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Welcome to the Third KJ Tournament.

With this particular tourney we decided to revert back to the old school style of playing and play the tourney in the original starcraft. This will indeed an affect on how you play and if you win. Just remember .. Devourers, Medics, Lurkers, Valkyries, Dark Templar, Dark Archons, Corsairs and Range Upgraded Goliaths no longer exist. So if you were planning on Mind Controlling an SCV and going mass Valks against a zerg going Lurkers your shit outa luck.

Signups are simple. Follow this link to our tourney signup forum and post a simple message telling us who you are going to be playing as and I will sign you up and put you in the first available slot. Observer versions of all the maps for the tourney are available on the brackets page here.

A few rules to make this tourney fun for everyone.

1. Disconnects count as a loss (no rematchs)

2. If you can do it, it is fair (no whining)

3. The maps are set and can be found in the brackets page here

4. Mail your replays to

5. Since this tourney was thrown together in one sleepless night your prize is bragging rights to the title " God of Vanilla".