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Misty Hills

*You're driving along a country road, you see a turn off with a large sign above it labled MISTY HILLS. Curious, you decide to check it out and turn onto the long road. You emerge from the tree-lined road and before you is a large town-like place. A pretty blond girl of about 17 steps up to you and smiles. She speaks to you* Hello and welcome to Misty Hills! My name is Ashley, I'm the owner. Here at Misty Hills, we have the best horse facilities for miles around including a world-class racetrack, show grounds, and barns to hold thousands. We also have appartments and condos for the people who board here. The downtown part of Misty Hills has everything you could want such as stores, a movie theatre, a swimming pool, and many other things. Go ahead and take a look around, I hope you decide to stay with us! if you do, stop by the registration office and see me. Well, I have some things to do, so I'll let you be, I hope you stay with us! *she waves before hurring back to the building she had come from leaving you to look around yourself.....


Registration Office
Misty Hills Rules
Misty Hills Poll, help make Misty Hills Better!
Appartments and Condos
Main Barn
Training Oval/ Riding Rings
Private Barns
Main Paddocks
Oak Tree Forest
Riding Trails
Stud Barn
Misty Hills Beach
Misty Hills Shopping Mall
Movie Theatre
Swimming Pool
Vet's Office
Bying/Selling Barn
Misty Hills Show Grounds
Misty Hills Racetrack