Fun with FF7

            This is my personal fancomic, which originally I just called "The Comic" because I have no imagination, but then I decided to
    come up with a real name, and "Fun with FF7" popped into my head.  Well, it seems to fit, so I'll stick with it unless I think of a better
    one.  Anyway, here's the archive of strips that I've done so far(the entire thing is currently on hold, because I need paper); please read
    and enjoy!  And remember that if you steal any of the art or anything from this page, I'll sic various sadistic villains from my favorite
    anime series on you.  ^-^V

         Strip 1: Hello, Everyone!   The first strip.  It looks REALLY weird, because I didn't have much confidence in my artistic ability
    when I drew it and I did it partly on the computer.  Bear with me, though, things get better.

         Strip 2: Concerning Clothes    This one looks a lot nicer, although the computer and the desk aren't quite right.  Still, the important
    part of this strip was drawing Sephy's clothes and China, and that turned out very well, I think.

         Strip 3: The Cute Thing   Heh - I got really lazy on this one, I didn't draw more than one character per panel.  And before you
    cast judgement on China's fist, YOU try drawing it.

         Strip 4: Return of the Cute Thing   Sephy looks about ten years old for some reason, especially in the 2nd panel…  This one's a bit
    smaller than the others because I scanned it in at a lower resolution, but it's still pretty big.  Someday I'll have something here that will
    explain why Sephiroth's so out of character, or I'll just put it in a strip.

         Strip 5: A New Sephiroth?   My very first four-panel layout.  It worked out quite well, I think.  *sigh*  Drawing chibis is a lot
    harder than you'd think…  Still, I LOVE Sephy's expression in the 3rd panel.

         Strip 6: Interview with the Webmistress   This one's rather boring, since it's all text, but at least it's neat.  And it explains a bit of
    why Sephiroth is acting weird - the full story will appear eventually, as soon as I do a story arc that MokonaChiirushia is forcing upon
    me.  ^-^;;;

         Strip 7: The Mystery of the T-Shirt - Revealed!   Just so you know, I agonized quite a bit over China's first choice in evil bishies.
    You'd be amazed at how few well-known reformed villains there are…  I don't want this series to get too in-jokey, after all.

         Strip 8: Aeris Learns the Ropes   Try as I might, I could not get China and Sephiroth properly proportional to one another.  I wish
    I had time to take another drawing course next year, it would help a lot.

         Strip 9: The Rampage of the Blob   It took me a while to figure out what to do with the fourth panel, but other than that, this strip
    and the next went pretty quickly.  Not having an elaborate third panel helps a lot.  ^-^;;;

         Strip 10: The Rampage Ends   The strangest part of this strip was Aeris's black eye.  I don't understand why, but the first try I took
    drawing it turned out fine.  I've never tried drawing black eyes before, let alone on blobs, but this one was perfect.  Weird, huh?

         Strip 11: The Quest Begins   I finally managed to get China and Sephy into SOME kind of proportion - wai wai!  ^-^;;;  It still isn't
    great, but it's not as bad as in strip 8.  It's amazing how often I manage to avoid drawing China straight on from the front, it really is…

           Strip 12: The Quest Continues   WAI WAI!  I FINALLY got another strip done!  The bad news is two parts: a) it's on regular paper
    because when I drew it I still hadn't gotten more of the cardstock, and b) it sucks.  It sucks a LOT.  I mean, it's funny and all, but the art is
    just godawful, the layout looks stupid, and - this is the worst part - it smeared a ton BEFORE I could scan it in, which means that there is no
    nicer version.  ;.;  Well, even sensei fall from trees, to confuse the heck out of you all with in-jokes from Japanese class.

           Strip 13: The Quest Still Isn't Over   Note to self:  Never, ever, EVER draw anything else set at night.  Most of the basic stuff didn't take
    too long, but blacking in the background just took FOREVER…  I really like the layout, though.  And the art didn't turn out TOO badly,
    though Sephy's face looks a bit odd in the last panel.  Also, he seems to have mysteriously gotten much older sometime between strip 11 and
    these last two…  ^-^;;;  Oh, well.  At least he still looks vaguely like Sephiroth.

           Strip 14: The Hazards of Old Men   Wai!  I finally got this strip finished(after working on it for half the summer...)!  The artwork is at
    a badness level previously reached only by the first strip, but hey, at least it's DONE!  Just don't expect any more for a while - I'm too enthralled
    with the miracles of Prismacolors…

             Strip 15: Maze of Chibis   Before you read this strip, there are a few things I'd like to say.  1.  You should visit my other site,  Open Circle ,
    and read all the episodes on it.  2.  There are probably more panels in this strip than in any other page of comics ever drawn.  3.  You should visit
    my other site,  Open Circle .  4.  I drew this comic after spending a weekend with Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Squee, Shmee, and similar
    unsavory characters, which ought to explain a lot.  5.  You should visit my other site,  Open Circle .  6.  Follow the happy arrows.  7.  You
    should visit my other site,  Open Circle .  Okay, that's enough shameless plugging here in the text; now you must read the comic and enjoy the
    shameless plugging in the artwork.

            Well, that's all the strips I have right now.  As soon as I get more paper, hopefully I'll have this comic going on a daily basis again -
    I really enjoy drawing it even if no one else ever looks at it.  Please send ANY and ALL feedback/comments to,
    because I really, seriously do want to hear from you and I'll listen to what you say.  If you don't tell me what you guys like, how will I know
    what to draw when my personal well of ideas runs dry?  *gives all viewers a puppy-dog look*  Pwease?

Look, here's the little thing that gives me the authority to make Sephiroth act however I want him to act:

O HO HO HO HO!  If YOU want to catch Sephiroth, too, go here:

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