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Kevin's Super Mario 64 page

Kevin's Super Mario 64 page

Super Mario 64 Walkthrough
Getting Started and Course 1: Bob-omb Battlefield

My walkthrough is designed to help you in your Bowser- battling and star-collecting journeys. Unlike some web pages, which only give info on getting stars, My walkthrough shows the exact directions to get the stars and secrets, plus info on the courses.

The goal of Mario 64 is to get back all 120 power stars in the castle that Bowser stole. I will give detailed directions for how to get each of them on every level. Good luck!

Getting Started

OK, let's get to our walkthrough. You choose a new file, the princess sends you a letter, and you come out of your warp pipe. Now, head for the castle doors.
If you don't know the controls, you can read the signs outside for info. Lakitu will greet you on your way and tell you about camera angles.
After you go in the castle, you are greeted by an unwelcoming voice. Bowser has apparently kidnapped the Princess again, and it's up to you to save her. You'll see lots of doors in the room, but you'll need stars or keys to go in most of them. Talk to Toad on the left side of the castle to get more insight on the power stars. Go farther left to the door with an empty star on it. Jump into the painting. You'll be transported to the first course of your journey!

Level Description: Bob-omb Battlefield

Bob-omb Battlefield is located in the left-most door of the castle's first floor. The level is a field with unclimbable hills surrounding all sides, and there are no bottomless pits anywhere. There is a secret island in the sky, which can be easily acsessed by using one of the many cannons in the level. The enemies, which include Goombas, Bob-ombs, and rolling boulders, are relatively easy to dispose of, and the stars in this level are not hard to get. Basically, this is a great training place for beginners and a nice level to explore.

Level Statistics:
coins: 146
cannons: 6
shells: 1
caps: 3 wing, 0 metal, 0 vanish
warps: 2
hearts: 1
blue coin switch: no

Star 1: Big Bob-omb on the Summit

After you enter the painting, talk to the pink Bob-omb buddies for info. These friendly pink guys assist you on almost every level and sometimes give you access to cannons and other neat stuff. Follow the dirt path, kill the bad guys, cross the two bridges and go in the partially open gate. Avoid the water balloons and boulders and go up the winding path of the mountain. Try not to get hit or fall down the mountain.

In case you do get hurt, the coins recover your HP(health pieces), so get as many as you can if some of your health pieces are gone. jump the gaps, cross the narrow bridge, and jump to the mountain peak. Once you get there, approach to the humongous Bob-omb you see. Defeat him by throwing him 3 times (press 'b' when you are right behind him).

Be careful not to get thrown yourself, so stay away from his reach! Also, make sure that you're not running when you're about to pick him up, because you'll slide instead of punch. Don't throw him off the mountain, or you'll have to start over! When you defeat him, he'll blow up and drop your first power star!

Getting your first star enables you to enter any door in the castle that has a '1' star on it, so you can experience new worlds. But there are still more stars to collect in the Bob-omb Battlefield!

Star 2: Footrace with Koopa the Quick

Not far from the beginning of the level, you'll see a huge Koopa that wants to race you (it appears only after the first star). Talk to him and select 'go' if you're ready to race. He wants to beat you to the top of the mountain, but he is pretty easy to outrun. Just make sure you can make it to the top in less than 1 1/2 minutes, and you'll do fine.

Here are some tips if you're having trouble:

1. Don't get sidetracked. Don't waste your time on coins or battling enemies. If a Goomba follows you, ignore him and keep on going. If something hits you, keep on running! You have a mission to accomplish.
2. Warp Zones. This game isn't like the old Super Mario Brothers with warp pipes everywhere, but it does have warp zones to help you get to the top faster. There are 2 warps in this course.The first warp is from a patch of folwers near the beginning of the course (you'll get warped to another one by the half-open gate.) The second one is from the hole the boulders come out on the side of the mountain (you'll warp to where they come out at the top.)
3. Don't follow Koopa. Koopa takes a route with a slope that is hard to climb for you. Instead, use the route you took for the first star.

If you get to the top first, touch the flag and wait for Koopa. When he comes, he will give you your second power star.

Star 3: Shoot to the Island in the Sky

The third time you visit Bob-omb Battlefield, talk to the pink Bob-ombs. They will unlock-cannons! There are 6 in the level, but you only need 1 to blast to the island. hop into the cannon on a ledge halfway up the mountain, and aim just a tiny bit above the tree.

Press A to fire, and you should land on the island. Break the yellow "!" block, and retrieve your star! You can also use the cannon on the stone hill in the field of Goombas to get the star.

Now, you've gotten at least 3 power stars, right? just 117 more to go :) but don't get discouraged, 'cause the power of 3 stars enables you to open 2 more doors in the castle! Nifty!

Star 4: Find the 8 Red Coins

In every level of SM64, there are 8 special coins. What makes them special? Well, they're red. In order to get a star, you must collect all the red coins in a level. Red coins can be hidden in the most unthinkable places, so look hard! Or, you can read the following.

Red Coin #1: Head straight over the first bridge and turn left. Jump on the rotating elevators and grab the red coin on top. Be careful not to fall!
Red Coin #2: Run through the field with a bunch of Goombas. Go up the greenish hill. a red coin is there.
Red Coin #3: Hop into the cannon in this field and blast to the island in the sky. the coin is right above the tree.
Red Coin #4: Jump down from the island and go near the Chain Chomp gate. The red coin is on its post. Try not to get hurt!
Red Coin #5: After crossing the see-saw bridge (the second one), go under the gate (to the mountain) from a tunnel to the left. The coin is here, next to a '!' button.
Red Coin #6: It's on the summit of the mountain where king Bob-omb lives. get a running start from the gate and run all the way forward (to the steep grass hill). The red coin is on the hill.
Red Coin #7: Go back to the seesaw bridge and take a right. Go into the field next to it. There, among a bunch of Goombas and the 4 posts, is the red coin.
Red Coin #8: Lucky for you, this coin is only a few steps away from the last one.

The star comes out of a blue star marker, which is conveniently placed near the 8th red coin. Grab it and go.

This would be the time to leave this level (if you haven't already) and get 10 stars from other stages. Why? You'll need the wing cap for the next star!!

Star 5: Mario Wings to the Sky

Do you have 10 stars? Great. Follow the same procedure for star #3 and get on the island in the sky. Now, get the wing cap from the red '!' box. Your goal is to get the center coin of each of the 5 coin rings in the sky (near the cannon). There are 2 ways to do this:

1: The easy way is to hop in the cannon and aim in the direct center of the first coin ring. Fire the cannon, and DO NOT press anything! Mario should get all the coin rings in 1 try. Usually.

2: The hard way to accomplish this is to not use the cannon. Just do a triple jump near the cannon and start flying. Control your flight so you touch the middle coin of each ring. Don't take too long, or the wing cap will run out!

Any way you did it, the star will be waiting in the field with the blue star marker. One more star to go!

Star 6: Behind Chain Chomp's Gate

This is, in my opinion, the hardest star in this level. If you're not careful enough, it can get you killed very easily. From the start, go all the way to the Chain Chomp. now, avoiding his hits, butt-stomp the post that he is chained to 3 times. If you get hit, you will lose 3 HEALTH PIECES! that means, 3 hits and you're toast! My suggestion: When you get hit once, go and get the red coin nearest you (on the greenish hill). That'll give you an extra 2 hits to spare.

You can stun the Chomp by throwing a Bob-omb (or crate) at him. This will guarantee you 1 free hit. Remember, practice makes perfect! When you do get Chomp free, he'll bust the gate and leave the star for you! Double jump or wall kick to get it.

Star 7: 100 coins

Everyone's played SMB, right? When you get 100 coins in SMB, you get a 1-UP, right? Well, now if you get 100 coins, you'll be awarded a special power star. Search everywhere for coins! Kill the enemies, get the red coins, and don't forget the coin ring for 45 coins! Note: the star appears above where you got your 100th coin, so it wouldn't be a good idea if your 100th coin was in the air(you'll have to get it again).

Got all the coins? You've beaten the 1st level!