1st class *III
Fleet commander, 2nd class *II
Fleet commander, junior grade *I
Rank progression is handled by the battle group, and to gain a rank someone must be nominated by
another member, and voted up by the other members of the battle group. Only the Grand admiral and
2nd in command can promote at will.
1. No member can cheat or modify the game for their benefit alone.
2. No member may intentionally change or sabotage the clan's diplomatic stance with any other 
clan or armada.
3. All members must respect the chain of command.
4. All members should have a tag (KAC) in their names. 
  Have you ever done something special and wanted recognition? Well now is your chance to recieve 
special, official medals. Now, if you do something reeaally special, you can get a very badly drawn, 
utterly pointless bitmap that looks like a badly designed, utterly pointless piece of metal and fabric. 
Maybe. More on this later... maybe.