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Trader Chat | The CSB Project
December 28, 2007
Two High-Stat Finds/End of the Year Site Updates
Congratulations to fighterjet for having found a high-stat Crystal Great Bow with base stats of +255a/+178s a couple months ago. Also, congratulations to dashuk for finding a high-stat Crystal Nunchaku with base stats of +135a/+162s in the test version of the game.
The Level Raising and Benefits page has been updated with one level-raising benefit that I had left out. The Increasing Stats Guide has also been updated with an additional tip for characters who are trying to raise their wits. Last, but not least, andywoo1 has submitted a tip for characters between the levels of 15 and 20 that are trying to gain experience points. Look for it under the Tips and Tricks section!
One more antique has been added to the Antiques Directory, but the directory is out of date. Please send DC mail to randomorange if you know of any transactions that have been made with the antiques within the past four months.
More base stats have been added to Crystal Weapons, Fields, Castle, Dragon Guard, and Wheel Weapons sections of the In-Depth Weapons Guide.
August 25, 2007
High-Stat Find of the Month/Server Switch
Congratulations to pope waldo for finding a highest-stat Crystal Rams Horn with base stats of +37a/+70d/-13s! In other news, the server for Dragon Court has been switched. In addition, all forums, with the exception of the Tome of History, have been reset. Those of you who have submitted questions to Fred will most likely have them answered within the next few days.
More base stats have been added to Crystal Weapons and Docks sections of the In-Depth Weapons Guide.
August 20, 2007
Weapons Guide Updates
More base stats have been added to Crystal Weapons, Dungeons, Mounds, and Wheel Weapons sections of the In-Depth Weapons Guide.
I'm still searching for a new, reliable hit counter that can track daily and overall hits. There were more than 350,000 hits to all pages before it stopped working.
August 9, 2007
DC is Back
As of 9:30am PST, Dragon Court is back. Now that the game is back, check out the Wheel Weapons section and let me know if you have any weapons that are missing from that list!
August 6, 2007
DC Updates
As you all know, Dragon Court has been down for over a week and hardly anyone knows why it's been down. Just a few hours ago, both the game and the forums have stopped loading. This has lead some people to believe that Fred has pulled the plug on the game, but thankfully, this isn't likely to be the case. Cheshire3 has conversed with Fred and wants to share some of the information about the state of Dragon Court on his DC is Down thread with the rest of us.
July 30, 2007
Wheel Weapons
At long last, the Wheel Weapons section has been added to the In-Depth Weapons Guide. I've been compiling the base stats of these weapons for over a year and there may be some that I still haven't found yet, so be sure to let me know if you find any that aren't listed there.
July 29, 2007
High-Stat Find of the Month/DC is Down
Congratulations to andywoo1 for finding a highest-stat Flaming Sword with base stats of +37a/+12s!
In other news, Dragon Court and the forums were down on Friday night and didn't start working again until yesterday after reset. The server went down again this morning, but the DC forums can still be accessed. Some people have suggested that an upgrade is in the works, but that's doubtful since no changes have been made to the test version of the game. The test server is still operational, so click here to play the test version and get your Dragon Court fix while you're waiting for DC to work again.
Also, as many of you have noticed, the hit counter on the left side of this page hasn't been working for the past two months. If anyone knows of any reliable hit counters that can track daily and overall hits, let me know. There were more than 350,000 hits to all pages before it stopped working.
More base stats have been added to Crystal Weapons, Castle, Docks, Forest, Mounds, and Shangala sections of the In-Depth Weapons Guide.
July 25, 2007
Trader Chat is NOT Down
Many of you have probably noticed that Trader Chat can no longer be accessed through traderchat.tk or libanza.com due to an issue involving an expired domain name. Trader Chat can still be accessed through freejavachat.com or by clicking here. Remember to change your nickname as soon as the chatroom loads.
July 5, 2007
Collectors Corner Updated
The Collectors Corner has been updated. Be sure to send DC mail to randomorange along with any pertinent information if you'd like to have your name listed there.
More base stats have been added to Forest weapons section of the In-Depth Weapons Guide.
July 1, 2007
Newer Highest-Stat Crystal Mystic Staff
Congratulations to sirinnu for finding a high-stat Crystal Mystic Staff with incredible base stats of +142a/+142d/+142s! Apparently, he has had the Crystal Mystic Staff since December but didn't identify it until yesterday.

More base stats have been added to Crystal Weapons section of the In-Depth Weapons Guide.
June 29, 2007
High-Stat Finds of the Month
Congratulations to tommy_20 for finding a high-stat Crystal Mystic Staff with base stats of +97a/+97d/+97s.
Also, congratulations to omaha for finding a Long Bow with base stats of +27a/+18s!
More base stats have been added to Crystal Weapons, Fields, and Shangala sections of the In-Depth Weapons Guide.
June 17, 2007
Silver Gallery and Other Updates
The Screenshot Gallery has been updated with screenshots of the times when creatures had dropped a silver for me. I usually click too fast to save a screenshot, but those who have said that they've never seen a silver weapon before should now know what they look like. Two old-school screenshots of silver drops have also been included.
An amendment has been made to the Clan Leader Advice section as it's no longer possible for a level 13 character to create a clan. This was something that I overlooked when I rewrote the guide last year since I was unaware of level restrictions at the time. Thanks to Dragon_Stalker for letting me know about this.
Both the DC Mail Guide and The Process of Trading guide have been updated to include a very important tip that everyone should know about before sending mail to others.
June 15, 2007
Short Updates
Another method of gaining guts, wits, and charm that I had forgotten to mention has been added to the Increasing Stats Guide. Thanks to Robin for letting me know about it.
The Antiques Directory has been updated with some more antiques.
June 9, 2007
Site Updates
Several guides have been updated tonight. This will probably be one of the last major updates to this site since there really isn't a lot of information that's missing from these guides.
The Rare Attributes Guide has been updated to mention a limitation of the Illuminati ability that I wasn't aware of until now. It turns out that it doesn't halve the cost of learning Sage Skills.
The Preventing Rust guide has been updated to include the rate of rust for items that are in the backpack.
The approximate number of wits and charm that a character will need to gain one skill point has been added to the Increasing Stats Guide.
Screenshots of a warning message from the Queen if a character is in danger of being demoted and of a character who has just been demoted have been added to the Gaining Rank Guide. An example of how much more effective Gaming is than Mingling when it comes to gaining favor has also been included.
The Scrolls Guide has been updated with information about how stat bonuses are calculated for weapons with negative base skill.
Some information about a very minor change that will be made in the next DC upgrade has been added to the Summary of DC Upgrades section.
The Avoiding Scammers guide has been updated with a tip that I should've included.
Finally, two helpful tips have been added to the Tips and Tricks section. These tips should be useful for anyone who wants to put weapons with Flames or Glow to good use or anyone who's trying to gain more wits through dicing.
June 8, 2007
Antiques Directory Update
Some background information about antiques have been added to the Antiques Directory. In addition, the colors of the tables have been changed to make it easier for Internet Explorer users to view the list.
June 7, 2007
Process of Trading Guide Finished
At long last, the Process of Trading guide has been finished. Be sure to check it out if you'd like to learn more about how trading is done in Dragon Court! I've included more than 30 tips for those of you who are new or returning to trading. Feedback from current DC traders is much appreciated as I'm sure that there are still some concepts about trading that haven't been mentioned yet.
More base stats have been added to Forest and Mountains sections of the In-Depth Weapons Guide.
The Antiques Directory has been updated with a couple more antiques. Also, The Multiplier Chart has been updated with base stats that weren't listed on the chart when it was first released.
June 4, 2007
Two Days Later
Just two days after I had posted the list of highest-stat crystals, georgivd manufactures an incredible pair of highest-stat Crystal Swift Boots with base stats of +124d/+345s. Congratulations to him!
Here's a comparison of fully enchanted Silver Sea Slippers and Crystal Swift Boots with Bless in case anyone's interested:
New Silver Sea Slippers: +40d/+320s to +40a/+82d/+720s
Old Silver Sea Slippers: +48d/+480s to +58a/+109d/+1056s
Crystal Swift Boots: +124d/+345s to +60a/+190d/+938s
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Silver Weapons, Dungeons, Mountains, and Mounds.
The Antiques Directory has been updated with one more antique. The Thank You List has also been updated.
June 2, 2007
Highest-Stat Crystals: Almost a Year Later

Back in October 2006, I made an update with a listing of the highest-stat crystals that had been found at the time. 8 months have elapsed since that update, and because crystal weapons have been in the game for almost one year, I've decided that today is a good day to list the highest-stat crystals that have been found so far. Here's a listing of the current highest-stat for each crystal and what that crystal's highest-stat was back in October:
Crystal | October 2, 2006 | Today |
Crystal Staff | +21a/+12s | +25a/+15s |
Crystal War Tusk | +42a/+36d/-4s | +42a/+36d/-4s |
Crystal Goblin Pick | +75a | +102a |
Crystal Rams Horn | +35a/+66d/-14s | +35a/+66d/-14s |
Crystal Mystic Staff | +82a/+82d/+82s | +90a/+90d/+90s |
Crystal Great Bow | +195a/+138s | +240a/+168s |
Crystal Gauntlet | +150a/+60d/-7s | +150a/+60d/-7s |
Crystal Nunchaku | +90a/+108s | +105a/+126s |
Crystal Jaguar Fang | +76a/+153d/-26s | +76a/+153d/-26s |
Crystal Swift Boots | +108d/+300s | +118d/+330s |
Hopefully, some of the crystals that are listed under the highest-stat category of the Crystal Weapons List will no longer be the highest-stats when I make another comparison in the future.
On another note, no Crystal Gauntlets with base stats between +120a/+45d and +150a/+60d have been reported to be found. Another interesting note is that a +120a/+45d Crystal Gauntlet had actually sold for a lot more in April than my +150a/+60d Crystal Gauntlet did back in September.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Silver Weapons, Castle Guards, Docks, Dungeons, Fields, Forest, Mounds, and Shangala. The Thank You List has also been updated.
June 1, 2007
A Field Day with Highest-Stats
During the past couple of months, quite a few players have advertised sales on the Trading Post board involving weapons that they believed were the highest-stats based on the stats that I had provided for those weapons in the In-Depth Weapons Guide. Although I can guarantee that the highest-stats column is accurate for all crystal weapons and most silvers, the simple truth is that the column isn't accurate for all weapons. The reason why the highest-stats for some of the weapons in my guide are listed differently than those on the Highstats Thread is because I only list the stats of weapons that I'm able to verify myself for legitimacy. However, to prevent this kind of confusion from occurring again in the future, I have added a disclaimer underneath the base stats table for weapons whose highest-stats do not match the ones listed in the Highstats thread.
Another update involving highest-stat weapons will be made tomorrow. An interesting comparison will be made between the current crop of high-stat crystals and the high-stat crystals from October 2006.
If you are redeeming your Swift Boots sets at the Dragon Guard, please contribute your results to The CSB Project! Thanks.
May 31, 2007
Section Updates
The Increasing Stats Guide has been updated with an additional way of gaining skill. I've somehow neglected to mention this method even though it's probably the most common one that is used to gain skill in the game.
The Summary of DC Upgrades section has been updated to describe a minor change involving the post office that will occur in the next DC upgrade.
If you are redeeming your Swift Boots sets at the Dragon Guard, please contribute your results to The CSB Project! Thanks.
May 30, 2007
The CSB Project
The External Links section has been updated with details about a new DC project that is being spearheaded by Cheshire3, who has been kind enough to contribute the "weights" of silver and crystal weapons to the Weapons Guide. If you're planning to manufacture some Swift Boots at the Dragon Guard, it's highly suggested that you participate in the CSB making project by contributing your results. The goal of the project is to learn more about the drop rates of weapons and figure out what the "weight" value really means.
Cheshire3 has also provided me with the "weights" of Giant Mauls, Great Helms, and Shurikens.
The Antiques Directory has been updated. Be sure to send DC mail to randomorange or James111222 if you have any antiques with at least 100 base skill that you'd like to add to the directory.
More base stats have been added to the Silver Weapons and Dragon Guard sections of the Weapons Guide.
May 26, 2007
Weighted Silver Odds and Two New Sections
Cheshire3 provided me with the weighted odds of silver weapon drops last night. Thanks to him, it's now possible to make some sort of comparison between the drop rates of silvers and crystals. He also provided me with the weighted odds of Spiked Helm, Amini Club, and Ayotl Shield drops.
Two new sections have been added to the site: Technical Q&A, a section devoted to solving technical problems with the game, and NPC Quotes, a listing of quotes that are uttered by Non-Playing Characters.
More base stats have been added to the Shangala section of the Weapons Guide.
May 25, 2007
Three New Sections
The Event Calendar has now been added to the site. If you know of any events that aren't listed in the calendar, please send DC mail to randomorange along with any relevant information about the event.
The External Links section has also been added to the site. Feel free to send DC mail to randomorange if there are other DC-related studies and projects that aren't listed there.
Last, but definitely not least, the List of #1 Clans section has been completed. If you're among the many who seem to believe that Titan has always been the #1 clan, think again - there are 5 other clans that have occupied the #1 spot within the past 5 years! Can you name them all without looking at the list?
May 24, 2007
More Antiques
Several more antiques have been added to the Antiques Directory. If you happen to have antiques with at least 100 base skill and would like to add them to the directory, please send a message to randomorange or James111222 and include their base stats, any enchantments that they have, and if so, their enchanted stats.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Silver Weapons, Azteca, Docks, Mountains, and Shangala.
May 18, 2007
High-Stat Sea Slippers
Congratulations to sirinnu for finding a pair of high-stat Sea Slippers with base stats of +30d/+240s. This is three times higher than the average base stat of a pair of Sea Slippers!
The Guild Skills Guide has been amended to include the current formula that is used to determine the number of items that a character can use in battle.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Docks, Dungeons, Hie Brasil, Mountains, and Shangala.
There are now 52 antiques listed in the Antiques Directory. If you have any antiques with at least 100 base skill and would like to add it to the directory, please contact randomorange or James111222!
May 6, 2007
Late last night, I had a conversation with a player who had manufactured a highest-stat Dragon Scale Jacket with base stats of +248d/-9s! Although he has given me permission to list his name here, I've decided to allow him some time to reconsider that as it is almost certain that many traders will pressure him into selling it. If in fact he has decided that he would like to have his name listed here regardless, I will reveal it. Congratulations to him!
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Silver Weapons, Castle, Dragon Guard, Dungeons, and Mounds.
More antiques have also been added to the Antiques Directory. If you own any antiques with at least 100 base skill, please contact randomorange or James111222!
May 5, 2007
DC Antiques Directory
The DC Antiques Directory is the latest installment in the series of Weapons Guides on this site. As some of you may remember, the idea of cataloging antiques was proposed a few months ago by Cheshire3 on the Trading Post forum. That idea has gained a lot of widespread support recently since James111222 posted a thread on the Tavern forum in an effort to keep track of players who owned antiques as well as to gain a general idea of how many antiques existed in the game. Such a comprehensive listing may not have belonged on the DC forums as evidenced by the number of times that the thread was deleted, but nonetheless, the catalog is now being hosted here.
As of now, it has been decided that the stats of antique weapons with base stats of 100 skill or above will be listed in the Antiques Directory. If you are the owner of such antiques, please contact randomorange or James111222! A separate listing for baby tiques (Untouched antiques) will be available soon.
Also, congratulations to John_Killer of Titan for finding a high-stat Full Plate with base stats of +42d/-3s! A few more base stats will be added to the In-Depth Weapons Guide tomorrow morning.
April 29, 2007
High-Stat Finds of the Week
Congratulations to poland2 for finding a high-stat Crystal Goblin Pick with base stats of +102a. This Crystal Goblin Pick is far superior to the previous high-stat Crystal Goblin Pick of +75a.
Also, congratulations to Kadabr of Titan for finding a high-stat Nunchaku with base stats of +62a/+75s!
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Mounds, Mountains, and Shangala.
April 15, 2007
Skyrider's Unusually Long Hibernation
Prior to this afternoon, Sky Rider had not been played since March 26 and he hadn't lost his clan standing. That's 20 days! What does this say about the rule that characters must be played at least once every two weeks in order to stay active? Furthermore, what does this say about the common but fallacious claim that the time limit for inactivity is 10 days?
Have you always wanted to know the base stats for the old Spiked Helm? Now you can! A listing of base stats for old Spiked Helms is now available in the Hie Brasil weapons section.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Silver Weapons, Docks, Forest, Hie Brasil, and Mounds. Also, more names have been added to the Collectors Corner. Remember to send DC mail to randomorange if you'd like to have your name listed on that page.
April 6, 2007
When Popular Became Unpopular
For a while, I had assumed it was no longer 30% easier for characters to increase their rank with the Popular ability. My suspicions have finally been confirmed yesterday by Loth Emnati of Titan, who has shown me that it's actually as low as 5%! Apparently, it was 30% easier to gain rank with Popular before the 2003 DC upgrade and has been changed to a measly 5% since then.
A couple more updates have been made to the Rare Attributes Guide. A new paragraph about the old functions of certain rare abilities has been written. Also, the segment about cursed weapons has been updated as Hermione has shown me that it's actually possible to maintain the curse on a cursed weapon. Screenshots of the cursed Spirit Katana that she had sent me are included!
April 5, 2007
Spring Cleaning 2
The appearance of the links have been changed for all the pages. In addition, the net stats column of the In-Depth Weapons Guide has been removed for all weapons. The column wasn't particularly useful since most weapons either have pure base attack or defense.
More base stats have been added to the Dungeons section.
April 4, 2007
Spring Cleaning
As you can see, the appearance of the links on the left side of this page is just one of the many changes that I have made to this site this evening. Here is a list of the other changes:
The names and rollover descriptions of several pages have been changed.
In an effort to promote more activity in the DC community, I have replaced the Network category with the new Community category.
I have merged the Healing Costs Chart with the Healing Guide as it really wasn't necessary to keep the two sections separate in the first place.
You'll also notice that there are 7 new pages on this site:
List of #1 Clans
NPC Quotes
Board Moderators
Event Calendar
External Links
The Process of Trading
Technical Q & A
None of the 7 pages have been finished yet; I only wanted to put their links up so that I wouldn't have to do it later.
The appearance of the links of the rest of the pages will be changed tomorrow.
April 1, 2007
Not An April Fools' Joke
Congratulations to zwack of Frost Knights for having found the highest-stat Bill Hook with base stats of +49a/+14s! Alas, I am now the owner of the second-highest stat Bill Hook (+47a/+14s) in the game.
Also, congratulations to Talen for finding a Crystal War Tusk with base stats of +14a/+12d/-12s. Apparently, this is the worst possible Crystal War Tusk that can be found in the game.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Silver Weapons, Castle, Dragon Guard, and Mountains.
The Thank You List and the Full Items List have also been updated!
March 25, 2007
Late Updates
I've decided that I won't be writing the Managing Alts guide after all since it might encourage people to start multiplaying with hundreds of characters.
In other news, the Collectors Corner has been updated again.
March 23, 2007
Future Releases
It's been a while since I've written any guides here and some may be wondering what I've been up to lately. As of now, there are 6 new guides and sections that I'm hoping to finish writing by early June:
Guide to Trading (comprehensive guide about trading on the DC forums along with input from experienced traders)
Managing Alts (find out how to maintain more than 1,000 power worth of characters by playing for as little as 7 minutes a day!)
External Links
Technical Q & A (provides solutions for people who are having technical issues with the game)
List of Moderators (list of all players who have openly acknowledged themselves as moderators)
NPC Quotes
With the exception of the List of Moderators, all of these guides are currently in the works.
The Collectors Corner has been updated and more base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Silver Weapons, Docks, Dragon Guard, Fields, Mounds, and Shangala.
By the way, it had been brought to my attention two weeks ago that someone owned a few pairs of old Sea Slippers above 24d and another person owned an astounding 31a/186d base Koutetsu!
March 10, 2007
Decent Weird Knife
While questing in the Mounds a few days ago with an alt, I found a +27a/+18d/+27s Weird Knife. It isn't the highest-stat Weird Knife, but it may be the highest-stat unrusted Weird Knife in the game.
The Collectors Corner section has been updated. Remember to send DC mail to randomorange if you'd like to see your name on the list.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Mounds, Dungeons, and Fields.
March 4, 2007
Multiplier Chart Finished
At long last, the Multiplier Chart has finally been completed. Only time will tell if this chart will be of any use to players, but I do believe that it can be useful for making small transactions. Feel free to take a look at the chart if you have time and let me know what you think.
In other news, the Random's Giveaways section has been updated and more base stats have been added to the following sections: Silver Weapons and Mounds.
February 24, 2007
Case of the Rareless Rares
The Rare Attributes Guide has been updated with some more information about "rareless" weapons.
February 23, 2007
Highest-Stats and a Lowest-Stat
Congratulations to trisultan of Gryffindor for finding the highest-stat Crystal Nunchaku with base stats of +105a/+126s. Also, congratulations to andywoo1 of Bloodfin for finding the highest-stat Broad Sword with base stats of +22a/+2s. Wheel weapons are not currently recognized in the In-Depth Weapons Guide, but they will be soon!
Last but not least, congratulations to tama8691 of Frost Knights for finding the current lowest-stat Crystal Mystic Staff with base stats of +60a/+60d/+60s.
In other news, the Collectors Corner section has been updated. Be sure to send DC mail to randomorange if there are items or weapons in the game that you're trying to collect.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Dragon Guard, Dungeons, Fields, and Mounds.
January 27, 2007
Silver Weapons List Update
More base stats for the Silver Weird Knife have been added to the Silver Weapons List.
Has anyone found any Silver Giant Mauls with base stats between 162a and 189a?
January 17, 2007
In-Depth Creatures Guide Preview
Be sure to take a look at the In-Depth Creatures Guide for a general preview of this upcoming guide! Unfortunately, the guide isn't likely to be finished until sometime during the summer. I have started classes again as of yesterday and occasional updates will be made to this site. For inquiries about anything pertaining to this help site or the game, be sure to send DC mail to randomorange. Don't forget to mail me if you'd like to see your name on the Collectors Corner.
January 15, 2007
Low-stat Crystal Jaguar Fang
About a month ago, sirinnu from Wizards & Warriors had found a mediocre Crystal Jaguar Fang with base stats of +31a/+63d/-64s. As far as I know, this is the worst possible Crystal Jaguar Fang that can be found in the game.
Minor changes have been made to the Full Items List section, Summary of DC Upgrades, Gaining Rank Guide, and Questing Tips Guide.
January 12, 2007
Minor Updates
A minor correction has been made to the Summary of DC Upgrades section; there are actually 9 Dragon Guard missions, not 10.
The name of the In-Depth Dragon Guard Guide has been changed to just the Dragon Guard Guide since it really isn't any different than many of the other guides on this site.
3 collectors have been added to the Collectors Corner section. Be sure to send DC mail to randomorange with the appropriate information if you would like to see your name on this list.
January 10, 2007
High-Stat Silver Amini Club and 8 New Sections
Khronik15 of Bloodfin has found a high-stat Silver Amini Club with base stats of +266a/+570s earlier this week. When fully enchanted, this mighty right-handed weapon provides more than 400 attack points! Congratulations khronik15.
8 new sections have finally been added to this help site! Be sure to take a look at each of them and let me know if I've made any mistakes:
Level Raising and Benefits
Bottled Faeries Guide
Gaining Rank Guide
Guild Skills Guide
Collectors Corner
Random Giveaways
Summary of DC Upgrades
The Multiplier Chart (not finished)
The copyright notice on the bottom of each page of this site has been amended.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Silver Weapons, Dragon Guard, Dungeons, and Mounds.
December 27, 2006
Suggestions for New Sections
This help site is by no means complete, and there are some new guides and sections that I'm expecting to finish writing sometime next week:
Catching Faeries
Guild Skills Guide
Gaining Rank
Level Raising and Benefits
DC Upgrade of 2002
DC Upgrade of 2003
DC Upgrade of 2005
DC Upgrade of 2006
DC Upgrade of 2007 (detailed information about the next DC upgrade)
Collectors Corner
Random Giveaways
The Multiplier Chart (chart for comparing weapons)
I believe that covers just about everything in the game, but I'm always open to suggestions. Other than the guides and sections listed above, what else would you like to see on this site? Please send all inquiries to randomorange through DC mail before the end of this week.
December 26, 2006
Major Site Update #2 and the Low-Stat Crystal Gauntlet
The second installment of major updates to this help site has finally been complete. Here are some of the details:
Commentary has been added to the Increasing Stats Guide.
More information has been added to the Enchanting Weapons Guide.
The Clan Leader Advice section has been amended to include helpful information about choosing clan abilities as well as information about two clans with 7 clan abilities.
The Preventing Rust guide has been updated again to include another major preventative measure for reducing the severity of rust: renting a room or a suite instead of camping out.
Many more tips and tricks have been added to the Tips and Tricks section. Fixing lag and manufacturing DSJs more efficiently are two of the seven tips and tricks that were added, so be sure to take a look at all of them!
More information about rare weapons has been added to the Rare Attributes Guide.
A very minor update has been made to the In-Depth Weapons Guide. See if you can spot the minor change.
Also, a player by the name of Nofgana has found a low-stat Crystal Gauntlet with base stats of 52a/21d/-21s. As far as I know, this is the lowest Crystal Gauntlet that can be found in the game.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Azteca, Dragon Guard, Dungeons, Forest, and Mounds.
December 23, 2006
Major Site Update #1
Some of you may recall when I was in a hurry during the summer to bring this entire help site up to date while adding many new sections that weren't included on the old site. Throughout the past few months, I've been meaning to add a few updates to some of the existing sections but couldn't find the time to do so. These sections, however, have finally been updated today and here are some of the details:
In the Preventing Rust guide, I've added a very helpful tip for preventing rust if you ever find yourself in a situation in which you don't have any quests, oils, or a blessing from the Royal Court. How is this possible, you ask? Read all about it!
The Scrolls Guide has been updated to include the calculation of the success rate of any scroll. Find out how you can calculate the success rate of a scroll yourself.
Information about the Gobble Inn Postcard has been added to the DC Mail Guide and a short paragraph about how players used to save the game by sending mail has been included.
The Wheel Guy section has been updated to include information about his future weapon offers, or lack thereof.
A disclaimer has been added to the Reset Times section to explain why the list of times may not be accurate during this time of year.
Finally, minor updates have been made to the Identifying Weapons guide, Clan Leader Advice, Item Shops, Top 24 Clan Standings, and the Who Owns This Site section. I've also updated the descriptions for Shangala, Silver Weapons, and the Crystal Weapons list.
There will be another major site update tomorrow, so be sure to check back again!
December 20, 2006
Hotlinking Error
Throughout the day, a no hotlinking message has been displayed on nearly all the images on this site and I will switch hosts tomorrow afternoon if this error message continues to persist. I understand that the images still work since they load properly on other websites, so I suspect that imageshack is only disabling hotlinking from all angelfire sites. I apologize for any inconvenience that this error message may be causing.
December 18, 2006
Important Update to Weapons Guide
For further comparisons between weapons, I have now included the Max Enchants column to all weapons on the Weapons Guide. Those of you who happen to be math scholars can feel free to take a look at the new column and see if any of the calculations are awry. I have also updated the weapon descriptions for the Matchlock Rifle and the new Silver Amini Club. I detracted my previous statement that the new Silver Amini Club is worse than the old SAC because it turns out that it isn't.
The Best Weapons Guide has been updated to include the Crystal Great Bow. Also, a disclaimer has been added to the index page of the Weapons Guide to explain two limitations of the guide.
Also, along with finding the highest-stat Goblin Pick last week, I have found the lowest-stat Crystal Goblin Pick with base stats of 43a. Has anyone else found a Crystal Goblin Pick with even lower base stats?

More base stats have been added to the following sections: Azteca, Docks, Dungeons, Forest, Hie Brasil, Mounds, Mountains, and Shangala. This is the first of many updates that are going to be made to this site within the next few weeks, so be sure to keep checking back often!
December 11, 2006
High-Stat Goblin Pick
It's been a while since I've found a high-stat weapon, but yesterday evening, I found a high-stat Goblin Pick with base stats of 46a. This is a slight improvement over the previous high-stat Goblin Pick:

I'm also pleased to announce that I have found my first Crystal Great Bow today. However, after questing at the Docks on a daily basis for months, I still haven't found a pair of Silver Sea Slippers.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Dragon Guard, Dungeons, Forest, and Mounds.
December 3, 2006
New Areas in the next DC Upgrade
Much speculation has been made about the possible addition of a Snow area in the next DC upgrade. Earlier yesterday afternoon, I received word from a trusted source that there is indeed going to be a Snow area as well as another new area. Yes, this means that the next DC update will have not one, but two new areas. :)
Knowing that there will be two new areas in the game, I suppose that we should now begin to make speculations about the types of weapons that we might see. Will we see weapons that are better than the Imacaci Masks, Silver Amini Clubs, and Crystal Jaguar Fangs of Azteca? These questions and many more will be answered as soon as the next DC upgrade is released.
By the way, none of the changes involving the new areas have been applied to the DC test version yet. As soon as this happens, however, I'll be sure to report my findings here. I also won't be updating this page for the next two weeks unless something big happens.
November 24, 2006
A November Update
I hope that everyone had a good Thanksgiving yesterday! After today, I won't be updating this site again until possibly mid-December. Anyway, 2 players have found high-stat weapons since my last update a few weeks ago:
Congrats to dathron of Bloodfin, who has manufactured a high-stat Jaguar Mantle with base stats of +238d/+112s! When fully enchanted, along with Bless, this Jaguar Mantle provides even more defense than a high-stat Dragon Scale Jacket.
Also, congrats to CronoBoA of Frost Knights for finding a high-stat War Tusk with base stats of +21a/+18d. This is three times higher than the average base stat of a War Tusk!
In order news, minor changes have been made to the Full Item List and the Gems Guide.
Last, but not least, more base stats have been added to the following sections: Silver Weapons, Azteca, Dragon Guard, Dungeons, Fields, Forest, Mounds, and Shangala. More features will be added to the In-Depth Weapons Guide soon, so be on the lookout for some really big changes to these sections.
October 30, 2006
High-Stat Finds of the Month
Hey everyone, I apologize for the sudden lack of updates. My life has been pretty busy lately as I've had to take midterms for all my classes and also have many projects and papers that will be due within the next few weeks. Needless to say, very few updates will be made to this site between now and mid-December. As soon as the semester is over, I'll devote more of my time to this site and I will create a few new sections that I think many of you will like.
Anyway, October has been an eventful month for the discovery of high-stat weapons. The following 4 players have found high-stat crystals and silvers since my last update to this site:
Tikkiman of Titan has found a high-stat Silver Amini Club with base stats of +252a/+540s. This monstrosity of a weapon is about as rare as a +180a/+540s old SAC, but it's obviously far superior in attack. In fact, when fully enchanted, it exceeds the attack of the old high-stat SAC (+230a/+690s) despite having much less skill.
ev1lb0b of New Dawn has found a high-stat Crystal Swift Boots with base stats of +118d/+330s, a marked improvement over the previous pair of high-stat Crystal Swift Boots (+108d/+300s). He is now the owner of the best non-antique pair of footwear in the game.
Earlier this week, jackthebear of Wizards & Warriors found a high-stat Crystal Great Bow with base stats of +240a/+168s, a huge improvement over the previous high-stat Crystal Great Bow (+196a/+138s).
And just a few days ago, FieryWolf found a high-stat Crystal Staff with base stats of +25a/+15s, a nice improvement over the previous high-stat Crystal Staff (+21a/+12s).
Updates have been made to the following sections of this site: The Full Item List, Trading Post Terms, Clan Leader Advice, and the Thank You List.
In addition, more base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Silver Weapons, Azteca, Dragon Guard, Fields, Hie Brasil, Mounds, Mountains, and Shangala. Enjoy the updates!
October 3, 2006
Sections Updated
It appears that nearly all the updates that have been made to this site for the past 2 months have been related to the addition of base stats to the Weapons Guide. Not today, however. Minor changes have been made to the Full Items List and the outdated Item Selling Prices guide, and another person has been added to the Thank You list.
Still, I've added more base stats to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Azteca, Dragon Guard, Dungeons, and Shangala.
October 2, 2006
How to Find High-Stat Weapons/Current High-Stat Crystals
In less than two months, I've been fortunate to find 5 high-stat weapons: a 47a/14s Bill Hook, 41d/-3s Great Helm, 21a/12s Crystal Staff, 35a/66d/-14s Crystal Rams Horn, and most recently, a 150a/60d/-7s Crystal Gauntlet. Of these 5 high-stat weapons, 3 of them have been traded away. Since I quest with 10 or so characters every day, it may seem rather unbelievable that I've been able to find such weapons, but I can think of a few perfectly reasonable explanations for my recent successes.
For one thing, it's easier to find a high-stat version of a weapon that has only been available in the game for so long, such as all crystal weapons and the new Silver Amini Club. The discovery of a 150a/60d/-7s Crystal Gauntlet may have been a huge 33% increase over the previous high-stat Crystal Gauntlet, but because the maximum base stat multiplier for most weapons is said to be between 2.5 to 2.7 times higher than the average base stats, it's almost certain that an even higher-stat Crystal Gauntlet will be found eventually. Crystal weapons simply haven't been around long enough.
Another reason is that it's usually easier to find a high-stat weapon from a "lesser" area of the game since these are the areas that few people, other than newer players, habitually quest at. After all, many people are always trying to find the best gear that they can get their hands on and ignore questing areas such as the Mounds or the Mountains.
One final explanation is that high-stat weapons aren't always reported. After all, it seems that only a handful of the thousands of players in this game post on any sort of DC forum. In particular, newer players may not even know that they possess a high-stat weapon - someone at the Trading Post yesterday who participated in a giveaway for upgrades had a 54a/54s Cross Bow equipped!
I think it's likely that most of the crystals that are currently listed under the high-stats category of the Crystal Weapons list will no longer be the high-stats by the end of this year. Since crystal weapons have been available for slightly more than 3 months, perhaps now would be a good time to list the high-stat Crystals that have been found as of October 2, 2006:
Crystal Staff: +21a/+12s
Crystal War Tusk: +42a/+36d/-4s
Crystal Goblin Pick: +75a
Crystal Rams Horn: +35a/+66d/-14s
Crystal Mystic Staff: +83a/+83d/+83s
Crystal Great Bow: +196a/+138s
Crystal Gauntlet: +150a/+60d/-7s
Crystal Nunchaku: +90a/+108s
Crystal Jaguar Fang: +76a/+153d/-26s
Crystal Swift Boots: +108d/+300s
A few additions will be made to the Weapons List either later today or tomorrow.
September 28, 2006
Today was by far the best day I've had on Dragon Court ever since I returned to the game a few months ago. Because questing for CSB making weapons had become rather tedious, I recently decided to hunt for Titan Blade making weapons instead since I'd only have to sort through 3 types of weapons instead of 8. While gathering some more Gladius' today, I found my second Crystal Gauntlet and was in for a huge surprise when I identified it at the shop:

The previous high-stat for the Crystal Gauntlet was 112a/45d/-10s, so I was pretty stokked when I found this. I'd love to keep it, but it isn't doing any good sitting in my storage and I know that there are people out there who are going to want it. I'll auction it off at the Trading Post as soon as I can think of something that I'd like to trade it for.
Needless to say, the Crystal Weapons list has now been updated!
I'd also like to thank Binja for trading his 170a SAC for my 80 CSB sets. Of course, now that I've found this Crystal Gauntlet, I might actually be able to get my hands on an even better old SAC! :)
September 27, 2006
Weapons Correlations/Maximum Enchants
Being the nerd that I most likely am, I've conducted a few "cross-weapon comparisons" and have discovered that there are some remarkable trends between certain higher-level weapons in this game. Through these comparisons, I've determined that it's very possible that someone will eventually manufacture a 256d DSJ at the Dragon Guard. I'll report my findings in a new section and will provide a detailed explanation for all of this as soon as I have the time to do it.
I've also decided that it may be a good idea to list the maximum amount of successful enchant scrolls that can be applied to every untouched, unrusted weapon in this game. Expect this feature to be added to the Weapons Guide as soon as I have the time to do it.
In other news today, more base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Silver Weapons, Castle Guards, Docks, Dragon Guard, Dungeons, Forest, Mounds, Mountains, and Shangala.
September 17, 2006
High-Stat Crystal Rams Horn
While questing in the Mountains for CSB sets earlier this morning, I found a high-stat Crystal Rams Horn! Here's a screenshot of it:

I believe that this is the 16th crystal that I've found so far and the Crystal Weapons List has now been updated.
September 16, 2006
High-Stat Mystic Robes
Zidarian from Wizards & Warriors has found a Mystic Robes with base stats of +70d/+33s, which is far superior to the previous high-stat of +61d/+29s. Click here to view a screenshot (452 KB) of his Mystic Robes.
More base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Forest, and Dungeons. I'm also pleased to announce that I've found my first Crystal Mystic Staff today.
September 14, 2006
DC's First Crystal Staff
While questing in the Fields earlier today with one of my storage characters, a Wizard dropped a 21a/12s Crystal Staff. Since I haven't seen anyone at the Trading Post sell a Crystal Staff yet, I'm assuming that this is the first Crystal Staff that has been found in the game. If it isn't the first, then it's most definitely one of the few that exist in the game. Here's a screenshot of it:

I'm more than willing to trade this Crystal Staff for any possible upgrades to my main character. In other news, more base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Silver Weapons, Castle Guards, Dragon Guard, Fields, Forest, Mounds, and Shangala.
September 10, 2006
The REAL Odds of Finding a Crystal
Crystal weapons were introduced to the game just less than 3 months ago, and I've found 11 crystal weapons since then - 4 Crystal War Tusks, 2 Crystal Rams Horns, 1 Crystal Gauntlet, 1 Crystal Jaguar Fang, and 3 Crystal Swift Boots. Although it seems that a lot of people still haven't found their first crystal yet, I suspect that the posted odds of finding a crystal weapon are incorrect. Crystal War Tusks, for example, are so easy to find that I don't believe that the odds of finding a CWT can be 1 in 1500. If these really are the odds, then I should theoretically have found 60 Silver Elf Bows by now. Another thing that I'd like to point out is that the odds of finding a silver weapon are posted as 1/1000, but since all silver weapons in the game have a 1% chance of being dropped, this leads me to believe that crystal weapons are actually 10 times easier to find than the posted odds. After all, it does make more sense that the odds of finding a CWT are 1 in 150 instead of 1 in 1500. With this in mind, I've decided to update the Crystal Weapons List with the adjusted odds. Please let me know if you disagree with this change.
In addition, a few more base stats have been added to the following sections: Crystal Weapons, Azteca, Castle Guards, Dragon Guard, Dungeons, Forest, Mounds, Mountains, and Shangala.
September 6, 2006
Sections Updated
A few acronyms have been added to the Trading Post Terms section and one very minor change has been made to the Full Item List.
September 2, 2006
Low-Stat Crystal Rams Horn
Bagga from Wizards & Warriors has found a Crystal Rams Horn with base stats of +14a/+27d/-34s. As far as I know, this the lowest Crystal Rams Horn in the game by far. A few new additions have been added to the Crystal Weapons List.
For old news from July and August 2006, click here.
For even older news, click here to read news from 2002.
For much, much, much older news, click here to read news from 2001.
No updates were made to this site in 2004, and the only updates from 2003 and 2005 are displayed under the news from 2002.