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Welcome to My World


The Current State of Events

Sites of Interest

A friends wierdness
My growing Twilight page
Morrow Project site I am building
HMGS East site

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. This will be an on going affair with works in many Games. Starting soon will be a PBeM for Morrow Project. Look often, Watch soon.

Important Notice The Morrow Project is Copyrighted (1980) and Owned by Timeline Ltd.

This page is in no way intended to infringe on their Copyright.
All articles are for non-profit, recreational use only, of Players and Gamemasters alike.

The following web pages and information files are related to a Game only. This site does not represent a company of any kind, or a government agency.I do not sell, purchase or represent any of the companies products that maybe referenced or named at this site. I am not in direct contact with any company that maybe mentioned at this site.
