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Wassup all! This is cN_pRiNcE...clan/club leader! You can call me Joe or Joey. Welcome to the "codeNamed" HQ. First I would like to state that this is a website for the club/clan named "codeNamed" we won't be honoring any half-assed clans such as _NZO_, FoA, IcE, etc... If you belong to any of those so called clans I would suggest you leave. You won't find anything here for you.

Now that we got that out of the way I would again like to say welcome. So far "member-gathering" has been well! I would be greatful if we could keep it up. If you decide this is the club for you e-mail me or contact me on zone. Have fun exploring.

To become a member: e-mail me

This club is only for the MSN Gaming Zone

New member has joined with the name of cN_deathscythe. Thanks for joining!

New member has joined with the name of cN_DaMan_15_. Thanks for joining!

cN_DaMan_15_ has been apointed Secretary of Defense and Offense! Good job and good luck!

New member has joined with the name of cN__NextaSy__. Thanks for joining!

cN has allied with _ZF_ AND Nexta!!! Formal cN member cN__NextaSy__ has made Nexta...a new clan of his own! He is still a allied member!

Alerts like the ones above can be importnant to read. They will tell you when a new program has been added to the list. Or when a new member has joined the club. It also will inform you of importnant upcoming events and so on!

Uncle Sam wants you to join to help keep the best gaming network alive and kickin'!

Please make sure you check "Funky Dope" section to get messed up! You can do all sorts of cool crap that I won't mention here so so your gonna' have to go there yourself.

Bored? Go to Funky Dope for some sweet crap. For now try this stuff out! Tetris. Want some more fun? Play the Puzzle Game. And since I'm such a nice guy I'll let you play the Star Thruster 2000. Or if you wanna learn a little more about codeNamed read the Member Pledge. Please make sure you sign the guest book and if you want post a message on the board! Thanks!

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You may be wondering why I make fun of the other clans so much. Not just because my clan is better than theirs but because a lot of the clans push what they do over the limit. Most of the clans all have programs which let them flood or create a macros. I know it can be really fun (for the owner of the prog) to do this, but you don't wanna push it. People will get really mad and will eventually ruin your reputation. So I ask that the members of my club don't be stupid and I want them to set a good example for codeNamed clan members! Thanks.

After reviewing some of the other klan's websites I would like to say the following... First off, ZF, I must admit that your site isn't too bad. I'm suprised that you could find time to sit on your but all day to work on it. But it is nice. On the other hand the rest just suck. Something I have found on the sites is that cursing must be fun for you! I don't understand why you always curse every single time you can. Yes, I do curse sometimes. But I try to hold it back. I just hope you have friends offline who would find you appealing as you sit at the computer typing "fuck" over and over again. If you have anything to say...I don't really give. So keep it to yourself and if you decide you want to share your complaining on the boards or guestbook...they won't be there for long.

If you don't know what flooding or macros are, goto the Rules, Regulations, and Help page.

I would like to thanks the following sites...

Please sign up on the zone before e-mailing me so I have a name to add to my list.

Below are some of the better-known "clans". I can only hope that the people who belong to one of those will eventually have a life.

cN_ Member Links

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
MSN Zone - Gaming Zone
cN_pRiNcE's Vracing Site
cN__NextaSy__'s Site
