1 - 369th off to a bad start... gee I wonder who won...
2 - 7th wipes out MDP and a 56th in default ABA (nice Il-96 Rocker, lol)
3 - 94th takes a dump on the MDP
4 - Agg takes out RBK
5 - where ya going Coops?
6 - hmm... what's that smell... could it be those dead MDP?
7 - Diablo owns the night
8 - Aggressor owns the enemies
9 - die Delta! lol
10 - Diablo takes out a base in the dark
11 - prepare to die...
12 - Diablo taking out Sir Rip's X-29 in a Marchetti
13 - sorry about the bruised ass Reg, but please... don't be a pussy
14 - Stan, stop quitting when you're losing
15 - you too Reg...
16 - hey GT... can you stop whining or something?
17 - the Excalibur opens up the can of whoop-ass