A variant for The Sword and the Flame Rules set


Please note that these were written in 1994 for the "Revised edition" of TSATF and have not really been updated for the "20th Anniversary Edition". They do work and are a lot of fun. If there are any questions, please contact Jay Stribling or Mark Stevens and we will make up something to answer the question!

Scenario tips: Take about 2 parts Spaniards, 2 parts Indian Allies, and 6 or 7 parts Aztecs/Aztec allies. Mix well.

By the way, the Indians (Noble "Native Americans") usually win!

Firing: Class I Class IIClass III Class IV
Arquebus1-71-61-4 1-3
Crossbow1-6 1-51-4 1-3
Bow vs Spanish1-21-2 1-21
Bow vs Indian 1-41-31-3 1
Javelin vs Spanish1-31-2 1-21
Javelin vs Indian1-41-3 1-21
Heavy Cannon1-61-4 1-41-4
Light Cannon1-61-4 1-31-2
Roll one D20 per man for Arquebus, Crossbow, Bows and Javelins.
Takes one turn to reload Arquebus or Crossbow. Native bows and Javelins may fire each turn. "Throwing stick" or is a device that extends the range of a javelin. It fires each turn.

Heavy Gun: roll 3 dice per gunner for ball, 5 dice per gunner for cannister.
Takes 2 turns to reload heavy gun. May not move gun while loading

Light Gun: roll 3 dice per gunner for ball, 4 dice per gunner for cannister.
Takes 1 turn to reload light gun. May not move gun while loading.

Weapon Ranges:
Javelins 3"
Javelin w/ throwing stick 6”
Bows 8"
Heavy Gun: Ball 48" Cannister 12”
Light gun: Ball 36" Cannister 10”
Crossbows 16"
Arquebus 12"
Pistol 4”

vs. Spanish vs. Indians
Charge completion
Pass: 4-10
Fail: 1-3
Pass: 3-1
Fail: 1-2
Stand and Fight
Pass: 4-10
Fail: 1-3
Pass: 3-1
Fail: 1-2
Charge Completion
Not applicable Pass: 1-10
Fail: less than 1
Stand and Fight
Not applicable Pass: 1-10
Fail: less than 1
Units without officers -1 to above die roll.
Units less than 50% strength -1 to above die roll
Aztec Jaguar, Eagle, Arrow Knights add 1 to above die roll
Attacked in rear -1 to "stand and fight" die roll
General attached to unit +1 to above die roll


Indians fighting Spanish lose a casting when they lose a Close combat die roll on 1,2, or 3
Indians fighting Indians lose a casting when they lose a Close combat die roll on a 1 or 2
Spanish in melee lose a casting when they lose a Close combat die roll on 1 only.

Units that Lose a Melee are "Shaken" and fall back three D6.

IMPETUS: Spanish cavalry, pikemen, or swordsmen charging into a melee have an impetus. They may add an additional +1 to the close combat die till they lose their first die roll, then they drop to regular melee dice. If the Spanish win 6 out of first 6 melee die rolls the Indians are so shaken that they break off the melee and retire 3 dice shaken. Spanish may follow falling back shaken troops if unused move distance allows or attack any other unit within 45 degrees to front and in range. Must pass “to close” die roll. Target must pass “to stand”. Cavalry may use a D6 bonus move die.

BREAKING OFF: Spanish mounted troops may break off a melee and retire 6 x D6 unshaken at any point.

Movement Spanish infantry 3 dice open order, 2 dice closed.
Spanish cavalry 6 dice
Indian Infantry 3 dice
Movement Penalties Spanish in closed order - lose hight die uphill, down, across any obstacle
Spanish in open order - same but lose low die
Indians - None
Shaken units: Roll DIO when move card is drawn. OK on 6-10. Can't move and remain shaken on 1-5
Unit with no officers test when attempting to move: Roll DIO Indians: Move on 6-10 No move on 1-5 Spaniards: Move on 4-10 No move on 1-3

Unit under 50% - test at start of each turn: Roll D10:
Indians with officer: OK on 3-10, Leave field on 1-2
Indians without officer: OK on 5-10, Leave field on 1-4
Spaniards with officer: Fight to the last.
Spaniards without officer: OK on 3-10 Leave field on 1-2

Any unit which is charged by an enemy unit and has not yet moved may NOT move away during movement. It may test morale "to close" and if it passes this test it may countercharge meeting the enemy half-way or it may test "to stand" morale and adjust its formation or facing.


MAN AND HORSE Any time that a Spanish cavalry unit takes a casualty any “key figure” cards pulled for hits mean that the horse has been killed but the rider survives. Replace the mounted figure with a foot swordsman. The swordsman may move with the cavalry if they move no faster than an infantry move, or he may move to join an infantry unit.

This will slow the game down and should only be used if the forces on each side are not too large.

WOUNDED AND DEAD You can assume (as we do) that wounded on both sides are removed from the field by Indian auxiliaries and are out of play as are the dead. Or you may require the Spanish to carry or guard their wounded to keep them from being captured and sacrificed by the Indians. If you so require the Spanish to keep track of their wounded, give them a sizeable number of native auxiliary units to help with this task.

CAPTURED SPANIARDS: Any Spanish figure which "falls back" in melee is in danger of being captured if the Spanish lose the melee. When the Aztecs win such a melee, they will roll a D6 for each fallen back figure in an attempt to capture him:

Captured figures are immediately moved 2 dice to the Aztec rear with an appropriate escort. They move in subsequent turns when the capturing unit does. If the escorting figures are contacted by Spanish fight a Close combat. If the Spanish win, the captives are freed. If they lose or if the Spaniards make no attempt, the captives are taken to a prominent spot and sacrificed.

Any Spanish unit which has lost captives must test on the sacrifice effect table. Roll a D6
1 = Spanish unit -1 on morale for rest of game.
2,3,4,5 = NO effect
6 = Spanish unit enraged, +1 in Melee for rest of game.

FIRST FIRE: Spanish units may claim right of "First Fire" at any time that either they or their target unit moved. The Spanish weapons so outranged the Indian ones that the Indians were devastated by Spanish fire before they could get into range. "First Fire" allows the Spanish (not their indian allies) to fire before any "Fire cards" are drawn.

DIE LIKE A DOG: Any time a Spaniard accompanied by a war dog falls back in melee, roll a D6 to determine fate of the dog:
1,2,3 = Accompanies master while falling back
4,5,6 = Dog Killed

Any time a Spaniard accompanied by a war dog is killed in close combat, the dog stays by him loyally and perishes also.

QUICKER MOVEMENT To speed the game up, each time a movement card is drawn from the 52 card deck, roll a D4. The Spanish may move that many units if it was a red card, the Aztecs may move that many if it was a black card.


We have played this a number of times at Mark Steven's home in Columbia MS and Mark also demonstrated this game at HISTORICON 95. We played with 25mm Ral Partha Aztecs and Spanish figures frm a variety of sources. Our unit sizes were 20-man units for all indians, and 12-man units for the Spanish. No real reason for this, the figures just divided out that way.

In this rules set, the Spanish have every advantage except infantry movement. The indians take no terrain penalties (it is their land, they know all the secret ways), and that is their only advantage. The scenario designer must use numbers, surprise and the scenario itself to balance the game. We almost always let the indians start hidden. They may move hidden as long as they remain in cover or behind blocking terrain.

The Aztec "knights" (eagle warriors, jaguar warrors etc.) are elite units and should form no more than 30% or 40% of the Aztec total. Indian allies should form 1/3 to 1/2 of the Spanish and Aztec forces (In reality they were more numerous than that). The indians seem to have fought very willingly for the Spanish, hoping to settle ancient grudges against the Aztecs. The allied tribes fighting for the Aztecs were less willing, having been forced into the fight by their Aztec rulers.

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