1 - 7th owns opposition
2 - 94th kickin some ass
3 - Aggressor takes out a VVS
4 - 7th takes out Buzz and KC
5 - Aggressor takes out RBK
6 - bow down to the Excalibur
7 - 7th takes out KC and Spike
8 - can you smeeeeeeeelll... what Diablo is cookin?
9 - Diablo and Agg wipe out some JFCs
10 - even one of the opponent's A-10 does not help
11 - Diablo and Cannon kick ass
12 - Diablo domiation
13 - 7th takes out RBK and Delta
14 - Diablo owns the FFA
15 - Excalibur wipes the ground with the enemy's asses
16 - 7th takes out some 323s
17 - Diablo shuts down LowCrawl_369th
18 - later Budman...
19 - suck it!
20 - Diablo takes out Silverfox
21 - Diablo wins a 2v1 ABA
22 - ouch... might needs some bandaids for this one...
23 - JVFS gets ripped and torn
24 - later Crash...
25 - no contest
26 - 7th takes out MDP
27 - oops... sorry for kickin your ass too hard Short
28 - sorry T2... can't help it if you suck
29 - total 7th domination
30 - wtf... kiss my ass as I kick yours