Shareware Version 1.00

Tips & Hints

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Cheat Codes

To turn on the secret cheat mode press C and + (on the numeric keypad) together.

  F1 then restores your health to 100%.
  F2 enables objects to be collected.
  F3 enables warping to different locations.
  F4 displays the current location.

Object ID Numbers:
001 - Hair Grip 022 - Insulated Wire 043 - Crate  CT3 064 - Crate  CT3
002 - Stethescope 023 - Aqualung 044 - Bottle of Milk 065 - Crate  CT6
003 - Crate  CT1 024 - One Pound Coin 045 - Roll of Film 066 - Crate  CT7
004 - Bucket 025 - Shovel 046 - Guard's Clothes 067 - Crate  CT3
005 - Screwdriver 026 - Saw Blade 047 - Prison Clothes 068 - Crate  CT4
006 - Toolbag 027 - Saw 048 - Floppy Disk 069 - Crate  CT8
007 - Crowbar 028 - Newspaper  NT3 049 - Wire Cutters 070 - Crate  CT9
008 - Grey Key 029 - Newspaper  NT4 050 - Camera 071 - Crate  CT10
009 - Filled Bucket 030 - Newspaper  NT2 051 - Loaded Camera 072 - Crate  CT9
010 - Gun 031 - Pen 052 - Photo 073 - Crate  CT8
011 - Loaded Gun 032 - Battery 053 - Doctored ID 074 - Note (5-3-1)
012 - Bullets 033 - Radio 054 - Tiny Key 075 - Small Key
013 - Blue Key 034 - Pear 055 - File (Tunnel Escape) 076 - Small Coin
014 - Aspirin Bottle 035 - Cassette Tapes 056 - Cheese 077 - Chocolate Bar
015 - Medicine 036 - Working Radio 057 - Coin (Small Silver) 078 - Loaf of Bread
016 - Apple 037 - ID Card 058 - Coin (Small Gold) 079 - Video Cassette
017 - Newspaper  NT1 038 - Loaded Radio 059 - Lime Fizz 080 - Green Key
018 - Newspaper  NT5 039 - Crate  CT2 060 - Lemonade 081 - Orange Key
019 - Newspaper  NT2 040 - Crate  CT3 061 - Cherry Drink
020 - Chicken Leg 041 - Crate  CT4 062 - Spring Water
021 - Saw Handle 042 - Crate  CT5 063 - Cola

CT1....  Crate Type 1: "A sturdy wooden crate that looks like it can support your weight."
CT2.... Crate Type 2: "A solid oak crate."
CT3.... Crate Type 3: "A solid wooden crate."
CT4.... Crate Type 4: "A wood packing crate."
CT5.... Crate Type 5: "An oak coffee crate."
CT6.... Crate Type 6: "Yet another crate!"
CT7.... Crate Type 7: "A sturdy coffee crate."
CT8.... Crate Type 8: "A sturdy wooden crate.  It fits nicely over a spike!"
CT9.... Crate Type 9: "A sturdy wooden tea chest.  It fits nicely over a spike!"
CT10.... Crate Type 10: "A sturdy chest.  It fits nicely over a spike!"

NT1.... Newspaper Type 1: "A copy of the local rag."
NT2.... Newspaper Type 2: "The local paper."
NT3.... Newspaper Type 3: "A battered copy of the local tabloid newspaper."
NT4.... Newspaper Type 4: "Today's local paper."
NT5.... Newspaper Type 5: "A crumpled old newspaper."

Hex Editing


Easter Eggs






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