An offensive from the East, Germany 1813
The Russian Attack

This battle report was written by Jay Stribling who was the game-master for the game. We used our Brom Napoleonic rules, adapted from Larry Brom's "Standard Rules" on this web site. The troops are older "true 25mm" soldiers and they belong to Jay Stribling and Robert Whitfield.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Most of the Russian commanders. This photo was taken during the briefing prior to the start of the game and they all seem to be quite cheerful. Left to right: Robert Whitfield, Sean Pitts, Bill Reiman, Mark Stevens. Not shown: Jim Pitts.

Photo by Ed Sansing

A set-up photo, before the Russians deployed. Most of the French commanders are seated, behind their already deployed 2nd Infantry Division. Left to right: Rick Loveday, Bill Estes, Jim Woodrick. Other French Commanders not shown in this picture are Ed Sansing and Sam Darrow. The large belly at end of table belongs to the game-master, Jay Stribling. The French held the hill in the forground with the autumn trees on it, for the entire game.

Photo by Ed Sansing

One full division of Russian cav goes into the attack. They are hitting the French 1st Brigade of the 3rd Division supported by Sam's light cavalry brigade

Photo by Ed Sansing

The French in the south move forward to contest the hill. They gave it their best effort but the Russians were too numerous and the Russian artillery, in a good location, blasted the hill with cannister.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The French heavy brigade in action. It is charging uphill towards a single Russian Infantry unit in line. However the Russians supported their unit well and it won the melee, sending the Frenchmen back in disorder.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Russians begin their advance. The southern units head for the small hill while the center looks to push Rick' Loveday's "Forlorn Hope" of one infantry unit and one artillery battery unit out of the town. The French still held the town at game's end, having tied down the majority of a French Division.

The Scenario

The French are defending against a Russian attack into the rear of the army. The Emperor has charged Marshal Ney with the mission of safeguarding the French army's line of supply. To do this the French players must prevent the Russians from exiting units off the battlefield's edge in the French rear.

Number of Russian units that exit and effect:

No units Exited - Overwhelming French Victory
1-2 Units - Harassing force - French Victory
3-5 Units - Some effect - Draw
6-7 Units - Russian Victory
8+ Units - Overwhelming Russian Victory

Cavalry units exited count as TWO units.
"Spent" units exited count as only ½ unit.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Russian deployment along the eastern edge of the table. Jim Pitts is seated at far end. The table is 8 feet long, and this photo shows almost all of it. The Russians had 2 infantry and 2 cavalry division entering at this time - turn one.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The north end of the French line. The 3rd division in the foreground supported by a brigade of the Cavalry Division.

The French Order of Battle
For this game

1st Division:
1st Brigade: 4th Line (C), 5th Line (C), 7th Line (C) regiments
2nd Brigade: 58th Line (B), 66th Line (B) regiments

2nd Division
1st Brigade: 4th Legere (C), 8th Legere (C), 9tht Legere (C) regiments
2nd Brigade: 100th Line (D), 101st Line (D), 103rd Line (D) regiments
Note: The 2nd brigade is filled up with conscripts and boys, thus the (D) ratings.

3rd Division
1st Brigade: 32nd Line (C), 33rd Line (C), 15th Legere (C) regiments
2nd Brigade 20th Line (D), 28th Line (D), 71st Line (D) regiments
Note: The 2nd brigade is filled up with conscripts and boys, thus the (D) rating.

Cavalry Division
1st Brigade: 1st Cuirassier (B), 6th Cuirassier (B) regiments
2nd Brigade: 5th Lancer (C), 9th Lancer (C) regiments

Due to the more pressing needs of the Emperor elsewhere, the French only have two artillery batteries (A) to support your troops. They may be assigned to any division or divisions. Class A units are the most elite in this game, guard quality. Class B are elite rated, Class C units are line, while Class D units are conscript or militia quality.

Photo by Robert Whitfield

Later in the game in the south, a second, smaller, Russian attack against the French line. One Russian cavalry unit slipped through after cutting hole and using bonus movment was able to exit the battlefield behind the French lines. But it was only one unit!

Photo by Robert Whitfield

A Russian cavalry division in the south. The two units nearest the camera are a cuirassier regiment and a dragoon regiment. The other two units of the division can be dimly seen in the background, wheeling to the left.

The Russian Order of Battle
For this game

1st Cavalry Division
1st Brigade: Ekaterinoslav (B), Astrakhan (B) Cuirassier regiments
2nd Brigade: Pskoff Cuirassier (B), St. Petersburg Dragoon (C) regiments

2nd Cavalry Division
1st Brigade: Livonia (C), Schitomir (C) Dragoon regiments
2nd Brigade: Siberia (C), New Russia (C) Dragoon regiments

1st Infantry Division
1st Brigade: Old Ingermanland (C), New Ingermanland (C), 38th Jager (C) regts
2nd Brigade: Nizhedgorodsk (C), Yeletz (C), 7th Jager (C) regiments

2nd Infantry Division
1st Brigade: Archangel (B), Ladoga (B), Ukraine (B) regiments
2nd Brigade: Pernov (C), Shusselberg (C), Sofia (C) regiments

Due to the fast pace of the attack, the Russian Artillery has not been able to keep up with the troops. Only two batteries (A) are available to support the troops. Each Infantry regiment above consisted of six 4-man stands (24 figures total). Each Cavalry regiment above consisted of six 4-man stands, also 24 figures total. The artillery batteries were six gunners and three guns, mounted on three stands. No one ever paints limbers and gun teams so those are not seen on our battlefields.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The other Russian cavalry division enters in the south

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Russian infantry retains the hill in the south (backed up by artillery)

Photo by Ed Sansing

One of the 4 regiments from the Russian cavalry in the north breaks through. This is the unit that made it off the edge of the battlefield, and into the line of communication of the French army.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The French 1st and 2nd Divisions form line to try and keep the other Russian cavalry in check.

Photo by Ed Sansing

Phil Young and Jim Pitts orchestrate a Russian cavalry breakthrough. On regiment is through the French line and a second is trying to follow.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Russian cavalry regiment is just short of the edge of the battlefield. It pauses there awaiting orders. The French rush everything they can to try and block their movement.

Photo by Ed Sansing

The Russians assault the center trying to take the town and take pressure off the cavalry. Red colored arrows show the direction of the Russian units. Blue lines show French defending units.

Photo by Ed Sansing

It's a trap! Because of a command failure the Russian cavalry doesn't move. French defenders surround and fire. French light cavalry charging into the rear of the Russian Cuirassiers is the Coup de Grace. The Russian unit is destroyed.


The French won the battle. They were able to keep the Russians from exiting more than a harassing force of units off the game table and into the Emperor's rear areas. The Russians came very VERY close to getting at least one more cavalry unit off the field, but the very dice seemed to turn against them!

Flag images above are from the marvellous WARFLAG site

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